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EU Clan Wars [Season 3]


Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
Staff Application:
Name: Ignacio
IGN: ZableMonkeys139 - Cuenta
Clan Experience:I have been doing clans since January 2014 here are some of my past clans: rebels, ritual, exodus, emperors, phoenix, cobalt
Current Clan: Genesis
Why you deserve to be staff?: [Paragraph Form] I think I have enough clan experience and I dont hold a bad reputation I always try to talk it out and be as fair as possible. Im a really chill person and I like to think that Im mature. I want to be involved in this kind of events as they are the most you can achieve as a clan person and it looks pretty fun to me.
Last edited:


Aug 6, 2015
Reaction score
Clan Application:
Clan Name: Osadia
Clan Leader: Tiqre & Jaydeen {Contact: pikzl.mcsg}
How many members are in your clan? 11-14
How long have you been around? 2 months
Clan Thread? http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/osadía-eu-esp.269168/
Do you agree to all of the Rules? Yep
How many members are in your clan? ENOUGH
How long have you been around? SINCE BEFORE YOU WERE BORN
Clan Thread? NONE ATM - SOON
Do you agree to all of the Rules? NO FIGHT ME
Clan Application:
Clan Name:Hiatus
Clan Leader:Buju,Puffybears,Ege
How many members are in your clan? 8
How long have you been around?6 month
Clan Thread?http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/hiatus.238258/
Do you agree to all of the Rules?yes
Clan Name: Typhoon
Clan Leader: ronnieprincess
How many members are in your clan? enough
How long have you been around? since the day nignun was born
Clan Thread? http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/typhoon-eu.156066/#post-1693104
Do you agree to all of the Rules? yes
Clan Application:
Clan Name: Imperials
Clan Leader: MosigCow, Skilf
How many members are in your clan? 10+
How long have you been around? 1 month but have had other succesful
Clan Thread? http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/imperials-eu.274385/
Do you agree to all of the Rules? Yes
Clan Name: Insurgent
Clan Leader: FierinoPvP
How many members are in your clan? 10
How long have you been around? more than 1 year
Clan Thread? http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/insurgent.235828/
Do you agree to all of the Rules? shur
Clan Application:
Clan Name: Krypton
Clan Leader: Ledger
How many members are in your clan? 21
How long have you been around? 2 months
Clan Thread? http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/kryptoneu-❖.266512/#post-2526490
Do you agree to all of the Rules? Yes
Clan Name: Grotesk
Clan Leader: StrafeAG - Exquency
How many members are in your clan?: 12
How long have you been around?: 2 weeks
Clan Thread? : http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/grotesk.277333/
Do you agree to all of the Rules?
Clan Name: Retro
Clan Leader: Me
How many members are in your clan? None ATM , but we will get some XD
How long have you been around? Just for this
Clan Thread? Old one
Do you agree to all of the Rules? Yes
Clan Name: Rovers
Clan Leader: Fortfy and Jiorfy
How many members are in your clan? enough
How long have you been around?april, 9th 2016
Clan Thread? http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/rovers.267232/
Do you agree to all of the Rules? obv
Clan Name:Genesis
Clan Leader:KillerPock
How many members are in your clan?like 17
How long have you been around?couple of months
Clan Thread? http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/genesis.279007/
Do you agree to all of the Rules?yes
Clan Name:Abstract
Clan Leader:Marlyss
How many members are in your clan?10/11
How long have you been around?8/9 months
Clan Thread?http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/abstract-eu.233220/#post-2303725
Do you agree to all of the Rules?yes
Clan Name:Brutal
Clan Leader:BlondeCow Fearlesscome
How many members are in your clan?11
How long have you been around?1.5 years
Clan Thread?http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/brutal-eu.218354/
Do you agree to all of the Rules? Yes
Clan Name: Offensive
Clan Leader: SrPqdri and UHCyro
How many members are in your clan? 14/15
How long have you been around? 5 months but we put the clan On Break and we are back.
Clan Thread? http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/offensive-eu.232235/ ( We need to edit the post. )
Do you agree to all of the Rules? Of course.

ACCEPTED - Skype for further details (Triton & BoysBoys also)


May 15, 2016
Reaction score
EUClanWars Almighty clan and Radiant clan are way more better than some of the clans that you accepted.. Could you think a little bit more about your decision?

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