IGN: SpecialRandy
Age: 14, 15 to be
Wins: i dont really think this a question anymore. But if really wanna know, i have around 500+ on multiple accounts that i've either sold or given away
Mic: Razer Kraken Pro
Skype/Teamspeak: aitroz / randy
Previous Clan(s): Astral, Proxy, Ismerize, Solitude (a long time ago)
Why should we accept you: I think you should accept me because since you are one of the best, if not the best clan on MCGamer, and in my opinion im a decent/good player who is active atleast 2 hrs everyday and have a lot of experience of MCGamer, i think i would be a really good member of the clan. I also want to make new friends with the people in the clan. I already know Cow from earlier.
Where are you from / Timezone: Sweden, Gothenburg / GMT+1