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Top 10 MCSG Players


Jul 25, 2014
Reaction score
Whats your top 10 players Rory?
1. ofc me I 14 heart playesr im that good
My top 10 currently? This is based off my 1v1's with people or rumours about them.

1. Knowledgeguy - He always beats me in 1v1's but I bet him in Archer once believe it or not lol. He's good at different variations of PvP which makes him good.

2. Dean - When you dicked on me in that CB xD Lets be honest you are playing on a secret alt and still good.

3. Nick - I can't beat him in SG 1v1's but I can beat him in Build. However he is still really good.

4. Jimmy - I can never beat him in sword and have to rely on my bow to beat him. Very good at SG in general and also in Build

5. Chris - Tbh he is slightly over-rated, however still bloody good and makes big plays. Our 1v1's on build are always really close and the 3 times we fought in recent times he's won twice, me once. I also gg clipped him xdd

6. Nush - Always demolishes me in sword and rod fights and is pretty good with the bow. Really hard to beat him but I can still somehow manage to beat him the odd time

7. Ep1c - He is exceptional at all parts of PvP. I can never beat him just because he's very good. Might be slightly under rated but I'm not sure. I know nothing about AU according to cocky spuds.

8. Veets - He flys under the radar a bit but is silently very good at PvP. He has a legit (I think) 1/2 ratio on SG.

9. Jed or Julian - These two are above average in all departments in terms of PvP which makes it hard for me to decide who's better

10. Lememe12 - Tom usually beats me in 1v1's and tends to be a bogey player for me and idk why. One of the most under-rated in AU.


Jul 25, 2014
Reaction score
My top 10 currently? This is based off my 1v1's with people or rumours about them.

1. Knowledgeguy - He always beats me in 1v1's but I bet him in Archer once believe it or not lol. He's good at different variations of PvP which makes him good.

2. Dean - When you dicked on me in that CB xD Lets be honest you are playing on a secret alt and still good.

3. Nick - I can't beat him in SG 1v1's but I can beat him in Build. However he is still really good.

4. Jimmy - I can never beat him in sword and have to rely on my bow to beat him. Very good at SG in general and also in Build

5. Chris - Tbh he is slightly over-rated, however still bloody good and makes big plays. Our 1v1's on build are always really close and the 3 times we fought in recent times he's won twice, me once. I also gg clipped him xdd

6. Nush - Always demolishes me in sword and rod fights and is pretty good with the bow. Really hard to beat him but I can still somehow manage to beat him the odd time

7. Ep1c - He is exceptional at all parts of PvP. I can never beat him just because he's very good. Might be slightly under rated but I'm not sure. I know nothing about AU according to cocky spuds.

8. Veets - He flys under the radar a bit but is silently very good at PvP. He has a legit (I think) 1/2 ratio on SG.

9. Jed or Julian - These two are above average in all departments in terms of PvP which makes it hard for me to decide who's better

10. Lememe12 - Tom usually beats me in 1v1's and tends to be a bogey player for me and idk why. One of the most under-rated in AU.
Crap I forgot about Randm :( Sorry Randm

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