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MCGamer - My journey ends.

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Sep 10, 2015
Reaction score
MCGamer - My journey

it's me - Jojo | JLioner | Renoilj | YourGuardian | RandomHD

I was wondering if after all these years

You'd like to meet,

to go over

Well, my days in this community are over, actually for a long time already. So I decided that my 18th birthday is gonna be the last day I will log on to the MCGamer forums. Not only did I lose interest in the game itself, but also am I a perm banned player and hated by staff. I strongly disagree how things are being done by administration and in my (very own and personal) opinion this community won't survive much longer if they don't change things at the top. However that is not what I want to address in this thread. This thread is my last thread, a last good bye to the most of you and also me sharing some of my favorite memories during my time in this community, which - most of the times - was a good one.

Here are some screenshots I found on my pc, maybe you remember some of them ;)

Valentines Event: Someone remember this? NomNom Nephilim ;)

2nd May 2015, The day I got Sr. Mod: Each single sweet message of you guys made me so incredibly happy! <3

The old forums in February - Life of a lonely Mod

My old youtube Channel: Sa!!! ;)

Rekt? :p

VIP Swag - Can't agree with the status anymore though... Where did it go btw :eek:

I'm gonna tag some people, that made my time here in this community. I'm sure I forgot some people, please don't be mad at me, if you care about me, then I care about you and you know that. :)

Nephilim: I don't have to say much here, you are the best thing that happened to me here on MCGamer! Thank you SO much for your support with ewerything! <3

Exzone: You are the best friend I made here on MCGamer and you are by far more than an "online friend". Thank you so much for the great time and you will be one of the few people I won't say good bye to, as I know I could never lose you! See you! <3

croe97: You and Vanessa are simply goals! Croe, you were my waiting buddy and I liked you from the very first and awkward time we talked in the waiting room, back in 2014! It was great to be your waiting- and trial Sr. Mod buddy and to share those memories with you! You are a great guy! Stay the way you are!

Vanicle | Vanessa: Vanessa, you were a leader, a role model to me and the entire staff team! You and Neph where the best that ever happened to this place! Thank you SO much for all the good things you've done to this community and the staff team! You are awesome!

Joey: You've been a really good friend to me! We can talk about everything and you made my day so many times! Thank you for being exactly the person you are! Thank you for your advice, whenever I needed it and thank you for making me smile again, when something bad happened to me! You are perfect!

Noogz: Omg Kirsten!! I wish I 'discovered' you earlier :'D You are such a great person, such a great friend and I love our talks! Thank you for always making my day and for being the great friend you are! We'll say in touch!

AGFire2013: I basically told you yesterday already, everything I could write here and I will also stay in touch with you! So just a brief summary: You are awesome! Stay the way you are! (and keep rowing) :thumbsup: (y)

NovaPunch: You will probably never read this, because you already left this place, but you are one of my very best friends! School makes it often hard to have enough time to talk for both of us, that's why I am even happier that we still find some time here and there! #GymLad4Ever :cool:

DarkNiightz, Exploding_Wrath, UnderSeaGirl & SharkyCraft_: You guys are goals! Thank you so much for all the great times! I was always looking up to you and to your friendship! Take care! <3

Dani3lblu3, Holiday | Berk, Equalitee, CalumGraham, Harry, Facufer & Aleeeex: My favorite Ex Staff members. Each single one of you means a lot to me and I want to thank you so much for making my time as a Moderator a good one! I wish I would have spent more time with you! I hope you are doing well and we will talk again in the future! You are great guys! Take care!! <3

Serecno, Ex0dUs101 & @TheWholeOldQQSquad: Guys holy crap! Those memories. It was an awesome time and I will never forget you! I learned so much from each single one of you and I found really really good friends in you! Thank you so much for that great and unforgetabble time! We lost contact with eachother after over 2 years, but I hope you all are doing well! Best of luck for your future and stay safe!

Qvack, Gule, SabitNuri, DorukYalcinHD | DorukYalcin, alpbaboy, ItsArdaQG, OguzhanBalkan & Nikola: You guys are great, great friends! I met some of you way too late! I wish we could have spent more time with eachother! It always a pleasure to talk with you! Best of luck for your future!! <3

charliewolves, DuruFTW, Mauro, MisiLica, Gustyy, Miner9823 &
KaanGurbuz: Thank you for being, I liked to talk to you and really enjoyed our time within the staff team!

Vigilo, Sebastian, Tiger, mfungamer, TotalDramaTony, NagolGames & Axanite | Liam: I used to call each single one of you a good friend of mine.Some of you my best friends even and it hurt a lot to lose you. You are not my friends anymore, but I don't call human beings enemies of mine. No matter what you did, I wish you the best for your future and hope that you will become great and successful men.

@TheEntireCommunity: Thank you to each single one of you for being a part of this whole big thing! I hope you will manage to keep it alive and I hope the staff team will notice all the things that are going wrong on this server. Enjoy your time here and don't forget 'The Outside'! :rolleyes:

That's it. I will be around until my birthday, then I will be gone. Take care and stay safe MCGamers!


I'm sure some people will be very happy to see me go, so here you go
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Awwwwwww I remember when I started first talking to you Jojo plus when Nephilim was only a mod :eek:o oh man the times. It's sad to see you go one of my best friends within the community <3


Staff member
Jul 11, 2013
Reaction score
I still remember playing with you in QQ all those months ago. I would have never have guessed we would have become friends for so long. You've always been there for me even when we just spoke about random stuffz... Good luck in the future, you're amazing!

If you're ever bored or anything you better snapchat me or undo whatever you did on kik to mess my contact with you up! :s

HoHo <3


Aug 10, 2015
Reaction score
bye dude.

i wish i talked to u lmaooo


Apr 6, 2014
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Jojo, I don't know how I can properly respond with knowing that you will not come back here for a long, long time. Your existence in the staff team let me understand that despite the struggles each staff member may have to go through, there is always going to be a happy ending, you always put a smile to my face when you supported me and (as I stand by corrected) many other people as well. You never failed to do what is right, and you always put more than 100% effort to everything you did in the community. Which comes to no surprise, your efforts and your mere existence made an abundant amount of people love you so much.

And Jojo, I want you to know that before you go... You're wrong on one thing.
and hated by staff.
The staff team, despite the circumstances you had gone through, as a whole, will never hate you. You have been an absolutely wonderful asset to the whole community, and because of you, so many people alive out there have something worth remembering in the community. Because whenever another one of us leaves, one of our fondest memories will, with no doubt, have you involved in it.

And I can't thank you enough for it.

Jojo, my last intention I have for you is that you leave the community with a great big smile on your face. I completely understand that what you have been through had been absolutely nightmarish, something you did not deserve happening to you whatsoever. And my biggest regret was that I was not there to support you, to understand what pain you were going through. And for this, all have is to say...

I'm so sorry.

For the most part, your departure will most certainly leave me, and many others heart-broken. Please enjoy your birthday as best you can, and I can only pray that this message reaches your eyes to read.

Thank you.
For everything, JLioner.



Mar 16, 2015
Reaction score
Noooooo JOJO :CC

thanks for tag and for beautiful words, I think we can talk again my friend ;-;-;-;-;-; :ccc ILY ICH LIEBE DICH <333


District 13
May 15, 2014
Reaction score
I miss the old days with you as staff member, those times were so extremely good! Also our talks on Skype with just you or you and Neph.



Jun 18, 2015
Reaction score
Honestly i don't know why are you banned, i bet it is unfair..I don't think anyone hates you because you are a great person!I remember days when you were staff member, i don't know if i had this account but i definitely was playing MCSG and you were one of the mods that i was seeing the most.You are a great person and i wish you got unbanned because you would stay in this community a bit longer....I wish i talked to you sometimes!

Bye,bye Jojo, i am pretty sad now....

I wish you to succeed in life and good luck!

Bye,bye Jojo :( :'( :/
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