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247 days later..


Apr 24, 2014
Reaction score
To put 247 days into perspective, I have been a moderator on the MCGamer network for,
  • 8 months and 3 days
  • 21,340,800 seconds
  • 355,680 minutes
  • 5928 hours
(insert/play "See you again" by Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth here for dramatic effect whilst reading)

Hello, MCGamer.

I'll attempt to keep this letter short and sweet but trust me, that's one hard task.

Anyways, it has recently come towards my attention that 247 days into becoming apart of such an outstanding staff team to a unique, yet engaging community and network has been tremendously overwhelming and with obstacles spontaneously being placed onto my life path, I felt as if departing from such activities was deemed more or less the better logical current decision to choose to move on with life in general.

I firstly need to address that i'm not leaving on bad terms at any instance whatsoever. I was also not forced into leaving at any period of time - it was my own personal pure decision and keep in mind that this decision was quite a difficult one as I love each and every staff member very dearly but at one point in time, I had to realize that life is my main priority, rather than currently executing a voluntary job in a video-game and that took some time and evaluation to even analyze that. I admire the staff team with a sincere passion and send my deepest regards and wishes to each and every one of them for what they have/will achieved in the past, present and (sooner or later) the future.


The prime reasons and factors as to why i'm leaving is partially linking towards the following,

Sudden loss of motivation

Listed on many resignation threads, a loss in motivation plays a major role in terms of activeness on activities and careers and for me personally, it was a large aspect in my life and just typing the same commands, issuing the same warnings, repeatedly answering to "MCSG is dying!!1!!1" threads with the same exact answer for (basically) 9 months can get quite demotivating if you ask me. I didn't intend to get demoted at any part of my staffing career but it was closely looking like it as i've been gradually inching towards being inactive and shifting away from the internet for the last few weeks and factually couldn't take it anymore.

Focusing on building

This may seem quite childish and ridiculous to firstly even be a reason to resign although I personally have a passion for building in Minecraft. For having this as a hobby for more than four years now and have visually seen my improvements on such a creative skill and having built for tiny, unknown servers to Hypixel, Mineplex and MCGamer especially is indeed something to be quite proud of. I'm still on the search for any other servers (big or small) which generally need maps/hubs created and I don't ask for payment. I don't need money, but motivation. Building isn't a chore for me - more of an activity I highly enjoy.

It felt as if I was more or less restrained and advised to build for MCGamer as MCGamer played a huge role in my life and if I suddenly "let loose" of being staff, i'm more than welcome to have freedom put into my life and could build for other networks without the thoughts and intentions of being inactive on MCGamer.


As stated, repetitiveness kills in the inside, but it's just a matter of how you treat it. For me, I didn't exactly treat it as decently as I could have. I didn't spice things up in my time as a moderator - it was the same old bland moderator life for me and I know there's more to being moderator than just /ban'ing and /mute'ing but I just didn't see it. I have had my chances in possibly joining several extra-curricular departments in the staff team (The "Mod Buddy" program, Clan Staff etc.) and I even chose the chance to apply for the CEP (Current Events Publications) although I still felt as if nothing had ever changed. Not one spec of anything.


If anything, everyone experiences a sudden death. Whether it'd be from a close friend, family member to even a pet. For me, during the course of my 8 months as a staff member, i've experienced two fatalities, ranging from my best friend to my mother's best friend. This had made me realize that venting towards MCGamer with my issues won't exactly assist anything (rarely, as from the glances of it, the community and staff team send their condolences to my losses and I appreciate that so much). Rarely, you can predict a death. Some are unexpected, some are expected but I personally cannot keep issuing types of controversial topics on forums such as these for much longer every time it occurs.


If you have the chance, if you have the spare time, if you're feeling like it, please don't hesitate to praise the staff team for what they perform daily. Their jobs aren't as simple as you think. Mind you, they have to sit through pages of report abuses to respond to daily. Deal with screeching "John Cena" soundboard'ers on Teamspeak. Record, upload and ban hackers in a timely manner etc, and they complete all of these tasks not only because it's their job and they're required to, but they simply want to enhance your gaming experience here and they hope you appreciate that. They volunteered to deal with all of these stressful shenanigans only to make you happier and have a wonderful experience and they hardly receive any sort of praise from the community (mainly). Now, described above is mainly a brief summary of a moderator's role. Don't even get me started on the Senior Staff, Administrative and Development team in regards to how much time, effort and dedication they personally use in order to create non-forgetful memories here at MCGamer. They don't require and expect praises but trust me when I say that those sorts of random acts of kindness do make them smile. They do make their day. They do have a laugh and enjoy reading it over and over again.

A variety of people may have a grudge over some certain staff members here and that's completely fine, but you hardly know how much stress and work they build up overtime as they become apart of this staff team for god knows how long, just to make you appreciative for this network and it's well-deserved success and status.


I'll never dismiss this screenshot when several staff members greeted me and welcomed my presence with open arms as I was added to the MCGamer moderator "Slack" group. I was overwhelmed with how caring and loving these earthlings are. Sadly, more than half of the staff members shown have left the staff team but they're never forgotten from me.


To finally end it off,

There aren't going to be any special mentions listed on this thread as specific people know who they are if they've suddenly joined my life and morphed it in a positive way and I do not want to single anyone out. As well as the list would be longer than my current grocery list.

And it's quite a long list if you ask me.

(Aside from TrebleMaker's requested mention in which I describe her in-depth as a fabulous, fantastic human being.)


You'll see me on here from time to time, just not as much as I have been over the past 247 days.

Best regards,


Don't feel as if you're alone/isolated. Never feel as if you're an outsider with no one to talk to on the staff team. Please don't feel as if you're not apart of any "cliques" or "groups".

Trust me when I say that the staff team is spontaneously going to become your e-family until you depart. With that being said, the majority (if not, all) staff members will surely be willing to lend you literally any kind of advice whatsoever with open arms, teach you things that you had no idea existed, occasionally play late night rounds of Survival Games with you, create inside jokes and puns with and they will generally be there for you no matter what. The staff team isn't created by cliques, but infact is a clique overall. You're all a group, no outsiders. Y'all work together, no one is left out.

Don't let the haters consume your emotions. Once in your staffing life, you'll suddenly see someone shaming upon you and miraculously attempting to upset you for god knows what reason. It happens to everyone at one certain point, but you need to realize at some point in time that you shouldn't let that in your life at anytime! Simply keep performing your job as a unique moderator, perform at your maximum potential and leave the negative, irrational, irrelevant comments out of your system because you're a magnificent piece of human species and as you get used to ignoring those comments overtime, you'll simply grow and grow and hopefully the hate should keep on motivating you to keep going because with every handful of negativeness comes a bucket load of positiveness.

Also when you have the free chance(s), grab as many screenshots and awesome moments of being staff as possible as you'll regret it in the end (Much like I did) when you have no literal memories to visually post!

"As a wise man once said, "mmm""


District 13
Dec 27, 2012
Reaction score
I've never seen a post so relatable as a staff member, however, I'm still a young staff member.

This post is touching on my different levels and issues.

You were great Moderator, it's sad to see another fellow family member leave. You will be missed.


Oct 21, 2015
Reaction score
sad to see another mod go.

espicially a long time mod


District 13
May 20, 2015
Reaction score
My boi Jazza leaving :(
You are still my big boi batman Jazza ily :3


Senior Moderator | Recruitment Team
Jul 29, 2014
Reaction score
I know those times that we have played survival games together with Vanth and some more people, you are an amazing person and sad to see you go! :( Good luck in life!


District 13
May 14, 2015
Reaction score
Thanks for your service as a moderator Jazza, you will be missed.. :/ <3


Dec 10, 2015
Reaction score
Thanks for your time as a moderator :) I'm sure the community has appreciated your hard work and commitment. Best of luck :)


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
Sad to see you go bro :( Hope you do well with everything else! Let's talk sometime :)


ᴍᴏᴅᴇʀᴀᴛᴏʀ / ʀᴇɢɪꜱᴛᴇʀᴇᴅ ɴᴜʀꜱᴇ
Jul 2, 2014
Reaction score

I am so sad to see you depart from the staff team. I loved talking to you and dealing with your constant "mmm's." Thank you for all that you have done for the network and its community.

I wish you the best of luck with that IRL situation c: You better still come by and say hey c:




District 13
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score

You were a great mod who I could always turn to when I needed help. I appreciated working along side you. Keep doing you, hope IRL irons itself out ok :)



Mar 11, 2014
Reaction score

you were a amazing Moderator, I wish I've talked to you more often before this. I'm sorry to hear about your two loses :(. Hopefully you have a good time outside minecraft and enjoy your self :) The staff team and me will miss you a lot, thanks for helping us all out on the server and contributing to us.

Sincerly, Imanol.

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