1. I've heard this around and actually tested it, guess what? It's not true. There is however, a way to register multiple hits in the same tick but no one knows it except hacked client developers and a few randoms (like me).
2. Wooden Swords x2 don't equate to an iron sword but this is irrelevant
3. Once again this doesn't work
4. 8 Blocking is 100% impossible. You simply cannot hit someone from eight blocks away unless a special case is granted (modifications of the game, lag, etc).
5. No no no you got this wrong too. The act of resetting your sprint is what leads to misplacement. Misplacement is what causes combos.
1. Perhaps I explained rod hitting incorrectly however, if you hit someone with a rod bobber first then hit them with a sword it does do twice the damage. If you would like I could record a 5 second video showing it.
2. Now obviously it doesn't equal an iron sword hit exactly however an iron sword is the closest amount of damage compared to two wooden sword hits. I may be wrong, so feel free to correct me.
3. While I call it 8 blocking, I don't literally mean you can hit people from 8 blocks away. From what I've seen it was an expression that went out of context but it simply means to, as you called it to "misplace"
4. Perhaps we were raised on different pvp servers? From what I've been taught, 8 blocking to me meant the same thing as misplacing however I could be wrong on the terminology.