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10 Very Helpful Tips


Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
Hi everybody! This is my very first 'Tip' Thread, so feel free to comment any advice, it could be about the tips or grammatical, presentational and punctuational advice. :D Also note: These tips may not guarantee you a win because MCSG throws a whole lot of different scenarios at you, but they'll definitely help! :D

1. If a strong opponent is getting the Cornucopia refill, get other tier 2 chests to make it partially a fair fight against the strong opponent who got the Cornucopia refill.

2. Never give up hope, because even if you see a totally geared out guy (full iron armour, diamond sword) and you're decked out in tier 1 chest gear (leather armour, stone sword), there are a whole lot of terrains/traps that you could kill him in, e.g.: high ledges, cliffs, lava traps.

3. Team with anyone with about the same gear with you that you see in game (implying you have iron sword, decent armour like golden chestplate, chain helmet, chain leggings, iron boots) because as I said before, MCSG throws a whole lot of different scenarios at you and at most matches before refill, there is normally a guy with a diamond sword, or a very strong opponent that hadn't obtained a diamond sword so you can double team him. Since there's all this stuff about Betrayal, always keep your guard, even when you've killed someone and are sorting through their loot, that is a very easy way for them to betray you.

4. Never wait at Cornucopia for refill when it's nearing night, because that is the most common place for ambush. Hide nearby but make sure you have decent loot, because again, MCSG throws a whole lot of different scenarios at you, e.g: a decent looted team or a top decked geared diamond sword guy which with your Critical's, you can attack from behind whilst they're looting the chest, but never wait too long because chances are they'll quickly put on any good armour they see and get good weapons in seconds.

5. With teaming, although you always want someone guarding your back, you need to split up at the start of the match if you're a team. I always say to people "Truce, and if see, team?" because you need a good geared team that can split up and maximise the amount of tier 2 chests. Make sure you meet up, organise a meeting place beforehand or just say in game "I'm at the big tree" or something like that. Always ask your team mate beforehand "Do you know any tier 2 chests?" and they might reply "Yes", but you never know, they might just be saying that, so ask "Where do you head towards, and how many tier 2 chests do you know?", ask the location of the tier 2 chests as well because if you want to double team someone, you don't want to have a tier 1 chests looted guy and a tier 2 chests looted guy, you want to have 2 tier 2 chests looted guy to maximise your chance of winning.

6. Be careful of 'Hotspot's' that contain tier 2 chests, for e.g: the sewers on Survival Games 4, the pirate ship on Survival Games 1, the village on Survival Games 2, the big pirate ship on Breeze Island, the dragon on Teweran etc. because if you go to the Cornucopia, most likely someone will go to one of the Hotspot's before you and already get those chests, but if you don't go to the Cornucopia, and go to a Hotspot always keep your guard out because most likely you wouldn't stop to get any chest and someone might come along with a wooden sword (although that mightn't seem like a threat to you), it is because at this stage of the map, that's classified as a 'Good Weapon' and you're not geared at all.

7. Be careful where you chuck out your junk. Most people chuck their junk into a chest or on the ground, but although it might waste time, look for an ignited fire (made by flint and steel), or light one yourself and throw your junk in there. The reason I say this is because decked out guys classify an iron sword as a waste (since they probably have diamond) and they might leave that on the ground somewhere, or decent armour that is 'weak' compared to their decked out iron armour (the armour they throw out might be chain, gold, or even leather), when they throw that stuff out, pick it up because although that mightn't give you a fair fight against the decked out guy, it would give you an advantage if you smartly sneak attack him.

8. PvP is a BIG factor of the Survival Games. Make sure you're good at PvP because once (when I wasn't the best at PvP), I had a diamond sword and I lost to an iron sword guy because he was good at PvP. A lot of people win against highly decked out guys because of their strategies but also because of their good PvP skills. To practice my PvP, I spawn multiple Zombie Pigman in on Creative, then turn myself into Survival (on single player, spawn myself in an iron sword, since that's something you might get in game) and practice killing the Zombie Pigman, I practice Criticals (hit while jumping), sometimes blocking, strafing (moving side to side to avoid hits) and circling because they are common good strategies for PvP. If you have someone to practice with (a friend or a sibling), practice a fair fight with them then progress into a fight that they get the advantage, (because they are common scenarios of MCSG).

9. Deathmatch. If you're a 2 man team in deathmatch, and you kill the soloist, always ask for a fair fight against your opponent because I've had times where I've agreed to a normal fight where they've had better stuff then me, because although I could've beat them if that was in-game, it's harder since you have a confined space in death match and limited terrain and limited advantages, where they've beat me. So always ask for a fair fight, it could be a stone sword each, no armour, no bows/fishing rods, no golden apples, but only food and a stone sword. And if you're trying to work out a 'fair' tactic in deathmatch, be aware of the time by typing /info, because I've had scenarios where I had to go straight in to my opponent (when I was on low health), and give it my best shot because of the lack of time. Also, if it's 1v1 (against another soloist), and he's highly decked out, ask for a fair fight because what'd you know, they might say yes and it'll be equal, so it's anyone's game.

10. Never brag about your wins because that will make you to other people 'a jerk' and never put a noob down because they might've just started off, and you were at that stage once too, so they will eventually get to higher wins like you did. Always say "Good Game" at the end of a game, never be a sore loser and never rage at people because 1. That might get you kicked. 2 It'll get you hated and 3. It'll get you classified as an over dramatic-sore loser. Also, don't instantly assume someone's a hacker because they beat you because 1. It might be lag and 2. They might've just beat you because they're good at PvP. If you really think they're a hacker, talk to a Mod on (check on this website) and ask them to keep an eye of that supposedly hacker.

I hope these tips help. Please comment if they did and also please comment any advice about them or about the grammatical, presentational and punctuational side of it. Again, these tips mightn't generally guarantee you a win, but they're very helpful and will possibly get you a win! :D

BONUS TIPS: (Edit, due to being recommended by someone)
Bonus Tip 1. Be careful what you throw into flint and steel/lava, because although you might think some of the items you get in tier 1/2 chests are useless, they're not, for e.g: gold ingots can be turned into golden nuggets to make golden apples, flint, sticks and feathers can be used to make arrows, wheat can be used to make bread, flint and iron ingot can be used to make flint and steel (if you already have an iron sword), gold ingots can also be used to make a golden sword (last resort of a weapon) or golden armour (to cover up non-armour patches or to replace leather), compasses can help you if you're new to a map or want to find spawn on a big map (like Hungry Hills), clocks can tell you when it's nearing night and string can help you to make fishing rods/bows (which are a vital part of PvP). Plus, even if you think you don't need some of those items, don't leave them in chests, because a smart player might come along and get those items and he might have the upper hand over you.

2. If you see someone in the early stages of the game, don't be afraid to attack (if you have the upper hand), because most likely he will kill you later in the game because you don't know where that guy's going, and he might/probably will get very good loot from chests. And if you see someone that you know is good or is going to a tier 2 chest, don't be afraid to attack aswell. I always think, if I see someone like Hiqhlights or Themegaryan17 (1st and 2nd of the U.S Leaderboards) in the early stages of the game, to attack them if I have the upper hand because they will have very good stuff later on in the game because they know great chests, so don't be afraid of a pro, because you might kill them.


May 7, 2012
Reaction score
Not anything new. For #10 most people brag when they reach a certain amount of wins. Plus if they're being rude, you can take screenshots or record and make a Report Abuse thread. I've gotten people banned before for unnecessary swearing.


Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
Not anything new. For #10 most people brag when they reach a certain amount of wins. Plus if they're being rude, you can take screenshots or record and make a Report Abuse thread. I've gotten people banned before for unnecessary swearing.
Okay thank you for that advice. With the whole 'New' thing, some of them mightn't be new but I put them into a bit more detail so that might help. :)


Jan 21, 2013
Reaction score
The 10th one happens aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the time if you have low points and kill someone with really high points. I was called a w***e (which dosnt really make sense, considering ima dude...then again I was playing as Katniss :p), just because I killed someone with really high points...but yeah whatever xD Sticks and Stones :)


Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
The 10th one happens aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the time if you have low points and kill someone with really high points. I was called a w***e (which dosnt really make sense, considering ima dude...then again I was playing as Katniss :p), just because I killed someone with really high points...but yeah whatever xD Sticks and Stones :)
Okay haha! Sorry that you got called that but at the end of the day he's the loser since you killed him :D


Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
Ok :D
Like I said Awesome Tips

*constructive critisism* A few more would be nice ;)
Surprise Surpise!!! I added 2 bonus tips, thank you for the constructive criticism and the positive feedback! :D

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