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The Clan Community

Do you expect the Clan Community to develop positively?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 31.6%
  • No

    Votes: 26 68.4%

  • Total voters
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Dec 28, 2012
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I want to make a long opinion, but I am on my ipad so that would take a while

My experiences with clans back in January of 2013 were great, but as I got into more known clans, I think my experience got worse. You have lots of rule breakers , a lot of arguments and immaturity, and most of all, people don't know how to take a loss.
Usually what happens when someone loses, they make excuses in an attempt to DQ the other clan and it is usually very stressful. Also, you find a lot of over rated people who cyber bully because they think they are so good at this game.
My suggestion is to be in what most over rated "high end, to good for you" players call a "randy clan", which is a highly immature way to call a clan that is not in it for the competition, but for the opportunity to meet new people. The reason why "randy clans" are the best is because you find nicer, cooler, and more laid back people who are not necessarily great, but give you somewhat of an experience to know what clans are like. Only join the high end clans if you like drama, because that is the definition of clans in my opinion.
So that is my opinion, and I know a bunch of people are going to hate on me for this and you know who you are, but to be honest this is the clan community.


Dec 2, 2012
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I agree with a few things said in the thread. No offense but you dont really have too much of a "right"(Will use that word for lack of a better one) to judge the clan community if you havent been in a top tiered clan. Ive been in the clan community for well over 1 year and have been in 3 Top 3 Ranked clans out of 4 since August 2013. I have the experience to judge them. Usually what occurs is that the lower tiered less known clans are disorganised. From my experience the top clans are the ones who despite the occasional flame get things done in a more orderly manner. The top clans have more to lose and could take massive hits to reputation if their members get out of hand so their rules are stricter.


Jun 12, 2012
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Honestly I think the clan scene is developing positively, at least in the US (I can't speak for other regions). With the creation of the Clan Leaderboards, there is a standardized set of rules, trusted referees that are able to judge battles, and genuine consequences for those who break the rules. Though the clan community at this exact moment in time might not be that admirable, it's honestly getting a lot better. Though there is competition at the core of it (it's clans battling for supremacy after all), the battles are good natured, people, for the most part, follow the rules, and if there are any issues, they get sorted out. We actually have a SYSTEM for clans to follow now, which we've never had in the past.

Plus tournaments with cash prizes. Those are nice too.


Sep 30, 2013
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I honestly just don't see the point of this thread as there have been lots like it.
First of all, who cares?
If you find clans nowadays overcompetitive, you can leave as easily as you joined. Clan battles can be annoying and little b****es but in the end, you still get to talk to all your friends and manage to find fun anyways.
Anyways that's my opinion.
Yes, they're too competitive,
And annoying,
But you're still in one.


Jan 12, 2014
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My time with clans was the least fun I had with sg. It was way overly competitive and there is always one person who gets blamed.


Jul 11, 2013
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I think the amount of bs that goes on with clans nowadays is as likely to change as it is likely for people to stop trash talking. xD


Aug 20, 2012
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Why I don't like clans:

Butthurtness and DDoSing

Why I like clans:

Trivium. It's a reason in itself


Community Engagement Team Lead
Jun 2, 2012
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Clans are taking SG and transforming it into larger competitions. As with any higher level competition, there will be all of the conflict, argument, and bad sportsmanship.

Sorry to clans, but really when I think of a clan, I imagine players who do one or more of the following (not all, but noticeably some, past and present):

-Create a clan thread with all of these "ranks". A lot of the time, these people weren't accepted as staff members so they are trying to gain some sort of authority and feel special due to "ranks". I never understood the difference between "elite" and, let's say, "regular" as they both play in clan games. To me, it's just a mere label to make people feel official and authorized.

-Spend countless hours on a teamspeak ci*********ing...Wanted to censor the majority of the word, although I don't mean to use it for its literal meaning. If you know the word, you'll recognize it. If not, think of people that constantly laugh at each other for repeating countless inside jokes, talking to each other with extremely poor language manipulation (e.g. "u wot" "get rekt" "o" etc.), and a repeating mentality that they are higher, smarter, or better than others not in the clan, constantly referring to everyone that isn't in a clan or famous as a "scrub" or some similar term.

-Sort of going with the later part of the above, clans players will attempt to act as if they are professional SG players. In all honesty, professional SG players are/were people like Huahwi. Anyhow, they tend to make spastic movements by turning their mouse and looking everywhere and, the worst of it all, spamming the fishing rod. Definitely wanted to touch on this in its own thread, but it is relevant here. Guys, the fishing rod isn't some magical item that automatically makes you better - Nor does it make you look "pro" or "cooler", for that matter.

Anyhow, I do also feel that clans are a bit, well, silly. From what I watch, it's not only a matter of a competent leader giving precise and accurate orders to clan members. No, rather, its a large group of people that fight another large group of people. It looks like a riot, really. Just a bunch of players running into each other and spamming lmb. No more, no less. Admittedly not the case with every clan, but a simple majority, at least.

Now, as I expect, this might be an unpopular yet true series of opinions on clans. Many clans will be "patrolling" this thread, and, as such, might decide to express their disagreements with me.
I'm all for that, but let's both keep it largely civil.
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