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Yea Mooclan stop causing trouble...Right, I want to make this abundantly clear the purpose of this thread is for people to post who they think are legends not to flame or cause trouble if this continues the thread will be locked.
Eskild for legend!I wonder why no one nominates me.. I was a mod for a good 11 months, owned the longest lasting eu clan of all time (TeamSypher/Phoenix) for two years, almost 5000 posts, been in the community for more than three years, etc
I nominated U - _-I wonder why no one nominates me.. I was a mod for a good 11 months, owned the longest lasting eu clan of all time (TeamSypher/Phoenix) for two years, almost 5000 posts, been in the community for more than three years, etc
Yes, my babe. But no one else did!!I nominated U - _-
where is my mention????I nominated SpaxHD and ImTheNarwhal for all the clans they have made which haven't lasted for more than a month.
and jmullins for being an owner of phoenix and a past owner of eu clan leaderboards !
idek, but its like unspoken you deserved it.Lol why am I on here even though no one nominated me xD
Read the thread, manI may be very outdated but what has ronnie contributed that he is on the list???