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Cyber Bullying - Make it stop! (Repost)


Apr 9, 2014
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Cyber-Bullying within the MCGamer Network and outside of the MCGamer Network
If you see anyone bullying, link them to this!

'All that is needed for the forces of evil to triumph is a few good men and women to do nothing!' - Edmund Burke

Why Have I wrote this thread?
I have been here quite a while, I have met a lot of great people however, I have also met a fair amount of horrible people that I will not name or speak of because of their own safety, as much as they have abused/hated on me I do not wish the same for them. It is about time we 'stood up' to these pathetic people and showed them what Bullying does to anyone who is a victim to it, this thread may show them

Anyway, I think it's about time we addressed a few things, we started this community from nothing we all came together to make this place become what it was supposed to be,and it became something far better. However, we are destroying this community, whether you're just saying 'Wreckt m9' or you are being fully abusive you're still being abusive! WE CAN CHANGE !

Back when I used to play a hell of a LOT with my friends I used to use the words 'good game' to genuinely say we played a good game, we would then tell the person we beat the hearts we had remaining and they would reply with 'Ohh man you wrecked me! <3' and then we would truce next game and make a friend ;)

We can bring those times back, we can make the community better again by eradicating this small part of this community and showing them the pain they cause people. Just watch this video and listen to what he has to say as he is a smart man.

What can Cyber-Bullying lead to?

It is hard to understand why people commit suicide, but 'Suicide' is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year, according to the CDC. For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts. Over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7 percent have attempted it.

Bully-related suicide can be connected to any type of bullying, including physical bullying, emotional bullying, cyberbullying or circulating suggestive photos or messages about a person. Most online gaming communities have more serious problems with bullying and suicide related to bullying, we don't want to be one of those communities do we?

How can we as a Community help stop it?

6 Key ways to help prevent bullying:

1. Walking with Awareness, Calm, Respect, and Confidence - If you show yourself as a confident player in the community, if a player is causing issues in a server do not give them the satisfaction of fightingback, get evidence of them doing so then move away from that server an the people who might cause trouble.

2. Leaving in a Powerful, Positive Way - The best self-defense tactic is called 'target denial', which means 'don’t be there', If someone says on teamspeak or ingame "Come see this banter between thing 1 and thing 2!", ignore it and continue the way you are, this makes you less of a target. Do not get involved in other peoples arguements! - That's our job as staff, contact us In a hub or on teamspeak (ts.mcsg.in / ts.mcgamer.net).

3. Using Your Voice - Speaking up loudly calls attention to a bullying problem and can help to prevent it from becoming worse. Suppose you are being harassed or bullied in a teamspeak channel or you see someone doing it to someone else, Speak out! - Telling a mod via pokes is an easy way to do this, however you can also stand up to the user yourself, tell them what they are doing wrong!

4. Being Persistent in Getting Help - Players who are being bullied need to be able to tell Mods, friends and other staff members what is happening in the moment clearly and calmly and persistently even if these mods are very distracted or rude and even if asking for help has not worked before. - You can contact a range of people I know in the staff team, when I began getting bullied I went to Frazzli185 for help, and she helped me work it all out, any member of staff is willing to listen to you in these situations!

5. Using Self-Defense as a Last Resort! - You can do this by showing them there flaws in certain situations, however you must not take it to a point where you abuse them. - This is a LAST resort!

Inspirational Videos:

If you are sensitive and don't like seeing bullying, please refrain from watching these videos!

A short movie to show what bullying on-line can do to young and innocent people across the whole world!

This is a short in which it shows the emotions bullies feel and why they perform such ridiculous amounts of hateful things, it also shows the ways we can STAND UP against bullying!

This shows that not only the big things hurt, the Small comments on threads and videos or even pictures can hurt someone, think about what you comment before you post it!

Thank you for you time, share this thread around and help us make MCGamer a bully-free community.

Sorry for the repost, but I have seen some pretty horrific actions within the community recently that have left some friends feeling suicidal or even myself suicidal. It has been almost a year since I posted my last Bullying thread, so I thought I should give y'all a kick in the ass again. Think before you Act or someone could get hurt.​

- Benji


Apr 9, 2014
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people at my school bully me for playing minecraft
You know what though? I've noticed that since I left High School, playing Minecraft become the "Cool" thing to do..


Nice thread. Yet, at the end of the day nobody can ultimately stop bullying all together, a sad truth we have to face.


Apr 9, 2014
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I guess, I mean some people might realize how terrible it is while others just laugh and continue. In all, it's worth the effort to try and get as many people to stop/stand up to the issue. :)
That's the spirit ;)


Dec 14, 2013
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Thank you for this, there is a lot that we can all learn from this, whether we are being bullied or whether we are the bully. Often times there can even be chains were someone is bullying someone else because they are being bullied by someone. Some feel that if they are a bully it will make them less bullied. It is like having a weight and everyone is trying to get someone else to hold it, it grows heavier after each person passes it on and soon someone can't hold all the weight. This person may then make bad decisions that influence not only them but everyone in their life.

I have been bullied a lot both physically and emotionally. However I must also confess I have been a bully myself. I never went out and said, "Hey I am going to make someones life miserable and bully them." however some days I was the bully myself. Whether I was in a bad mood, whether I was meaning to bully them or not, regardless I have bullied others and that is not acceptable. Actions done to me have left me as only a partial self. I am not complete and I lack the enthusiasm to complete myself.

We must all remember that everyone has meaning in the world and bullying anyone is not only wrong but cruel in its own way. We sometimes do not know how bad we are hurting someone, sometimes we do not think before we speak and that can lead to serious problems in our lives as well as others.

I have experienced my fair share of bullying. I have had what some would call depression, however I do not call it depression. I have found that, there is not anything in life is making me depressed and there is not anything that I want, it is only that I have found that I do not enjoy life. I am not afraid of Death but I am afraid of dying. I do not enjoy living. I would never kill myself and I greatly suggest that nobody takes their own life. If you are contemplating suicide get help! You do not need to feel this way and there are many others who feel like you. As hopeless as you feel you can never give up, as much as you feel that you aren't understood, remember that there are people who are understanding. There are approx. 7.36 billion people in the world, you are one in a billion and you need to make your mark. You need to live life to your standards and expectations not by whatever anyone else says. You affect your own life and whatever you do will not only affect you but many others.

In conclusion, sorry for writing such a long response, you MUST avoid putting down others. Make it your goal to help others and enrich their lives because doing so will enrich yours. Your actions affect many people in your life and what you say and do has a large impact on others. Be a good example, help others, and enrich the lives of everyone around you. Doing so will not only make your life but those of the millions of lives you will touch before you die. Thanks for reading this and remember words have power.
"The pen is mightier than the sword." (quote from, Edward Bulwer-Lytton's Cardinal Richelieu in 1839)


Mar 11, 2014
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Well, coming from the guy who made fun of me on mcsg ts :(

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