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The Rivals [US Clan]

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Apr 5, 2015
Reaction score
Imma tell a little story about JusticeDog. You know all you people just in-signify him when he's actually been through a lot.
It was February 1998 and JusticeDog was 2 years old. At that age he developed a mental disability in which he was unable to take stupid people seriously. Justice spent most of his life in West Philidelphia where a lot of other players lived too.
One day a young ogston would have play dates with him, but justice couldn't stop laughing at him. His parents were dumbfounded, they couldn't believe what they were seeing until they saw it. As justice was laughing a small tear dropped down from the corner of his eye down onto is bag of Doritos. After this day his parents were quite defensive on justice and his condition. "If a ngga mess wit him a ngga gon get bopped" this is what his parents would say. As they were African American drug lords- with hearts as big as their product gains. As justice got older his symptoms got worse, he couldn't even humour people anymore. One day tessy, a very attractive policewoman approached him as she said he was causing a ruckus. Justice couldn't stop himself and burst out laughing. She preceded to say "I'm just going to give a general war-" but was cut off as justice's laughing intensifies. Justice was immediately taken into custody and his parents had to pick him up exactly 24 hours after the incident.
As more scuffles continued justice thought something had to be done, he grabbed pills a rope and a knife just in case. With these pills he knew it would be the last day of his suffering, he took them and preceded to... Cut them into small triangles which he then basted to remove any toxic substances, then preceded to put them into small gift bags and tie with the rope. He would give these gift bags to all the people that were affected by his condition. After he did this he felt relieved. Everything seemed solved, but this was just the start.
One day, as he was discussing an issue with a friend of his at the basketball they were approached by some guys who were basically up to no good in their neighbourhood. He got into one little fight and his mom got scared and made him move with his uncle and aunt in Bel-Air.
Last edited:


Jul 22, 2013
Reaction score
Imma tell a little story about JusticeDog. You know all you people just in-signify him when he's actually been through a lot.
It was February 1998 and JusticeDog was 2 years old. At that age he developed a mental disability in which he was unable to take stupid people seriously. Justice spent most of his life in West Philidelphia where a lot of other player lived too. One day a young ogston would have play dates with him, but justice couldn't stop laughing at him. His parents were dumbfounded, they couldn't believe what they were seeing until they saw it. As justice was laughing a small tear dropped down from the corner of his eye down onto is bag of Doritos. After this day his parents were quite defensive on justice and his condition. "If a ngga mess wit him a ngga gon get bopped" this is what his parents would say. As they were African American drug lords- with hearts as big as their product gains. As justice got older his symptoms got worse, he couldn't even humour people anymore. One day tessy, a very attractive policewoman approached him as she said he was causing a ruckus. Justice couldn't stop himself and burst out laughing. She preceded to say "I'm just going to give a general war-" but was cut off as justice's laughing intensifies. Justice was immediately taken into custody and his parents had to pick him up exactly 24 hours after the incident. As more scuffles continued justice thought something had to be done, he grabbed pills a rope and a knife just in case. With these pills he knew it would be the last day of his suffering, he took them and preceded to... Cut them into small triangles which he then basted to remove any toxic substances, then preceded to put them into small gift bags and tie with the rope. He would give these gift bags to all the people that were affected by his condition. After he did this he felt relieved. Everything seemed solved, but this was just the start. As he was discussing an issue with a friend of his at the basketball they were approached by some guys who were basically up to no good in their neighbourhood. He got into one little fight and his mom got scared and made him move with his uncle and aunt in Bel-Air.
this was beautiful.


Jan 31, 2014
Reaction score
cf918 put up that 3-0 pp vs rextinct, jit
be a good sport and continue tonight
id hate to keep this postponed forever


Jan 9, 2013
Reaction score
Your proposition comprehensively collapses, as the proclamation being appraised undeviatingly pertains to this thread; therefore, avowing that he should "whine somewhere else" is axiomatically erroneous and illogical.
Honestly, please stop posting on my thread: I am asking you nicely, just once. You are disrespectful and pretentious. It is unnecessary and a nuisance.


Sep 1, 2014
Reaction score
Honestly, please stop posting on my thread: I am asking you nicely, just once. You are disrespectful and pretentious. It is unnecessary and a nuisance.
*says he's asking nicely
*proceeds with an ad hominem attack in the next sentence

Quite irrational, is it not?


Sep 1, 2014
Reaction score
You are only proving my point, I ask again, please get off my thread.
My point is valid. I did not prove your point at all.

I was gone, but you quoted my post and brought me back lol
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