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The time has finally come...


Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
Yes, the time has finally come...

No, I am not resigning. On July 14, last year, I received Moderator after a long, and difficult application process, and today... exactly one year later. I am here to congratulate myself on my 1 year anniversary as a Moderator. In one year as a staff member you can learn so many new, and amazing things! I'd like to list a couple things that I've learned, and gained from being staff, and these things can also apply to you too!

I've gained social skills, I know back then I wouldn't be able to walk up to a stranger and say "Have a nice day!" because I was rather anti-social, I've opened up to it because chatting to people on TeamSpeak made me realize how nice people actually are opposed to how they're set out to be on television.
I've improved skills in the English language, I can't say I'm the best at writing in English. Although I know that since I joined the staff team it gave me a lot of time to keep my writing skills up and even improve them from doing simple things like writing on the forums, and doing Report Abuses. Also, through writing in the Current Events Publication.
Last, but not least it gave me practice with adjusting to new procedures. From doing things like Moderating Creative, and new punishment times in the Moderator Guide, I can now easily adjust, and remember them which I know I had issues with in the past.

I know the things I listed above aren't the biggest, and most important things but they changed me as a person, and I have the whole entire staff team to thank for that. I'd also like to thank the community for coming up with new ideas, and keeping the community interesting. I'd like to thank the staff team for your continuous support. Even when I'm feeling down, you guys manage to bring me back up, and make me laugh.


The staff team has changed me so much, and I'm so happy to be a part of it! Thanks to everyone in the community, and on the staff team so much for making me want to stay here for the whole year.

I'd like to now list a few people who have helped me so much throughout the year of being a staff member.

PleaseTeamIFan: Pretty much the reason I became a staff member. I remember meeting you on Holiday Resort, and then you later contacted me telling me you got Moderator, and how fun and amazing it was! Without your existence, I probably would be a way worse person, and not be here at MCGamer anymore.

SammyMariee: You supported me so much throughout the staff team, we were and still are good friends. I hope you come on the MCGamer TeamSpeak more often because I miss you, and we haven't spoken in a really long time!

JacksonReaction: Thanks for trolling me on my first day as a Moderator... scarred me for life. Don't worry though, you're still amazing. xD

Hectorg98: You were probably my first friend while I was a waiting rank, and you still are my friend today. Can you believe it's been a year, we've been friends for more than a year! :D Woo! This calls for a cake!

Benjamin I'm the best Age Exception this server has ever had, or so you say. Thanks for keeping my self-esteem up, and being the best scrub I've ever known. <3

@TheEntireCommunity&StaffTeam: Thanks for everything, you've all put me through a lot. There's a lot I remember and a lot I don't, but this community has changed me, and I hope it does.

Here's to another year as a staff member! Thanks so much everyone! <3 I will probably make changes to the thread later, and possible add more people to the thread. If you're not on the thread. I'm sorry. :eek:
Last edited:


Aug 11, 2013
Reaction score
Congrats tomorrow is my one week anniversary and I am proud to say I have handled over 50 teamspeak issues! Congratulations here's to another year!


District 13
May 10, 2013
Reaction score
I thought you were resigning and was like nooo!
I haven't talked to you in so long Rida, get on teamspeak sometime :p
Congratulations on the achievement too!


Jun 16, 2014
Reaction score
Congrats fellow Age Exception buddie! You've come a long way, congratulations on one year!


Jun 15, 2015
Reaction score
Congrats on such a big milestone! Its these kinds of things that inspired me to try and become a moderator and now i'm in pending awaiting an answer! Again congrats on your achievement, and here's to the next year! <3

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