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Guide READ BEFORE POSTING: A Guide to the Community Corner


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
A Complete Guide to the Community Corner

Greetings friends! The Community Corner was introduced as a separate section over two years ago now, and has since become arguably the most popular section of the forums since (not including the Ban Dispute section - sorry Sr. Staff members!). That being said, a guide and general overview of this lovely section is well overdue.

What is the Community Corner?

As found in the description of the subforum at the top of the thread list, the Community Corner is the place to go for those wishing to introduce themselves, share their MCSG stories, meet the staff, or discuss any general manner regarding the interest and well-being of the community here at MCGamer. In the Community Corner, one will normally find various discussions on different topics, whether it is regarding the latest community update, or what everyone's tastes in music are. It is also a rather obvious inference that the community corner is about, you guessed it, the community. This entails a supportive and in-depth environment. As expected everywhere on our forums, users are to be respectful of the content of others, and will create a forum environment that welcomes all.

What to Post in the Community Corner

Considering this very section tends to get the most traffic out of all our public sections on the forums, sometimes people will post threads that may stray from the original purpose. Not only does this create discussion intended for a different section, but it further encourages people to do the same, turning our forums into a one-dimensional, community-corner-only, type feel and this can be a turn-off for new users who want to experience everything. Now, this isn't to say that spending a lot of time in the Community Corner is a bad thing, it's just saying that we need to think before we post, and make sure what we're posting is correct for the section, in this case, the Community Corner.

Good topics to post threads about:

- Community Events
- Opinions on updates
- Opinions on features
- Introduction threads
- MCSG Stories
- Giveaways/competitions
- Like/message goal threads
- Important/relevant world news
Anything else that has to do with the entirety of the community and is good for discussion. If you are creating a thread, make sure it is engaging, relevant, and on topic (don't make pointless threads, they'll just end up getting locked)

What NOT to Post in the Community Corner

Every now and then a thread will appear that has nothing to do with the purpose of the Community Corner, whether it is simply posted in the wrong section by mistake, or is inappropriate in accordance to our rules here on the MCGamer Forums.

Here are some things to not post about:

- Asking staff to read ban disputes
- Asking staff to read mod applications
- Selling your Minecraft account
- Advertising your YouTube channel (we have a Media Section)
- Disrespectful messages toward the staff, server, or community members
- Asking for people to buy you donor ranks
- Racism, homophobia, harassment, etc.
- Pointless threads (or threads that could be status updates)
- Questions regarding your donor purchase (See: General Support)
- Asking for evidence to your ban/mute
- "Top 5/10 ____" threads (These threads are repetitive and can cause flame)
Certain topics are to be left for other sections. If you have questions about our network, visit General Support for example; or if you'd like to talk about the best game of SG ever visit the Survival Games Discussions.

And That's a Wrap!

Now that you have a better idea of what you're doing here, go out into this forum and spread the wonderful light of discussion. The MCGamer Forums are home to a tightly-knit community that has been standing strong for over three years now, so let us all make the most of what we have. Happy posting, and I look forward to seeing you all around!

If you have any questions or concerns about why a thread of yours may have been locked or moved, or why a post of yours was deleted, do not hesitate to contact a moderator. We're here to help and will sort you out as soon as possible


Thanks for writing this guide Ceroria! It should make the Community Corner overall more appropriate and enjoyable to forum in.


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
I don't really know how many people would actually take the time to read this entire thread before posting, but hey they'll be better off if they do.


Aug 5, 2014
Reaction score
=D This is a great guide to the community corner, hopefully this'll keep the community corner a little more discussion and carefree while still keeping it clean and consistent to the theme of the secion.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
=D This is a great guide to the community corner, hopefully this'll keep the community corner a little more discussion and carefree while still keeping it clean and consistent to the theme of the secion.
That was the intention! Let's now cross our fingers and hope people actually check this out haha

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