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The Rebels

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Jul 30, 2014
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So I was bored and decided why not right some stuff about my mcsg career. I started of in march of 2013 i really did not know anything about this community for anyone popular in it i just wanted to have fun and play like my hero joey graceffa xD i remember the news when joey saidhe quit playing i was heart broken but i kept playing because i was in love with nerdy hampster i thought maybe we would get married but i found out she didint even care about me! so a few months later i met a friend his name was Ranger_zZ and he was the first person i ever talked to on mcsg we hit it off and are still great friends almost 2 years later we played for a long time until we started to get ok at this game we met a guy names coolcat19 and he introduced us to clans we joined a clan called vectroid and boy we were terrible but me and ranger sure carried that clan lol. so one day we both decided to leave because we were much better then them and the timezone diffrence was to much so we joined a clan named ascendancy thats were i met alot of my good friends they really introduced me to this clan community but about 2 months later we disban because of a person named cozzy he would threaten us if we didint hand over the clan once our owner finally had enough he left and cozzy took it over i was heart broken because i felt like we just let him win but life went on and he didint really make a big diffrence saying i basically joined a clan almost the same after ascendancy disbanded so a few clans went by with the same people over and over but i didint feel like they were family i had problems in real life and just more stress online so i left them and wanted to start with a new group of people i got invited to a clan named prosperity and jumped at my chance but i think that was a mistake because it was full of mean people who cheated to win ( i never cheated ) so shortly after that clan disbanded i went on a break for about 3 months and i came back for one day and i was hooked i joined a clan named curse and i loved everyone in it (almost everyone) (cough cough evermore) i stayed with that clan for around a month or 2 until it started getting very very inactive and i tried over and over to get people active but nothing worked i left that clan the day we disbanded and i thought i was done with clans forever until i met 2 people those people were radodim and Skillexio they honestly were the nicest people i had ever talked to in this comunity and i thought maybe i had found my true home nothing has changed since that day they are still two of my very very best friends. i did get accepted into rebels after around 2 weeks and that was probly my happiest day of this year. i started making many friends in rebels and i was slowy getting les nervous to talk to people now here i am over 3 months later loving this clan as much as the day i joined it and feeling like a true part of the family and i thank Maxypie and myruhh7 for ever accepting me into this clan in the first place i truely am a happier person because of this second family and i will be here until the end i love you all :) Jccandfriends Soniq Sportz
ayy lmao, thats me weebs.


May 1, 2015
Reaction score
Announcement time boys.

Ag | Alex has stepped down as officer, we envy you for your time here as an officer it was always fun talking to you. Sad to see you go happy to watch you leave ;) (NO HE'S NOT LEAVING IM JUST TRYING TO BE FUNNY)

rexxyy is back as leader, congrats.

Justiinn & Bogen have both been promoted to ociffer congrats guys, don't stop doing work cause you got the rank! (like jcc)

radodim, Sevector, and Sportz have all been promoted to elite, once again congrats :)

Rayy has been accepted for full member (don't hop away pls)

MikeDedon & Reloging have both been awarded trial, keep being active!
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