• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

#Harmony [US] Seeking Active Members

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May 30, 2015
Reaction score

(Banner designed by FlameFusion and Elmers)

Founded by ImGlorious on 6/24/15
Disbanded by ImGlorious on 2/9/16

TeamSpeak Server IP: harmony.teamspeakcp.com
Official #Harmony Cape (colors may vary): http://www.needcoolshoes.com/banner?=paiwisiypGphpcfp

Please read the following rules before applying:

-If you're accepted as a prefatory member, your qualities will be observed over the next few days after acceptance
-Do not cause flame or continue to argue

-Don't make public accusations towards anyone
-Do not ask for a promotion
-Do not do /me in the Skype group chat, as it's deceiving and pointless
-Do not vulgarly swear in the Skype chat
-Do not constantly ask for a clan battle/scrim, they'll happen when the time is right
-Do not constantly ask to be in a clan battle/scrim, I try to put everyone in equally
-In a clan battle/scrim, do not say ANYTHING in in-game chat, this rule is EXTREMELY important and if you violate it, you’ll be INSTANTLY suspended
-Let me know if you are going to be inactive for a period of time or if you have computer issues, so I can put you “on break"
-If you are "on break", you are prohibited from going on the clan TeamSpeak
-Please respect and listen to everyone
-If I catch you breaking an MCSG rule or regulation, I will report you to the staff team
-If you have an issue with someone, message me privately, not in the group chat
-If someone pokes you or says something offensive to you in-game, take a screenshot of it and send it to me—I cannot punish without proof
-If you change your Minecraft IGN, tell me immediately, so I can alter your IGN on the roster
-If you chose to leave the clan, please privately message me that you left and at least give me a reason
-You may invite a friend on the TeamSpeak server, but you need my approval first
-You may advertise a video, website, etc. once per day, but only if you're deemed active by myself, I will request to remove advertisements if you're not deemed active enough (prefatory members cannot advertise)
-Be friendly and pleasant to everyone
-Enjoy yourself
-Be a loyal member of #Harmony
-Have pride in being in #Harmony

Any violations will result in a punishment

Applications are OPEN - anyone interested is encouraged to apply

Please note, your application on the forums may not be replied to. However, you will be contacted via Skype.

Minecraft IGN (include alternative accounts):
Skype Name (Mandatory):
Can you use TeamSpeak?:
What timezone do you live?:
SoloSG Wins/Games Played:
RegularSG Wins/Games Played:
PvP Strengths:
PvP Weaknesses:
Do you understand the rules provided above the application?:
Do You Have a Rank on MCSG (Not Mandatory):
If you are accepted, how often will you be active with #Harmony?
What makes you a good asset to this clan? (Please answer throughly):

*If you are not comfortable sharing any of this information publicly, please message me your application*

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Why can't we type in chat during clan battles and scrims?
A: Some members may say something disrespectful or rude to the opposing clan that the opposing clan could use againist us. Also, not typing in chat during clan battles and scrims keeps us more focused on winning the game and provides a less toxic environment.
Q: Why can't we do /me in the Skype chat?
A: Doing /me in the Skype chat may be deceiving or confusing towards other members, as if someone does /me in effort to make it look like they left the clan, someone may be confused by that.
Q: Why can't I go on the TeamSpeak server while I'm on break?
A: If you're on break, it means that you currently don't have the time to participate in clan activities and interact with members. Therefore, going on the TeamSpeak server during your break shows me that you do actually have time. If you do suddenly have a free day or two, private message me on Skype telling me to take you off break temporarily--allowing you access to the TeamSpeak server.
Q: Why can't we swear in the Skype chat?
A: I only ask for you to refrain from using f-words and vulgar sexual terms, and the reason for that is to keep the chat less toxic and more family-friendly. #Harmony does have some younger members that shouldn't be exposed to such terminology.
Q: Why do we have to private message you when we change our IGN's?
A: I need to keep the most-updated roster as possible on the forums to prevent any confusion.
Q: When do we clan battle?
A: Leaders and I try to clan battle logically and as frequently as we can. However, please don't expect there to be daily clan battles during school months, as members have better things to do--school is always a priority over the clan.
Q: How do I get promoted?
A: Read the descriptions of each rank below the rank title by clicking the "Spoiler" button on the #Harmony forum page and make sure you meet all the requirements for your current rank and most of the requirements for the rank above you.

-Knowledge of Routes on Clan Battle Maps
-Age 12+
-Positive Attitude
-Respect Towards Others
-Listens to Others
-Abide By All MCSG Rules & Regulations (If I catch you breaking the rules, I will report you to the MCGamer Staff)

The Council:
The Council of #Harmony isn't necessarily a rank within the clan. Being in the council means that I trust you to take part in making decisions for the clan. Councilmen could be cheerleaders, elites, officers, or leaders. I will alternate members of the council every month or so, but Bruce_Crafts will always remain in the council, as he is head of the council.

I'm the founder of #Harmony and I pay for the clan TeamSpeak. I take my position very seriously and therefore, if I'm harsh towards you, don't take it personally.


To graduate to a Leader, which is the highest achievable rank in #Harmony, you need to have experience with everyone in the clan and the ability to interact congruently with everyone. As a Leader, complete loyalty and dedication is expected and having pride in being apart of #Harmony is required. In addition, with Leader, you have the privilege to conduct clan battles. However, you cannot conduct clan battles freely, you need my permission and approval. Also, a priority of Leaders is to unify the clan in scrims/clan battles and to defuse flame or arguements. Most importantly, try your best to make sure the clan acts in harmony.

To graduate to an Officer, absolute and definite dedication and loyalty are required. You should be familiar and compatible with most, if not all, people in the clan. As an officer, you should be helping enforce the rules and be capable of hosting scrimmages efficiently. In addition, as an Officer, you are granted the privelage to punish Elites and lower.
However, whenever there is a complex situation, disagreement, or argument, you need to notify me directly through Skype. In addition, you should be displaying traits of an emerging leader.

To graduate to an Elite, I need to know that you have a thorough understanding of the rules and can begin enforcing them. In addition, as an Elite, you should know other people in #Harmony very well and can interact with them sufficiently. By that, I do not mean everyone apart of #Harmony, but definitely most. After you've been promoted as an Elite, improving on your leadership skills is absolutely necessary and complete conformity is required.

After you've either been accepted initially as a member or promoted from prefatory member to member, you should be trying to improve on your leadership and communication skills. In addition, getting to know other people apart of #Harmony, displaying effort and pride, and proving your value to me, will help your potential of a promotion in the future. Also, activity is noted and very much appreciated.
-xStaticMC [On Prolonged Break]

-Pqthon [On Prolonged Break]

After you've been accepted as a prefatory member, I'll ask you a series of questions and provide you with #Harmony's rules and regulations. Once you've said you understand the rules and agree to the rules, I'll ask you if you if you believe they are fair and reasonable. After you answer, I'll add you to the #Harmony Skype chat and whenever you interact with the clan, an officer, leader, or myself will be observing your qualities. After I or others have came to a conclusion, I'll inform you whether you've completed or failed the prefatory stage. If you've failed the prefatory stage, you'll be debarred from #Harmony.


(Wins - 34| Losses - 8)

Harmony v. Tide |5-2| [W]
Harmony v. Crew |5-4| [W]
Harmony v. Inrelevation |1-5| [L]
Harmony v. Venemyx |5-3| [W]
Harmony v. RoadToast |5-0| [W]
Harmony v. Breakout |3-4| [W/DQ]
Harmony v. Technic |5-0| [W]
Harmony v. Living |5-1| [W]
Harmony v. Avire |5-2| [W]
Harmony v. Collapse |3-1| [W]
Harmony v. TheCore |5-0| [W/DQ]
Harmony v. Darkened |5-3| [W]
Harmony v. Tremble |5-1| [W]
Harmony v. TurnedUS |5-3| [W]
Harmony v. Desipher |5-1| [W]
Harmony v. Arise |1-5| [L]
Harmony v. Concord |5-0| [W]
Harmony v. Shaded |5-1| [W]
Harmony v. Spiral |5-0| [W/Disband]
Harmony v. Nightraid |5-1| [W]
Harmony v. Nobility |4-5| [W/DQ]
Harmony v. Avoided |6-7| [L]
Harmony v. Lustre |5-2| [W]
Harmony v. Extension |3-0| [W]
Harmony v. Spectrum |2-5| [L]
Harmony v. Slayers |5-2| [W]
Harmony v. Diablo |5-2| [W]
Harmony v. Ghost |5-2| [W/FF]
Harmony v. Surface |5-1| [W/FF]
Harmony v. Power |2-5| [L]
Harmony v. Iris |5-2| [W]
Harmony v. SpectreCrew |5-3| [W]
Harmony v. Staliumus |5-0| [W]
Harmony v. AirPvP |5-0| [W]
Harmony v. Pulse |5-0| [W/Disband]
Harmony v. TheFraternity |5-0| [W]
Harmony v. Superiority |5-0| [W/FF]
Harmony v. Maelstrom |5-0| [W/FF]
Harmony v. Carnage |0-5| [L]
Harmony v. AirPvP |5-1| [W]
Harmony v. Momentum |1-5| [L]
Harmony v. LatinBlade |2-5| [L]

"I, ImGlorious, leader of the clan Harmony, agree to the MCGamer Clan Rules and the MCGamer Administration. We will act appropriately and uphold the standards of the MCGamer community. Should the clan or its members break any of the rules, we agree to accept whatever punishments may be delivered."

Last edited:


May 8, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: PlatinumStats / Pugwhi
Skype Name (Mandatory): abadfa
Age: 13
Wins: 178
PvP Strengths: Rod, Sword, bow spamming,
PvP Weaknesses: FnS
What Makes You a Good Asset to this Clan?: I encourage everyone!


May 30, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: PlatinumStats / Pugwhi
Skype Name (Mandatory): abadfa
Age: 13
Wins: 178
PvP Strengths: Rod, Sword, bow spamming,
PvP Weaknesses: FnS
What Makes You a Good Asset to this Clan?: I encourage everyone!
Accepted! Welcome!


Jun 26, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: AdamShutUp
Skype Name (Mandatory): clanhunter.canada
Age: 13
Wins: (old account got hacked at around 450 wins)
PvP Strengths: Good with the sword, and flint & steel. I also have good communication skills.
PvP Weaknesses: I am ok with the bow and rod.
What Makes You a Good Asset to this Clan?: I have been looking for a good clan for a while and I think this clan would be a great start. I have never been in a clan before and I am really excited to join one (if you accept me)! I have been playing Minecraft for about a year now and recently started playing PvP. I play a lot of CS:GO so I am good at communicating, giving good call-outs, helping teammates out, etc. I also love making new friends and are very social. Hopefully you accept my application, but from now on out, cya :3 (btw im LEM :p)


May 30, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: AdamShutUp
Skype Name (Mandatory): clanhunter.canada
Age: 13
Wins: (old account got hacked at around 450 wins)
PvP Strengths: Good with the sword, and flint & steel. I also have good communication skills.
PvP Weaknesses: I am ok with the bow and rod.
What Makes You a Good Asset to this Clan?: I have been looking for a good clan for a while and I think this clan would be a great start. I have never been in a clan before and I am really excited to join one (if you accept me)! I have been playing Minecraft for about a year now and recently started playing PvP. I play a lot of CS:GO so I am good at communicating, giving good call-outs, helping teammates out, etc. I also love making new friends and are very social. Hopefully you accept my application, but from now on out, cya :3 (btw im LEM :p)
You've been accepted and I've sent a contact request on Skype! Welcome and thanks for applying-hope you enjoy your stay!


Nov 1, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: AdamShutUp
Skype Name (Mandatory): clanhunter.canada
Age: 13
Wins: (old account got hacked at around 450 wins)
PvP Strengths: Good with the sword, and flint & steel. I also have good communication skills.
PvP Weaknesses: I am ok with the bow and rod.
What Makes You a Good Asset to this Clan?: I have been looking for a good clan for a while and I think this clan would be a great start. I have never been in a clan before and I am really excited to join one (if you accept me)! I have been playing Minecraft for about a year now and recently started playing PvP. I play a lot of CS:GO so I am good at communicating, giving good call-outs, helping teammates out, etc. I also love making new friends and are very social. Hopefully you accept my application, but from now on out, cya :3 (btw im LEM :p)
:3 Weren't you the one that set your own teammate on fire and killed in in a scrim on TSG2? My Ign is CookieKaitlyn for that round
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