I know how you feel, and it can be annoying toooo many times. However, as a ex-staff member, it is almost impossible to catch every single phrase that is put/typed in chat.
I know you might be really mad/pissed of at the Staff Members, but they do whatever they can.
But you community members don't understand 1 thing.. The thing is, Staff Members can't do this alone.. They can't get rid of all these rule-breakers, so they need someones help. That means we (Community Members), have to do something about this, and start reporting people for breaking the rule in several ways.
If there is a Moderator in the hub you are in, and you see someone swearing, saying something sexual, advertising etc.. Just call the Moderator and tell him nicely to be aware of that person who broke or even is breaking the rules.
If you find someone swearing, or using profane language, take a screenshot, or a wa of evidence, and give it to a Moderator by joining our official TeamSpeak or just by making a Report abuse on the forums.
As I said before, we really need your help guys, and the Staff Members can't do this alone without you (Community members) as there is toooo many rule-breakers.
I hope this helped a lot, because if we want to get rid of all those hackers, abusers etc. We need your help, by reporting most of them as we do not have enough members of staff to be online the whole day, as we do also have more servers than only one (US, EU, AU and CA).
Thanks for everything.
If you have any questions, feel free to inbox me!
Have a wonderful day at the MCGamer Network!
- Alex