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Updates Battlegrounds & Deadly Descent Map Updates


May 4, 2012
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In the last few days, we've pushed out a pretty big update to the entire network and part of this included a number of improvements to other gamemodes and with these improvements, we can now push out some new maps for both Battlegrounds and Deadly Descent.

These maps should be available to play on the BG and DD servers

Normally I would say within a few days however I jumped onto Battlegrounds while writing this to have a look and found the maps already Live and Playable :)

Map Name: "Porte Orange"
Created by Sanders (Team Helix)

It's been a while now since we originally accepted this map however after improvements being made to Battlegrounds, we've now finally added the map. Much apologies for it taking so long.

Porte Orange is a Pirate fortress somewhere in the Caribbean ocean, however its known for its annual games where Pirates must slay each other to take all the gold!
the map has 4 so called "layers" which are all relatively flat, Which means tons of PvP space for you to slice your enemy Pirates!

Map Thread: http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/porte-orange-a-gamemode-spotlight-submission.178626/

Map Name: "Salvepic"
Created by Whisper974 (Deep Academy)

This quaint little village situated on a floating island has recently fallen into civil war. Where there was once peace, there is now battle. You along with many of the the other inhabitants now find yourselves battling to be the best. Maybe one day peace will return however for the time being, I wish you all the best of luck as in these dark times, your going to need it...

Map Thread: http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/salvepic-created-by-whisper974.191857/

Although most of the maps that we accept are submitted to us on the forums, occasionally we like to scout out maps that we think are good and that the community will like - this is one of those occasions and we've been given permission from the Map Maker to use the map for our Battlegrounds Gamemode.

Please Remember that you cannot submit to us maps made by other people however if you know of a good map and feel it should be on MCGamer, please feel free to DM me about it and I can then review the map and contact the map creator if I feel it's a map that the community will like.

Map Name: "Heavearthell"
Created by KitMencha & Giver (Kithex Build Team)

The map starts off at the top, heaven, slowly but surely, the angels (players) make their way down to Earth. Upon entering reaching Earth, our lovely little angels decide that this isn't enough. So they venture on tackling dirt, grass and stone as they make their way to hell!

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District 13
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
All the maps look absolutely amazing; I can't wait to play on them! :)

Axel | PlazaGames


I am soooo thankful, to see how hard the Staff Team is working <3

Thanks for everything <3


Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
Map Updates are honestly my favorite thing ever. Not because of the new maps/routes to explore, but because I find it interesting to see new Builders and Teams enter the community and put their full foot forward in creating epic Survival Games/Deadly Descent/Battlegrounds maps!

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