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About Me? - SimplyPoptart or Jack


Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
Here is a little introduction of myself and then i'll get into why i'm making this thread...

The Basics:
Name: Jack or SimplyPoptart
Age: 18 (depending on when your viewing)
Gender: Male
Location: Melbourne, Australia

(If you want inbox me your skypes and ill add you to get to know you also if you were in here thanks for the support and sorry if our friendship ended badly just start a convo on this website with me also start a convo for skypes as well)

My MCSG/MC Gamer Story:
I was playing on a server called "upercraft" one day with my friend Vinnie!
That was my first multiplayer minecraft expierence and when this server got "Survival Games" or "Hunger Games" I started playing a lot more except for an aussie the ping was around 300 but that didn't stop me and Vinnie, we played most days and nights just as we found an australian survival games server online called MCSG/MC Gamer as we know it today.

Vinnie and I played soo much of MCSG until half way through last year or even earlier when Vinnie stopped playing now being IRL friends we still catch up and are friends to this day but then i started adding more people on skype from the community and thats where i met a cool guy by the name of CanadianYoshi and he was like 30x better than me at SG and we played for ages and ages it was soo fun... until CanadianYoshi got banned for some sort of abuse if i can remember correctly or tolling but he said he did it and basically got addicted to fifa and left MCSG/MC Gamer for good.

I was adding people left and right trying to make friends and getting to know a few different people but no one really clicked with me but a few great people such ViolentKitten, HeyMacyHay, Bawley, FreeFullVersion, RawrItsJordan, Hunter_58, Karlee_17 and LovinMcBitz to just name a few but there was a couple more that i added and had good chats with but then i decided to take a break...

After the break i came back and my friends were either gone from mcsg or they had forgotten me and just left me but after coming back i had regained a few friends with them anyway the story goes on and well i made friends with this girl called KorriPocky and well we became great friends and eventually met up in Melbourne which was a really fun day at Luna Park! We were accompanied by Omastar, Milover99, Reevesdrum if thats how you spell there names but hopefully they don't kill me for putting this in there anyway after a lot of fun IRL and in game i decided to be sorta a massive D*** (sorry for the language) and lost most of those friends but now i hope we are all good and if we aren't i would like to apologize in some way to them if i see them again!

I started to talk to different people like KendraNichole, JillyBean, Cindy and of course JR then slowly but surley all good things come to an end when we slowly all stop talking to each other probs bad on my part due to that fact that i slowly become more antisocial over time!

Well after that i started commenting on xImTully's videos and actually met a few great people on an SMP she started up with ImTully, BogPong, EVMGamingful, Wavion, Hyperbusrt, RisingSniper, Buzzplays and i would add JustSomeHero in there too. they were soo fun and i made some pretty cool friends but i soon go antisocial and stop talking.

After being on the TS for a couple days with no friend i join a channel with these magnificent people in there JaysonKayu (i spelt that wrong) deadsun, Saydimon, JaceTrashCan and well we became good friends and i started to talk to some of their friends like Michy and Mav and Keno! Again i start to slowly not talk to them but we are still friends anyway.

I am mainly now just friends with 1 person that i talk to most days in NoochKYT but have no other real friends that i talk to everyday on the ts but i see my mistakes and i really want to make new friends and also meet some old ones again i guess but its getting harder as im soo bad at talking to people now i just quit before i come close to anyone also thanks to people that have supported me that i haven't mentioned in here like nopls, egg, DiamondZniper and many others but i think i just have gone off the ralis and i need some peoples help to regain friends and make new ones!


- SimplyPoptart

(Sorry if confusing)



District 13
Mar 25, 2014
Reaction score
Welcome <3
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i control this entire operation
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Cool story, you seem like a cool person I always see chilling around, speaking to everyone. I hope to get to know you more!


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Welcome to MCG! Very interesting story. That server you were talking about in the beginning, are you sure it wasn't "ubercraft" instead of "upercraft"? :p


District 13
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
Very interesting story! MCSG is a great place to make friends with people, as you proved. I hope to see you around :D

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