Sometimes the truth hurts, but here it is;
If you're leaving the community just because you got denied, then it proves that your resolve is weak. It proves you didn't have it in you- that you weren't cut out for the job in the first place. I know a mod who, after a much longer battle to get mod than you seem to have fought (judging by the fact that you only joined about 2 months ago- i'll talk about that later) finally got it. He didn't apply 8 times. He applied about 13+ times. He was in the community for 2 YEARS, not 2 months. He considered just leaving, that it was futile. But he's here now. All because he had the resolve to keep going- to overcome adversity and triumph.
Before this becomes another one of those cheesy motivational speeches, I'll continue to my second point- you only joined not even 2 months ago. I get the feeling you joined the forums just to get mod- there's nothing wrong with that, but trust me, you'll go a lot further if you join because you want to be part of the COMMUNITY, not the staff team. A quick analysis into your activity pretty much backed that point up.
Summary: You're giving up too early in the race. You're also too focused on one thing, which paradoxically causes you to fall short of your focus, because you don't pay attention to the things that matter- being part of the community, having fun, loosening up. I think you'll find if you take a break from the whole 'mod is my dream' thing and just try to appreciate being a part of the community, you'll have some success when you go and apply for mod next.