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Coming Out - My Opinion

Apr 26, 2015
Reaction score
Hey Everyone :3

So you might be aware that there have been a lot of threads of mods (particularly) coming out.
I have a very strong opinion on gay rights, coming out and all stuff regarding homosexuality, this thread is based of MY experiences.
I am not here to bash anyone and there decisions, it may seem that way but that is not my aim of this thread.
Here's my opinion regarding some elements of "coming out"...
  1. You do not NEED to come out. People feel obligated to tell everyone there sexuality these days, you are the only person who needs to accept you. No one else needs to accept you for who you are. You can argue against that, but as I've stated, this is just my opinion. If someone asks you if your gay/bisexual then you can tell them, but making threads and blogs on the internet or however you want to "come out" will just urge some homophobic people/haters to hate or accuse you of "attention seeking", whether you want to tolerate that is up to you. My point is don't obligated to come out, if your not comfortable with doing it don't do it, because it's just going to cause more emotional distress.​
  2. Do it when YOU ARE ready. Not when others are doing, coming out isn't a trend and it shouldn't be used as a source of attention (I know people who have done this), it does look rather suspicious that 3/4 people have decided to write threads on "coming out" but maybe 1 person starts it, then another person is influenced, and another. And that's great, because the good thing about "coming out" is now that you have got it all out there, there's no turning back, you just have to face forward and also face the fact that you have made the decision to accept yourself.​
  3. I've always said this to myself, It's my way of dealing with things although it may not be everyone cup of tea. Why should gay/bisexual people come out? Straight people don't announce that they are straight? Being gay is as normal as being straight, we wish that in society, but society make it to be a big deal or different/not the ordinary. That's why people feel the need to announce there sexuality whether it's gay or bi.
Accepting yourself is a really challenging thing to do, everyone can do it, they just have to find the right time and find themselves and once they start accepting themselves for who they are life becomes so much easier!

Congratulations to everyone who is now comfortable with themselves! It's really is nice to see more positive stories in the air, it's one more step forward!

And I'm sorry for my bad explanation and english, words aren't really my thing...:(.​
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Jul 30, 2013
Reaction score
I understand your point completely.
But the people who are coming out to the community, they are doing it for themselves, not for everyone to know because they feel it's necessary to announce it, when I made my coming out post, it was me accepting myself and inviting you guys to know me as me because im proud of who I am :)

It's up to the person if they want it to be public knowledge, by more people coming out publicly it gives it a sense of norm, you see people calling gays "abnormal" that's because it's not as common as heterosexuals, if more people come out and give others courage to do the same, it will show people it's normal to feel that way, it's normal to be this way, it's no different to being straight, it's just another preference for man kind.

I actually had this conversation with my mum this morning about this kind of thing.
This is my personal opinion on the topic of homosexuality.
As a gay female myself, I've had hate because of it, yes. BUT! It was my decision to either
A. Be offended by it or
B. Just realize there will always be judgmental people who are scared of what isn't their normal.
People need to learn to cop it on the chin, society will always find something to judge and criticize but it's our own decision as to whether we take offense or not.

Now I don't mean any disrespect in this comment at all these are purely just my opinions!

Anywho! Nice thread :)


District 13
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
I have opinions on your opinion to say the least. To be honest, I don't agree with a lot of this. I feel like you may need to see a little more of the world and how strangely it works and see a few more perspectives regarding this topic. Coming out isn't like a Sweet 16, it's about the reasons to why it's done. People do them to open their hearts and spirits. People can't be themselves if they don't accept themselves or hide their identity. You're forgetting a lot of gay people hide who they are because they're scared, and coming out is a sign that they're not scared anymore, they are not gonna hide in the shadows, they're gonna jump into the sky and shine as bright as anyone else. It's more than coming out, it's unlocking a new person spiritually, mentally, and even physically. There's a lot more to it that you're forgetting to mention. I would not come out if it meant nothing, I came out because for years I felt like I was lying to myself and tricking myself. I felt like I was keeping a secret, and secrets are meant to be told eventually. I felt SOOO much better after my revelation, and I know others have as well, they can finally feel like they're themselves. It's not about coming out to see what people will think about, and it shouldn't be, you're right on that. However, coming out includes the mental revelation and unlocks a secret color of their heart. Coming out I find is necessary because in this society, gay is treated as abnormal, and weird. You know how hard life can be for gay people, and even worse for transgender people. So people do the whole hiding thing, but by coming out, they can show they're not scared of the bullies, or they're parents or society anymore, they're ready to be see who will be there for them, and they're ready to take the world by storm. I believe that if someone wants to come out, they should, no doubt about it in my mind, so sorry, I disagree with you strongly on your opinion of coming out as necessary.
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Apr 26, 2015
Reaction score
I understand your point completely.
But the people who are coming out to the community, they are doing it for themselves, not for everyone to know because they feel it's necessary to announce it, when I made my coming out post, it was me accepting myself and inviting you guys to know me as me because im proud of who I am :)

It's up to the person if they want it to be public knowledge, by more people coming out publicly it gives it a sense of norm, you see people calling gays "abnormal" that's because it's not as common as heterosexuals, if more people come out and give others courage to do the same, it will show people it's normal to feel that way, it's normal to be this way, it's no different to being straight, it's just another preference for man kind.

I actually had this conversation with my mum this morning about this kind of thing.
This is my personal opinion on the topic of homosexuality.
As a gay female myself, I've had hate because of it, yes. BUT! It was my decision to either
A. Be offended by it or
B. Just realize there will always be judgmental people who are scared of what isn't their normal.
People need to learn to cop it on the chin, society will always find something to judge and criticize but it's our own decision as to whether we take offense or not.

Now I don't mean any disrespect in this comment at all these are purely just my opinions!

Anywho! Nice thread :)
Thank you! That did change my opinion on a lot of things.
Thank you!!!


District 13
Mar 30, 2014
Reaction score
First, let me start out with a quote from TotalDramaTony to explain it a bit.
"The reason people come out isn't (or shouldn't be) just for show. In society, gays, bi, and the others, are discriminated a lot, many are bullied, many commit suicide, and many live unhappy lives because they have no friends or family that will love them for being gay. For being who they are, they are unloved and treated as disgusting people in most societies. So in the real world, not everyone comes out, people are scared to be who they are because of the judgement and bad things that happen when people do come out. But not at MCGamer. This Staff as much as we disagree and maybe even argue with one another. We all share a desire to help this community for what it gives us. And since this is a second family to most people, and since it's the Internet in general, people are less afraid to be themselves, and they're more open. They can't come out in the real world, so they come out online where they feel more free. Online is a place where people can explore who they are and find the friends and even family that they need in their lives. I am an older mod, most mods are fairly a little younger, and they are just experiencing the ugliness of the real world when they found out they're gay. They come here to be who they are and wear their personality with pride. Everyone who comes out online wants to come out in the real world, but they can't. This is the place where they find the support and family that can help them one day get the courage to come out in the real world. Very few people who have come out, can come out to their parents, I can't, and I've come out as gay a long time ago. So I understand your confusion, but they're is a reason to why they even spend time coming out. It opens their heart to who they are, and they gain the bravery and get experience online, to do better in the real world. After having come out for a while, I think I will be prepared enough to come out to my college when I move, and i couldn't have done that won't out my MCGamer family, and that's why I have stayed as long as I have, and that's why I stand behind people that come out, and I'm sorry, but if they want to come out, just let them, because saying they don't have to, is completely ridiculous."

Anyways, I don't think anyone that does come out feels obligated to do so. For me, it was a big relief and I don't think I can do it in real life, so naturally I'd want to do it in a more supportive environment. Having people know and support your personal sexuality helps yourself accept it more, and one of the hardest things at first is accepting yourself.

Also, it does seem like people are doing it in a successive manner, but there is a reason for that - and it's not for popularity or attention. The reason people have been coming out in what seems like a domino-toppling manner is that when they see the support and kindness of people who accept someone, they realize that they can also be supported for who they are. It really boosts your courage to see others come out as well. I know someone who came out recently who has been keeping it to their self for 7 months and gained the courage to come out because they saw others doing it. It should not be for attention and if it is, that is awful.

In a perfect world, people wouldn't have to come out. This isn't a perfect world though, as everyone here knows. There will always be people that won't accept people that are different. I won't diverge into that much, but I'm sure you understand what I'm trying to get at.

I'm going to leave this thread open for discussion but if any flame arises from it, it will be locked and may result in punishment from those starting it.
Apr 26, 2015
Reaction score
I have opinions on your opinion to say the least. To be honest, I don't agree with a lot of this. I feel like you may need to see a little more of the world and how strangely it works and see a few more perspectives regarding this topic. Coming out isn't like a Sweet 16, it's about the reasons to why it's done. People do them to open their hearts and spirits. People can't be themselves if they don't accept themselves or hide their identity. You're forgetting a lot of gay people hide who they are because they're scared, and coming out is a sign that they're not scared anymore, they are not gonna hide in the shadows, they're gonna jump into the sky and shine as bright as anyone else. It's more than coming out, it's unlocking a new person spiritually, mentally, and even physically. There's a lot more to it that you're forgetting to mention. I would not come out if it meant nothing, I came out because for years I felt like I was lying to myself and tricking myself. I felt like I was keeping a secret, and secrets are meant to be told eventually. I felt SOOO much better after my revelation, and I know others have as well, they can finally feel like they're themselves. It's not about coming out to see what people will think about, and it shouldn't be, you're right on that. However, coming out includes the mental revelation and unlocks a secret color of their heart. Coming out I find is necessary because in this society, gay is treated as abnormal, and weird. You know how hard life can be for gay people, and even worse for transgender people. So people do the whole hiding thing, but by coming out, they can show they're not scared of the bullies, or they're parents or society anymore, they're ready to be see who will be there for them, and they're ready to take the world by storm. I believe that if someone wants to come out, they should, no doubt about it in my mind, so sorry, I disagree with you strongly on your opinion of coming out as necessary.
I never meant to create the image of people "shouldn't come out", because it's best out than in (Not a poo reference at all)...but people who "come out" for attention and popularity should stop and if they are really gay should re-consider how they display there "coming out" because there are people being abandoned because of being gay, and it's not fair for people to be using something so delicate as a source to get attention. Just like you should say your depressed when you really aren't etc.


Mar 15, 2015
Reaction score
I understand your point completely.
But the people who are coming out to the community, they are doing it for themselves, not for everyone to know because they feel it's necessary to announce it, when I made my coming out post, it was me accepting myself and inviting you guys to know me as me because im proud of who I am :)

It's up to the person if they want it to be public knowledge, by more people coming out publicly it gives it a sense of norm, you see people calling gays "abnormal" that's because it's not as common as heterosexuals, if more people come out and give others courage to do the same, it will show people it's normal to feel that way, it's normal to be this way, it's no different to being straight, it's just another preference for man kind.

I actually had this conversation with my mum this morning about this kind of thing.
This is my personal opinion on the topic of homosexuality.
As a gay female myself, I've had hate because of it, yes. BUT! It was my decision to either
A. Be offended by it or
B. Just realize there will always be judgmental people who are scared of what isn't their normal.
People need to learn to cop it on the chin, society will always find something to judge and criticize but it's our own decision as to whether we take offense or not.

Now I don't mean any disrespect in this comment at all these are purely just my opinions!

Anywho! Nice thread :)
Thank you! That did change my opinion on a lot of things.
Thank you!!!
First, let me start out with a quote from TotalDramaTony to explain it a bit.
"The reason people come out isn't (or shouldn't be) just for show. In society, gays, bi, and the others, are discriminated a lot, many are bullied, many commit suicide, and many live unhappy lives because they have no friends or family that will love them for being gay. For being who they are, they are unloved and treated as disgusting people in most societies. So in the real world, not everyone comes out, people are scared to be who they are because of the judgement and bad things that happen when people do come out. But not at MCGamer. This Staff as much as we disagree and maybe even argue with one another. We all share a desire to help this community for what it gives us. And since this is a second family to most people, and since it's the Internet in general, people are less afraid to be themselves, and they're more open. They can't come out in the real world, so they come out online where they feel more free. Online is a place where people can explore who they are and find the friends and even family that they need in their lives. I am an older mod, most mods are fairly a little younger, and they are just experiencing the ugliness of the real world when they found out they're gay. They come here to be who they are and wear their personality with pride. Everyone who comes out online wants to come out in the real world, but they can't. This is the place where they find the support and family that can help them one day get the courage to come out in the real world. Very few people who have come out, can come out to their parents, I can't, and I've come out as gay a long time ago. So I understand your confusion, but they're is a reason to why they even spend time coming out. It opens their heart to who they are, and they gain the bravery and get experience online, to do better in the real world. After having come out for a while, I think I will be prepared enough to come out to my college when I move, and i couldn't have done that won't out my MCGamer family, and that's why I have stayed as long as I have, and that's why I stand behind people that come out, and I'm sorry, but if they want to come out, just let them, because saying they don't have to, is completely ridiculous."

Anyways, I don't think anyone that does come out feels obligated to do so. For me, it was a big relief and I don't think I can do it in real life, so naturally I'd want to do it in a more supportive environment. Having people know and support your personal sexuality helps yourself accept it more, and one of the hardest things at first is accepting yourself.

Also, it does seem like people are doing it in a successive manner, but there is a reason for that - and it's not for popularity or attention. The reason people have been coming out in what seems like a domino-toppling manner is that when they see the support and kindness of people who accept someone, they realize that they can also be supported for who they are. It really boosts your courage to see others come out as well. I know someone who came out recently who has been keeping it to their self for 7 months and gained the courage to come out because they saw others doing it. It should not be for attention and if it is, that is awful.

In a perfect world, people wouldn't have to come out. This isn't a perfect world though, as everyone here knows. There will always be people that won't accept people that are different. I won't diverge into that much, but I'm sure you understand what I'm trying to get at.

I'm going to leave this thread open for discussion but if any flame arises from it, it will be locked and may result in punishment from those starting it.

Arial!! Arial Everywhere!!

P.S Being gay is normal pls dont be mean D:


District 13
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
First, let me start out with a quote from TotalDramaTony to explain it a bit.
"The reason people come out isn't (or shouldn't be) just for show. In society, gays, bi, and the others, are discriminated a lot, many are bullied, many commit suicide, and many live unhappy lives because they have no friends or family that will love them for being gay. For being who they are, they are unloved and treated as disgusting people in most societies. So in the real world, not everyone comes out, people are scared to be who they are because of the judgement and bad things that happen when people do come out. But not at MCGamer. This Staff as much as we disagree and maybe even argue with one another. We all share a desire to help this community for what it gives us. And since this is a second family to most people, and since it's the Internet in general, people are less afraid to be themselves, and they're more open. They can't come out in the real world, so they come out online where they feel more free. Online is a place where people can explore who they are and find the friends and even family that they need in their lives. I am an older mod, most mods are fairly a little younger, and they are just experiencing the ugliness of the real world when they found out they're gay. They come here to be who they are and wear their personality with pride. Everyone who comes out online wants to come out in the real world, but they can't. This is the place where they find the support and family that can help them one day get the courage to come out in the real world. Very few people who have come out, can come out to their parents, I can't, and I've come out as gay a long time ago. So I understand your confusion, but they're is a reason to why they even spend time coming out. It opens their heart to who they are, and they gain the bravery and get experience online, to do better in the real world. After having come out for a while, I think I will be prepared enough to come out to my college when I move, and i couldn't have done that won't out my MCGamer family, and that's why I have stayed as long as I have, and that's why I stand behind people that come out, and I'm sorry, but if they want to come out, just let them, because saying they don't have to, is completely ridiculous."
I feel famous you used my quote


Apr 29, 2015
Reaction score
If my post wasn't breaking the rules, why was it removed then?


District 13
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
Why did his post get deleted? I didn't even see it 0_o.

I never meant to create the image of people "shouldn't come out", because it's best out than in (Not a poo reference at all)...but people who "come out" for attention and popularity should stop and if they are really gay should re-consider how they display there "coming out" because there are people being abandoned because of being gay, and it's not fair for people to be using something so delicate as a source to get attention. Just like you should say your depressed when you really aren't etc.
Wait did you see the updated one? I'm not being sassy or anything, I re Wrote it so I don't know If you saw my update XD
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