Axel | PlazaGames
OMG! <3 Ya know u are more hot bruh <3 ly.. Stay in touchI have so many people that I'd love to give shoutouts to and appreciate, but knowing me I'll forget a few so sorry if I do so. This'll mainly be focused around the people who have impacted me in more recent times.
Vanicle | Vanessa: I don't know if I can think of anybody else who is always there to help me out if I need it, or who understands the point of view of the community and is willing to put in the work to make change for the better. Vanessa, you're awesome. Stay that way! <3
P.S. no matter how hard Vanessa may or may not try, she will never be scary but you didn't hear that from me
PlazaGames: hot
Vanth: As I said on another thread, Vanth is always positive and helpful no matter what other people say about him. He is a positive member of the community, and we could use more of those nowadays c:
Col_StaR: Col has been sporting his position here for over two years and has done a spot on job for the entire time. He is willing to participate in active discussion with both the staff and community and works efficiently and for the better.
Tiger: Tiger has become one of my closest friends, and is always willing to record me smacking him.
Kat: Kat is, in my opinion, one of the hardest working members of Clan Staff and is always available to handle Teamspeak issues. Plus, she's an awesome and friendly person <3
yannr00s: Yannick has such a friendly and positive attitude, and is someone who I see all the time on the forums, helping people out or just posting whatever. I always have fun when talking to Yan on TS.
There are definitely more, these are just the ones that immediately stand out to me c: