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Clan Warfare [Season 1]


Aug 29, 2014
Reaction score
Staff Application:
1.) Name: Pek
2.) IGN: Nanos_
3.) Skype: Nanos_14
4.) Position your applying for: Ref
5.) Will you be on for all the Clan Battles? [Pertains to Ref/Recorder/Streamer Applications]: Yes i will be here for all the battle if I don't have something to do.
6.) Past Clans?: Legacy and some other clans
7.) Why do you deserve to be apart of the staff team? [50+ Words]: I deserve to be ref because I always wanted to be a ref in something and today is the chance to get that position.I am super active and positive about everything.I have friends in this tourney and I want to meet new people.I am also not bias or anything.
Tag Trespire


May 6, 2014
Reaction score
1.) Name: Jay
2.) IGN: Houndooom
3.) Skype: kamikazegaminghd
4.) Position your applying for: Ref
5.) Will you be on for all the Clan Battles? [Pertains to Ref/Recorder/Streamer Applications]: I will probably miss 1 or 2, but that's life and it's kind of unavoidable for someone to miss at least one, unless you're somehow on your computer all day every day.
6.) Past Clans?: Rivals, React, Salvation
7.) Why do you deserve to be apart of the staff team? [50+ Words]: Because I have a lot of experience in the clan community, I'm always excited to see a new idea or tournament in the clan community, especially now the scene is becoming dryer by the second. This tournament seems like it has great potential and that's why I want to help.


Aug 29, 2014
Reaction score
1.) Name: Jay
2.) IGN: Houndooom
3.) Skype: kamikazegaminghd
4.) Position your applying for: Ref
5.) Will you be on for all the Clan Battles? [Pertains to Ref/Recorder/Streamer Applications]: I will probably miss 1 or 2, but that's life and it's kind of unavoidable for someone to miss at least one, unless you're somehow on your computer all day every day.
6.) Past Clans?: Rivals, React, Salvation
7.) Why do you deserve to be apart of the staff team? [50+ Words]: Because I have a lot of experience in the clan community, I'm always excited to see a new idea or tournament in the clan community, especially now the scene is becoming dryer by the second. This tournament seems like it has great potential and that's why I want to help.


Aug 28, 2014
Reaction score
P.S. Sorry for being late to re-apply, missed the post that I was tagged in.

Staff Application:
1.) Name: Visaan
2.) IGN: Variations
3.) Skype: Will PM if I get accepted.
4.) Position your applying for: Referee
5.) Will you be on for all the Clan Battles? [Pertains to Ref/Recorder/Streamer Applications]: Most clan battles between 12:00 PM EST to 5:00 PM EST surely
6.) Past Clans?: Triology, Trostetic
7.) Why do you deserve to be apart of the staff team? [50+ Words]: I deserve to be apart of the staff team because I can bring many assets to this tourney and help out with it in general. I know the basics of clan tournaments and what rules that usually need to be followed by both clans. I'm an experienced player and will be able to if any clan is using a modded client that gives them an unfair advantage over another player. I can be clear, concise and mature while talking to other staff, players, and etc. That's just a couple ways of why I deserve to be apart of the staff team.


Staff Application:
1.) Name: Luke
2.) IGN: luckyyg
3.) Skype: luckyyg123
4.) Position your applying for: Ref
5.) Will you be on for all the Clan Battles? [Pertains to Ref/Recorder/Streamer Applications]: Yes
6.) Past Clans?: You know.
7.) Why do you deserve to be apart of the staff team? [50+ Words]: Really? I want to be apart of this but, you already know and read my application.
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Aug 29, 2014
Reaction score
P.S. Sorry for being late to re-apply, missed the post that I was tagged in.

Staff Application:
1.) Name: Visaan
2.) IGN: Variations
3.) Skype: Will PM if I get accepted.
4.) Position your applying for: Referee
5.) Will you be on for all the Clan Battles? [Pertains to Ref/Recorder/Streamer Applications]: Most clan battles between 12:00 PM EST to 5:00 PM EST surely
6.) Past Clans?: Triology, Trostetic
7.) Why do you deserve to be apart of the staff team? [50+ Words]: I deserve to be apart of the staff team because I can bring many assets to this tourney and help out with it in general. I know the basics of clan tournaments and what rules that usually need to be followed by both clans. I'm an experienced player and will be able to if any clan is using a modded client that gives them an unfair advantage over another player. I can be clear, concise and mature while talking to other staff, players, and etc. That's just a couple ways of why I deserve to be apart of the staff team.


Aug 29, 2014
Reaction score
To all clans that might want to apply, you have until Monday to apply!


Mar 27, 2014
Reaction score
1.) Name: Max
2.) IGN: Arriex
3.) Skype: I'll PM you.
4.) Position your applying for: Referrer
5.) Will you be on for all the Clan Battles? [Pertains to Ref/Recorder/Streamer Applications]: Well, it depends. Generally I am very active but I am in 8th grade and I have School & Projects. As of right now I'm on break so hopefully I will be on everyday but I also have friends and family and IRL things to do, but I will try my hardest to be on everyday this event will take place so I can actually be a Ref and do what they do.
6.) Past Clans?: Well, a lot XD || CURRENT: Venomous || PAST: Contrivance, Imprisoned, Dexterity, FL4RE, Intensity, Nitrosity, Kryptical... More if you look in my signature.
7.) Why do you deserve to be apart of the staff team? [50+ Words]: I think I deserve to be apart of the staff team because I am first of all experienced with clans. I know how to follow and respect all the rules, and I have never broken rules and dont expect to either. I am very mature and know what needs to be done to make this event succeed. If you accept me I will try my hardest to make sure everything is executed correctly and have the best time we can have!
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- Thanks for viewing :D

- As well sorry for re-applying so late. I just saw this now. :/


Aug 29, 2014
Reaction score
1.) Name: Max
2.) IGN: Arriex
3.) Skype: I'll PM you.
4.) Position your applying for: Referrer
5.) Will you be on for all the Clan Battles? [Pertains to Ref/Recorder/Streamer Applications]: Well, it depends. Generally I am very active but I am in 8th grade and I have School & Projects. As of right now I'm on break so hopefully I will be on everyday but I also have friends and family and IRL things to do, but I will try my hardest to be on everyday this event will take place so I can actually be a Ref and do what they do.
6.) Past Clans?: Well, a lot XD || CURRENT: Venomous || PAST: Contrivance, Imprisoned, Dexterity, FL4RE, Intensity, Nitrosity, Kryptical... More if you look in my signature.
7.) Why do you deserve to be apart of the staff team? [50+ Words]: I think I deserve to be apart of the staff team because I am first of all experienced with clans. I know how to follow and respect all the rules, and I have never broken rules and dont expect to either. I am very mature and know what needs to be done to make this event succeed. If you accept me I will try my hardest to make sure everything is executed correctly and have the best time we can have!
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- Thanks for viewing :D

- As well sorry for re-applying so late. I just saw this now. :/


Dec 13, 2013
Reaction score
1.) Name: Blue
2.) IGN: BlueCaptain
3.) Skype: thebluecaptainmc
4.) Position your applying for:
5.) Will you be on for all the Clan Battles?[Pertains to Ref/Recorder/Streamer Applications]: Yes.
6.) Past Clans?:My signatre
7.) Why do you deserve to be apart of the staff team? [50+ Words]: I can help with this event and with making the battles fair so that there will be no arguments between clans. Also I think it would be fun to observe this event so I can contribute to it . Trespire
Last edited:


Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
1.) Name: Anthony
2.) IGN: ReflexeZ
3.) Position your applying for: Mod
4.) Past Clans?: Dexterity, Aura , Serenity, Obelisk.
5.) Why do you deserve to be apart of the staff team? [50+ Words] : I believe that making me clan staff in the Event you are hosting would be a great idea because I know most of the staff that has already been accepted. I understand every rule that this Event is requiring clans to abide by. Im Very Trustworthy and can uphold any task given to me, And Im a Loyal person that Will do anything Possible to make this Clan Event strive, be successful, and be as fun as we can make it!!!
-Thanks For Reading.
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