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"Stop Overthinking"


Feb 5, 2015
Reaction score
Hello everyone,

Before I start, I would like to give a little shoutout to Giggity69Goo for making the thread called "Parents" the thread that will kind of lead to this kind of thread.

Many of you guys are probably wondering what's this thread all about?
This thread will let you know what exactly you could do if you are going through the solutions that aren't exactly suppose to happen.

In that case this thread is about talking about your life are you having fun or not?
I mean when playing over the internet theres always a reason behind that. Always! For example of me playing minecraft for a couple reasons my parents are divorced which made me even "depressed" and my dad being abusive at some points. Basically what I am saying is most of you guys are playing minecraft for a reason of something happened in your life that made a huge impact and made you want to play minecraft to "feel better"

You guys got to realize people are not always perfect and everybody makes a mistake. I am telling you everybody is going to make a mistake including your friends, family, parents, etc. If you are losing you're friends and being away from you're family. That has to make a stop to that, if video-games is making you lose your main interests you had before. Then stop playing video games and talk to your parents or you friends. If you have no friends, then why not go make some. Friends are there for a reason, and same thing with family talk to somebody close.

Heres a question for all of you guys, are you guys accomplishing anything in front of a screen and staring at it for hours and hours.

Still in the process of still typing, I just want to put this out there. Because people are committing suicide and I hate to see it happen. Please rethink of your decisions, I'm doing this thread because one person that lives in my neighborhood committed suicide for a dumb reason and I don't even exactly know. Another thing is he was a real nice kid.


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
Lmao am I actually inspiring this many people? I didn't think I was capable of that.

Anyways I really like this thread and I see where you're going and how this video relates to that. I do have problems over thinking and everything and it really gets to the best of me when I start to like a girl or something like that. Then I have that feeling for 10 minutes like "You know what, I'm gonna ask this girl out!" but then 10 minutes later I'm here like "But what if I get rejected... :("


District 13
Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
Yes, I feel like I am accomplishing many things while looking at the screen. That's not because of gameplay, but because of my staffing experience. As a staff member, I am not simply accomplishing bans, report abuses, and lots of writing; I am learning life skills. Some of these are, but not limited to, teamwork, dedication, leadership, ability to say no (yes, this is needed), and writing skills. Let me elaborate.

As a moderator, I am constantly working with a team. The team of moderators, the Staff Q&A team, the OMN team, the Operation Cleansweep (OCS) team, and even you--the community. Learning how to work with a team and how to deal with issues within a team is something I will most definitely use in the workplace. Although I'd eventually learn, I feel I am going to have a pretty large advantage when it comes to teamwork.

Applying for moderator gives all applicants a sense of applying for a real life job someday. Being denied 5 or 6 times has allowed me to understand which applications are good and which ones aren't. Someday, when I (and my fellow moderators or ex-staff) apply for a real job, we'll have knowledge on some basics. In addition, the interview questions are commonly asked in real life job interviews. I will go into interviews having basic comprehension of the types of questions asked. That way, I can prepare more easily.

Leading the Staff Q&A community event has given me a lot of proficiency on leadership. If I ever find myself in a supervisor or administrative position (in a real life job of course), I may have previous ideas or strategies in running things in the business world.

Ability to say no
Odd, I know, but it's definitely a skill. There are a lot of people whom, despite saying no to most things, say yes to the worst things they can possibly say yes to. For example, person 1 might tell person 2 to do something helpful for someone such as hold a door for 30 minutes and person 1 would probably say no. Then person 3 might tell person 2 to smoke a cigarette and person 2 might actually say yes. Learning to deny people for wrong things is something a moderator has to do, and has given me the confidence to do it in the future.

Writing Skills
Writing is something we will most likely all have to do. Being a moderator, I have to write constantly. Threads, warnings, and it goes on and on. After all the writing I had done, I'm confident in my future writing skills.


Mar 18, 2015
Reaction score
Much of the reason for this lies in something called 'indifference'. Because of the many decisions we are faced with on a daily basis the choices we make have a tremendous affect on our lives and others around us. We are not perfect beings in many ways in that we tend to argue, be hateful and just generally disagreeable and sometimes for no apparent reason. But we are perfect in other ways or at least as close to perfect as a human can get. We are perfectly suited for the environment in which we live. Our bodies are perfectly designed to handle this evironment. For some of us who can't seem to go through a day without getting nicked or scratched we understand there is a process which for the most part takes care of itself without our help. That is our skin's remarkable ability to heal itself. This is just one of many examples of human perfection. People aren't perfect because we all have mistakes, that we change, but we make new ones! That's why!

Perfect people aren't real and real people aren't perfect. So, you can either love people for their flaws or hate them because they're real.


Feb 5, 2015
Reaction score
Yes, I feel like I am accomplishing many things while looking at the screen. That's not because of gameplay, but because of my staffing experience. As a staff member, I am not simply accomplishing bans, report abuses, and lots of writing; I am learning life skills. Some of these are, but not limited to, teamwork, dedication, leadership, ability to say no (yes, this is needed), and writing skills. Let me elaborate.

As a moderator, I am constantly working with a team. The team of moderators, the Staff Q&A team, the OMN team, the Operation Cleansweep (OCS) team, and even you--the community. Learning how to work with a team and how to deal with issues within a team is something I will most definitely use in the workplace. Although I'd eventually learn, I feel I am going to have a pretty large advantage when it comes to teamwork.

Applying for moderator gives all applicants a sense of applying for a real life job someday. Being denied 5 or 6 times has allowed me to understand which applications are good and which ones aren't. Someday, when I (and my fellow moderators or ex-staff) apply for a real job, we'll have knowledge on some basics. In addition, the interview questions are commonly asked in real life job interviews. I will go into interviews having basic comprehension of the types of questions asked. That way, I can prepare more easily.

Leading the Staff Q&A community event has given me a lot of proficiency on leadership. If I ever find myself in a supervisor or administrative position (in a real life job of course), I may have previous ideas or strategies in running things in the business world.

Ability to say no
Odd, I know, but it's definitely a skill. There are a lot of people whom, despite saying no to most things, say yes to the worst things they can possibly say yes to. For example, person 1 might tell person 2 to do something helpful for someone such as hold a door for 30 minutes and person 1 would probably say no. Then person 3 might tell person 2 to smoke a cigarette and person 2 might actually say yes. Learning to deny people for wrong things is something a moderator has to do, and has given me the confidence to do it in the future.

Writing Skills
Writing is something we will most likely all have to do. Being a moderator, I have to write constantly. Threads, warnings, and it goes on and on. After all the writing I had done, I'm confident in my future writing skills.
Oh wow that's quite impressive as being a moderator on the MCGamer Servers/Network. I really didn't think about the things you could do through being a moderator. Never really thought about that, which is man... I just want to say I am glad you gaining some progress for your future outcomes.
Very inspiring <3
glad I inspired you:) I remember you
Lmao am I actually inspiring this many people? I didn't think I was capable of that.

Anyways I really like this thread and I see where you're going and how this video relates to that. I do have problems over thinking and everything and it really gets to the best of me when I start to like a girl or something like that. Then I have that feeling for 10 minutes like "You know what, I'm gonna ask this girl out!" but then 10 minutes later I'm here like "But what if I get rejected... :("
Yeah you really did inspired me, thanks to you for that. It's rejection everybody gets rejected for a reason, girls like certain guys. I know for a fact there are many many other girls and you will find the right one!


Aug 20, 2012
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Being a moderator here has been a place where I have improved upon leadership and especially public speaking skills. As the network improves upon the work of me and other mods, we get something in return. Responsibility and experience c:


District 13
Jul 10, 2013
Reaction score
I'm sorry but I know the point you're trying to get through but it's not as easy as you're making it sound.

f you have no friends, then why not go make some.
I'm sorry but it's not that easy to just make friends or whatever for so many reasons.
Me, for one even find it hard to talk to my family but that's a bit different I guess.
Some people can't make friends because they're mentally ill, they have things like social anxiety. I have social anxiety so I'm pretty much a main source. I'm even too scared to talk to my own friends. I have about 3 friends? like yeah I talk to other people if I can get the courage. I mean if I'm put on the spot by teachers even if I have a choice I'll freeze up and get scared.

the point is it's not that easy to make friends especially with society today. most people now are so rude and judgemental and it's hard to make friends if you're not pretty enough.

I'm doing this thread because one person that lives in my neighborhood committed suicide for a dumb reason and I don't even exactly know. Another thing is he was a real nice kid.
I know I you only mean well but why say 'it was for a dumb reason' there's probably so much you don't know that was going on in his life? And even if it seemed like a 'dumb reason' to you it was probably something real big for him. I think that was a little rude.

I think maybe you should rethink some of the stuff you've said.
Sorry to be the electron on a proton but I really had to say it.

It's not as easy as you're making it
Not everyone can do the things you say because they're being stopped by their own mind


Aug 8, 2013
Reaction score
Many of you guys are probably wondering what's this thread all about?
Its gona be sum rly philosophical thred - i guarantea it.

This thread will let you know what exactly you could do if you are going through the solutions that aren't exactly suppose to happen.

you guys are playing minecraft for a reason of something happened in your life that made a huge impact and made you want to play minecraft to "feel better"
Or because you of know it loooked lyke a fun video game.

I have social anxiety so I'm pretty much a main source.
have u ben dieagnosed or r u jst guesing

people now are so rude and judgemental and it's hard to make friends if you're not pretty enough.
u can point fingurs at others and blame it on them till cows come home, its not guna make u any friends. it is not the big bad world's fault.

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