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Fix your server

Deathmatch teaming and a teaming limit?

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Mar 10, 2015
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Fix your server.

I'm going to run through a list of problems which occurs on a day-to-day basis on MCSG which has been bugging more considering non of it is getting fixed. And before you ask me "You have the tenacity to say all this, yet you can't do better?", Yes I do have the tenacity to say this and I wish I could run a server and do better, as difficult as it probably is.

The staff -

Your staff seem good. I haven't even seen staff breaking any rules. I've seen them being respectful to new people in the hub, answering questions in the hub. discussing topics in the hub and having a tea party in the hub. The hub, not in the actual games, the hub. I honestly think your mods should loosen up on the spammers in the HUB and try going into games and looking out for the real pollution of the server: the hackers. Now, I'm not saying the mods don't do this or the mods shouldn't be able to have lives and moderate 24/7, but when the mods are in the hub, stopping spammers and answering obvious questions from people who can't put 2 and 2 together, that time should be spent into moderating the games. The staff are brilliant at what they do, but they need to prioritize.

The EU cleansweep -

I'm an EU player. I play on their around everyday. Not once have I had a session on EU MCSG without spotting over 10 hackers, 5 on short sessions. The cleansweep worked alright, not brilliant considering for every hacker you ban you have the new noob who will get their client on and take their place, but still, it was effective. That was when I was impressed with the mods, I saw them more on games, still not a lot, but it was a start. I think with all this cleansweep bs, you guys need to realize you won't eliminate hackers. It's impossible. But there are always ways to eliminate more. First of all, get better anticheat. There is a certain server, not going to say the real name because I'll get jumped by forum people, where you can practice PvP. That server has a brilliant anti-cheat that works a lot of the time. It's known to make mistakes, but everyone and everything is. Try do something about the anticheat plugin now, make it better so people can't bypass it with their crazy "I'm going to kill 17 people in 3 hits" hacks. Not bad for a start, but still didn't fix the problem. By the way, I know EU nests most of the hackers on MCSG, but you can't forget about the other ones. More people play US, so think about who you will be affecting in the majority, then focus on the minority.

Teams -

Ah, the bane of every solo players existence. I read the format, saying they aren't going to get rid of teams and that isn't the problem. The size of the teams needs to be limited like another rivaling SG server has done. I have seen 6, 7 teams and I'm not the only one because crazy wizards have recorded themselves killing 6 or 7 teams on Youtube. Everyone has teamed before, even the people who throw their fist at their dead dogs grave because they got rekt by a 2 team. It's annoying yes, but limit the teams to 3 or 4. It gets a bit ridiculous and obnoxious after that. I understand you care about "creating bonds" even though most of the community is throwing insults at each other anyway, but lets be real here, you and I both know that isn't a valid reason. Most of the people who team are probably skype teams who have good enough bonds to trust their mates not to DDoS them anyway.

I think every one at deathmatch has experienced this and wanted to punt a pigeon in the face for what happened. You're standing there, the countdown from 10 is going down and then.. The guy to the left of you blocks his sword, and the other guy nods, crouches, blocks his sword and rushes you at 0 and you get annihilated because you have no room to fight with in a tight arena. Ban this. You're not gonna be making any bonds when you get a randy to do the work for your team mate and you stab them in the back after they take care of you.

Either that or just make a completely new game where it's standard SG but it's solo only. We can have new stats for that too, considering you lied about it before.

1.7 -> 1.8 -

MCSG has done stupid things. Everyone can agree to that whether they like it or not. But dropping a ton of players to another server (not gonna say which, but lets just say Huahwi plays his UHC's there) but switching from 1.7 to 1.8 when it wasn't even forced? Why would you EVER do that? Ever? Why? Why? Why? What the bunnies? I honestly have no idea why it happened. I literally can't even go into detail, blunt and stupid was that decision. Great server, bad decisions.

I think that concludes my long ass rant. Props on the disguise plugin, ngl, you did a good job on that. Try use those skills on anti-cheat. MCSG, you have constructed the perfect SG server. The actual game itself (the tiering system, maps etc.) I wouldn't change a thing. Kudos to you for that, incredible. Just some tweaks you have to make.



Feb 26, 2014
Reaction score
I have an extremely good idea for the anti-cheat, might discuss it with staff...


District 13
Mar 31, 2014
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I honestly think your mods should loosen up on the spammers in the HUB and try going into games and looking out for the real pollution of the server: the hackers.
We already moderate both, but you only see the hub moderation. Since while catching hackers we are in GameMaster (similar to vanish), you cannot see us or know we're there.
Not once have I had a session on EU MCSG without spotting over 10 hackers, 5 on short sessions.
If you play for 3 hours at a time, maybe. Most of the time, you may think someone is hacking when in reality they're not.
First of all, get better anticheat.
We already have a good anti-cheat, and improvements are made to it every so often.
1.7 -> 1.8 -
I've explained it so often I don't even want to do it again. The answer is no. It's staying 1.8, no matter what. Eventually other networks will update, and they'll get the same issues. It's going to happen sometime.


Jun 25, 2013
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Although the staff team generally do hang around the hub, we do try and help out around in games too. We tend to stay in the hub because it is the most densely populated area on the network. The staff do get around to the games by either playing the game themselves, players letting us know that trouble is amiss, or by being notified by the trusty report system.

I understand where you are coming from with this, but unfortunately, everything cannot be 100% perfect for everyone. The 1.7 to 1.8 topic has been brought up many times, and has been for the most part debunked by other forumers. Issues like lag and glitches were mostly fixed in the 1.8.3 patch.

As for the team situation, at this moment there is no cap on teams. I admit at times when you are faced with a team of 8 round after round it can become annoying, but there is nothing that can be done to stop it. I see it as a challenge that I must take on in order to make things fun.

The EU Cleansweep as you mentioned was very effective in getting the first round of hackers. Hackers will always be there no matter what happens. They are on every server, and the only way to wipe them out completely is for Mojang to step in and prevent it (which also cannot happen). The staff team tries their best to lower the number of hackers on the network, but a permanent "cure" to the hacker infestation isn't in our hands.


Mar 10, 2015
Reaction score
We already moderate both, but you only see the hub moderation. Since while catching hackers we are in GameMaster (similar to vanish), you cannot see us or know we're there.

If you play for 3 hours at a time, maybe. Most of the time, you may think someone is hacking when in reality they're not.

We already have a good anti-cheat, and improvements are made to it every so often.

I've explained it so often I don't even want to do it again. The answer is no. It's staying 1.8, no matter what. Eventually other networks will update, and they'll get the same issues. It's going to happen sometime.
It doesn't matter if you have good anticheat, if it isn't good enough and barely does anything, what's the point?

Most people are hacking. considering the hackers know this server doesn't do a lot about hackers so they go obnoxious. You'd be blind to miss it.

Although the staff team generally do hang around the hub, we do try and help out around in games too. We tend to stay in the hub because it is the most densely populated area on the network. The staff do get around to the games by either playing the game themselves, players letting us know that trouble is amiss, or by being notified by the trusty report system.

I understand where you are coming from with this, but unfortunately, everything cannot be 100% perfect for everyone. The 1.7 to 1.8 topic has been brought up many times, and has been for the most part debunked by other forumers. Issues like lag and glitches were mostly fixed in the 1.8.3 patch.

As for the team situation, at this moment there is no cap on teams. I admit at times when you are faced with a team of 8 round after round it can become annoying, but there is nothing that can be done to stop it. I see it as a challenge that I must take on in order to make things fun.

The EU Cleansweep as you mentioned was very effective in getting the first round of hackers. Hackers will always be there no matter what happens. They are on every server, and the only way to wipe them out completely is for Mojang to step in and prevent it (which also cannot happen). The staff team tries their best to lower the number of hackers on the network, but a permanent "cure" to the hacker infestation isn't in our hands.
Fair enough. Thanks.

I have an extremely good idea for the anti-cheat, might discuss it with staff...
Yo are you that Youtube op pvper guy who keeps on getting Good on by Stimpy?
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Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
It doesn't matter if you have good anticheat, if it isn't good enough and barely does anything, what's the point?

Most people are hacking. considering the hackers know this server doesn't do a lot about hackers so they go obnoxious. You'd be blind to miss it.

Fair enough. Thanks.

Yo are you that Youtube op pvper guy who keeps on getting Good on by Stimpy?
Please don't multi-post.
I merged your posts for you, but in the future just make one rather than multiple in a row.

I actually really appreciate what you said. You're one of the few people that have actually sat down and made a logical, reasonable post.

You took time to respect things that MCGamer has done right, which a lot of people ignore, and you also point out what they (or we as staff members) still need to work on. Props to you on that, matey. :)

Concerning your first point - here's my perspective, as a staff member:
I'll go into games and play for fun or to record, and if I see a hacker then I'll follow and record them. And if someone contacts me on TeamSpeak and says that they saw a hacker, then I'll deal with them (as long as I'm available). If I see someone in-game who tells me the IGN, then I'll also go deal with that.
But I think it's safe to say that I'm not the only staff member who doesn't actively go into servers for the sole purpose of spectating entire games and hoping to find a hacker. Assuming each game takes, on average, between 7 and 12 minutes, then that's quite a bit of time that could be spent doing homework, monitoring the Hub (as it is, we still don't have enough people to catch all the chat violators)
Seeing as the role of Moderator is a volunteer position with relatively little return, it might be a bit much to expect staff members to go hunt down hackers with a passion for several months straight. Being staff a long-term thing, not just a day or two every few weeks, or an hour or two each day like the Cleansweep.

However, I definitely think that the Cleansweeps are making a difference. In cleansweeps, both staff members and players are actively going and spectating servers, searching for rule-breakers. I personally have no complaints about it - they're putting forth undeniable effort to clean up the servers. Can we really blame only the MCGamer team if the players have no respect for rules?

As for teams...

This happened TODAY....

Honestly? I wouldn't personally mind a team limit, even if the higher-up staff team does have their reasons for not implementing one.
(Also, keep in mind: clans)


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
It doesn't matter if you have good anticheat, if it isn't good enough and barely does anything, what's the point?

Most people are hacking. considering the hackers know this server doesn't do a lot about hackers so they go obnoxious. You'd be blind to miss it.
Fair enough. Thanks.
Yo are you that Youtube op pvper guy who keeps on getting Good on by Stimpy?
Please merge these all into one post by editing the first post and deleting the other two.

As for the thread itself, all I see is you complaining about changes that have already been argued about time and time again.

Hackers- Flint and Steel, Bow, done. Remember to use /report (which has been conveniently made for you) or report the users on the forums under "Report Abuse." There's a template for that, btw. Hackers aren't really an issue, and I'm a US player. Surprisingly, I see more hackers on Battlegrounds than I do in actual SG.
Cleansweep- not sure if you are congratulating the staff or just saying that banning about 500 hackers was useless.
Better NCP/ AntiCheat- the devs are working on this when they can, and I think we all have something we hate about NCP. I can agree that it should be better, but other things take priority.
Teams- this idea has been brought up several times and has been denied every time. Besides, teams are fun to take out! Unless a player is tryharding, which is almost a problem itself.
1.8- I understand why you think this is a bad update, but it's not 1.8, it's the NCP that you are complaining about. MCSG has good reasons why dual protocols has been dropped, and complaining about it is just wasting everyone's time.


Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
Please read the moderators their replies.

Also, you don't insult my Cleansweep nor any of the mods / participants who spent their time looking for hackers 2 hours each session. In addition, you should have poked them to us on the teamspeak, we were always there at the times provided on the cleansweep thread and ready to go record them.


District 13
Jun 11, 2013
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After being a player on this community for two plus years, I see where you are coming from. A lot of the staff stuff is behind the scenes, and while on the surface things can seem hard to understand, they almost certainly have a deeper reason that justifies the staff's reasoning. Let me just explain in a little more detail each of your complaints, and hopefully this answers them.

The staff spending all their time in the hub.
It is important to have staff members in the hub at almost all times in my opinion for the following reasons:
  • It provides a reliable place for community members to get help if needed, if they know a mod is always there.
  • A hub chat without moderators can get out of control fast. I realize that you may think that spamming the chat is not that serious, but there are far more serious things that can occur in hub chat. Spamming just happens the most along with flooding, but that's not biggest reason why staff are there.
  • Players alert staff to hackers all the time in hub chat.
  • Mods don't spend all their time in hubs. Like Scott said above, staff are often in games when you don't even know. Not to mention the forums and TS.
Anti Cheat:
  • First of all we do have a pretty good anti-cheat right now.
  • Also, anti-cheats are hard to develop as they take a lot of testing for accuracy.
  • If MCG broadcasted every time someone was banned by the anti-cheat like the server I am guessing you are referring to does, you would probably find that ours does better than you probably think.
  • However, it is definitely a potential place for improvement in the future.
  • Honestly, is there any difference between a four team and a team of seven? Unless they are not that experienced, chances are you are going to die. Yes, a four team is possible to take out, probably a lot more than a team of 6 or 7, but still the odds are not that much greater with a four team.
  • And seriously, unless it is a clan battle teams of 6 and 7 are pretty rare.

So when should we enable all the cool 1.8 features that are not allowed in dual compatibility? When 1.9 comes out? Lets live in the future not in the past. Without change, we would be living with tools made of sticks and stones. Got to advance, got to move forward, can't stay in the comfort zone for ever.
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Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
You call our staff inactive? I singlehandedly banned over 50-60 people in the last five/six days, and I'll bet 90% of those were hacking bans. I also know there are others who are working hard to do the same.

We have over 100 moderators on the team. You may see 5-6 in the hub, but what about the other 90? Yeah, that's right. Taking care of the bigger problems like hackers, teamspeak trolls, and ingame rule breakers.

Please do your research before being so accusatory. It's offensive when people come at us with ridiculous claims.
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