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Cyber bullying [No good]


Feb 4, 2015
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Hey!Silently here, (once again) today's topic is social media, now I'm not going to be a hypocrite I to have Facebook, Kik, snapchat, Instagram, Skype etc. Social media is a big impact for our society.

Social media

This is yet one of the biggest impacts on civilization, unfortunately people take advantage of the social media in order to cause harm and inconvenience. Obviously an excessive amount of people who have these "social media" including myself. But some people are cold hearted to pressure others feelings in order to feel bad. There has been many cases where people self harm themselves or up to even divide sadly :(.

A story

I had a friend back in 6th grade.(4 years ago) who had Facebook and he would always be depressed, I wondered why? He once told me he kept getting flamed and I advised him that if he's getting flamed block that person or deactivate Facebook but he never listened to me. As the year came to be I found out the poor kid had killed him self, hopefully I'm able to explain on the forums. On the unfortunate side, the person who flamed him and brought him to this miserable action wasn't caught until 2 years later.


If you guys get flamed or get threatened don't fear to tell people, it's not fair for anyone to suffer to a ridiculous person. Please if any of you are suffering of depression don't fear to tell me ill do my best to comprehend each and everyone of you.
I'm here for you MCGamer community!

Sep 7, 2013
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Scientists have found a way to prevent cyber-bullying. It's closing the computer. It's someone's fault when they just keep talking to someone that keeps harassing them and swearing at them. Block them, close the computer, go out and take some air and talk to your parents about this. How the hell is this one of the problems teachers and everyone in the social media is talking about? It's your fault if you do not tell someone and act by yourself. Bullying is a real thing to discuss. Not cyber-bullying.
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Jun 14, 2014
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I will admit cyber bullying can be just as hurtful as real life bullying but I believe there is a simpler solution in getting over it. Most cyber bullies feed off of what is called reaction tactics. What I mean by this is bullies online only do so to provoke a reaction or to scare/intimidate you. My best advise like others have said is to simply stop replying, block the person and hopefully do not involve yourself with the affairs of that person. It helped for me when I had similar issues and would give this advice to as many people as I can.
Sep 7, 2013
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This is true however cyber bullying can happen with just anyone, not necessarily just people you know too. However I do completely agree
That really didn't have anything to do with StaticReach's post.
I'm just going to say this:
I understand if you are getting bullied in school, not getting picked in football teams, people bullying you, swearing at you and hitting you. The only thing you can do there is step up, or just tell a teacher or your parents. Now, for cyberbullying, you just have to not reply to that guy, as when you reply to him, he will just continue. This is a common thing in LoL (League of Legends). Some people may just rage and spam, but you have to be patient, as you're stuck with them for 30-40 minutes. You have to find a way to ignore this guy's hurtful comments, and make HIM look like he's a jerk, or just completely ignore them and mute them.
QA;TL: The solution in "cyber-bullying" is avoiding to talk with that person bullying you.
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District 13
Mar 31, 2014
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I'm sorry, but I strongly disagree with most comments on this page. If there is something not to do, it is get over it. If you let the person doing it get away with it, he or she will victimize someone else, leading to an everlasting line of bullying. If you are bullied, you are being called to take action, not run away from the problem. It won't work. If it harms you, draw the line and report it. It will help you deal with the trauma, but running wont work. You are just running with the harmful words and actions written in your brain.


Aug 31, 2014
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You know what's better than being a victim of cyber-bullying?
A good old, MCGamer-style ban.

I honestly hate cyberbullying, but here's the thing people need to realize: on the Internet, you can't expect people to have the same standards as you. Online, nobody's forcing you to be a good person, to put on a show, to be polite. That's why many kids go to the web just to get away from their troubles and be as honest as they want to be.

People think they can control the Internet. My school district thinks that. They assume that if they block social media (including this site), I will never be cyberbullied. That doesn't work. If I'm not allowed to share my own opinions online, then who can I be honest to? My family? Even they'd get mad if I gave away honest answers.

Every day we act. We stay polite. We try to agree. We don't confront people who are being mean or doing something harmful. And why? We worry about our reputation. Online, it's a different story. I can tell a person confidently that they are on the wrong section. I don't have to worry about having a bad friend, since I can leave them at any time and never see them again. I feel better when nobody knows what has been haunting me, what has been used against me, what has been put in front of me. Besides, it doesn't matter.

And I can be whoever I want to be. I have given a 50-mile circle for where I generally am, but I could have made that up entirely. Nobody would ever know. (If anyone knows, please do not say it, because I would rather not discuss it,)

That's just my opinion, anyway. I'm glad I have the freedom to share this with all of you. I hope I didn't offend anyone, because that wasn't my goal. I feel bad for victims of cyberbullying, but let's face it: we can't stop people from arguing their points, which may make people feel bad.


District 13
Jun 11, 2013
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Scientists have found a way to prevent cyber-bullying. It's closing the computer. It's someone's fault when they just keep talking to someone that keeps harassing them and swearing at them. Block them, close the computer, go out and take some air and talk to your parents about this. How the hell is this one of the problems teachers and everyone in the social media is talking about? It's your fault if you do not tell someone and act by yourself. Bullying is a real thing to discuss. Not cyber-bullying.
Unfortunately, it is not always as easy as just closing the computer. For example, if someone takes an embarrassing photo of you and uploads it to Facebook, what are you going to do? You close the computer, it stays up, all your friends see it. In ways cyber bulling is the worst type of bulling, because once something is online, it is usually impossible to get rid of it.


Aug 31, 2014
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Yea that's what I said, if YOU just ignore it, nothing will change, it's still there and people will see it. You cannot just simply walk away and turn off the computer to avoid it.
What else are you supposed to do? That's trying to convince a bully to stop bullying you, which doesn't work 9/10 times.
Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
Unfortunately, it is not always as easy as just closing the computer. For example, if someone takes an embarrassing photo of you and uploads it to Facebook, what are you going to do? You close the computer, it stays up, all your friends see it. In ways cyber bulling is the worst type of bulling, because once something is online, it is usually impossible to get rid of it.
Real friends are the people who you can always trust and they will never screw you over. So, even if someone posts an embarassing picture of you, then you will see who your real friends are. And yeah, I would just close the computer.

Yea that's what I said, if YOU just ignore it, nothing will change, it's still there and people will see it. You cannot just simply walk away and turn off the computer to avoid it.
Also, there's an option to report someone for stalking and harassing. Ignore the stereotypes, facebook support actually works. Lmao what else could you do tell me? Cry on him and make yourself look worse? That's just feeding the troll mate.

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