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Destiny [US]

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Dec 14, 2014
Reaction score
From this

6v6 is for teams that can't fight
Only pick off spawn
Easier to come back from 7v8 then 5v6

To this

I commend you
6v6's are for respectable clans
They allow for an enthralling battle
Although, it may be easier to come back from 7v8 then 5v6

croe97 just made an iancool post into an actual post.


Mar 28, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: ToatsMyGoatz, My Alternate Accounts are FatKat95 and RareSmiles.
Age: 16, I am very mature for my age, especially during important Battles/ Scrimmages.
Strengths/Weaknesses: I have even playing for atleast 3 years. In addition I am well aware of The Rod Technique, which I have learned to master when it comes to PvP. Flint and Steele is also another key fact to my PvP Game. Strafing is probably my most powerful and most effectful strategy. In my opinion, strafing can take you further than any Secondary can. My weaknesses, however, the Bow is one of my main weaknesses. I'm not terrible with the bow, but I could definetly improve.
Experience with other servers (Kohi, ocn, Hive, etc): Prior to my first experience on McGamer, I played on the Hive servers. Hive is a server that taught me quite a bit about Minecraft PvP. However, I felt the need to switch to McGamer, because of the competitiveness of the Community of this Wonderful Server. I have also played many Pot Pvp and Soup PvP servers. The variety of servers I have played that did not allow Secondarie, ( Fishing Rod, Bow, Flint and Steele) have taught me a lot about strafing and dodging my opponents ambition. I am planning on trying out a new server, Badlion MC. I have heard great things about it and want to give it a try!
Prior Experience with the clan: I happen to know, and have the privilege to know the Leader, Jccandfriends. I have heard of Sevector a lot, and actually talked to him once before. I am well aware with CrimsonAura, him and I have always been competitive about our skills and talents. I have talked to Fenemous a lot as well. I would concider him and I good friends. I am also aware of Lakers. We have faught quite a bit on many servers. He is very talented. I am willing to meet and get to know all of the other members of this amazing clan that I have an ambition to join.
Stats: ToatsMyGoatz- 765/4343. Fatkat95- 1023/3701. RareSmiles- 22/45.
Thank you for the oppurtunity to join this Amazingly Talented clan, #Destiny
- Jake (ToatsMyGoatz)
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