Hi, I have a suggestion to make the games more balanced, and generally improve the games.
Here are some key points highlighting the suggestion, and showing why it is worth-while to add.
Here are some key points highlighting the suggestion, and showing why it is worth-while to add.
- They dominate pvp, and make the thought of fighting someone else with a weapon when you don't have one is absolutely ridiculous and unrealistic.While I realize that there is no chance that you guys could possibly remove swords from the game (I don't want this to happen either), there is a way to prevent it.
- When I say starter kit on platforms, I don't mean a big ridiculous starter kit with full iron armor, diamond swords, no. All I think you would need is a badly damaged leather chestplate, and leggings, a wooden sword, and maybe a raw pork chop. Keep in mind you could easily tweak what the players start off with to whatever you find more convenient and reasonable.
- I'm just sick of having 150 points lost and being kicked from the server by someone else aiming over me and clicking four times with a mouse, with no chance of me countering then with the typical nothing at all you start off with. I realize that everyone starts the same, but some get lucky and get stone swords in the corn and instantly go on a rampage killing all the people with nothing with no effort or skill required.
- Unfortunately for some players that aren't so lucky or seem to constantly get the items they take out of the chest not actually showing up in their inventory, they are an easy kill. Doing this will give all players a fighting chance and make the games generally more fair.
Thanks, and please consider adding this in the future.