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Vortex [US Clan]

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Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score

"The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of MCSG stars in the world, but if they don't become a brotherhood, the team won’t be worth a dime."

Date Founded: July 4, 2014
Founders: jcruz1104, GOLD_ninja14, MelloCraftYT, and SlavTheRussian
Current Owners: jcruz1104 and GOLD_ninja14
Clan Battles Won: 4
Clan Battles Lost: 1
TeamSpeak IP:
Skype: jcruz1104

Application Status: OPEN
Clan Rules Agreement: http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/clan-rules-must-read.118876/page-35#post-1367436

300+ wins AND a 1/4 ratio

Skype and TeamSpeak
Working Mic (without excessive background noise)
Be Mature
Must be at least 13 years old
Be Active
Don't Cause Flame (in-game or on forums)
Be Respectful to Everyone
Know all Call-Outs and Routes for the Clan Battle Maps

Games Won:
Games Played:
Skype (Add jcruz1104):
Were you invited by an Officer+?:
Who do you know in Vortex:
Previous Clans:
Anything else we should know about you:

= | Owners | =

jcruz1104 | BasketbaIl // Jawsh
GOLD_ninja14 |xKirigayaKazutox | Billyyy // Billy

= | Leaders | =

= | Officers | =
AsianGuy // Jake

= | Elites | =
Whip_Me_Grandma // Vinny
Chairs // Byron
Linked | Succeeding // Kylie

= | Members | =
Nightmqre // Brian
Initiations | Accepted // Danny
TasmanianGamer | Tas // Trevor
Delzu | outrageousPOTATO // Theodore
MightyPurps | Inspirinq | Mistery // Chris
RN8 // Ryan
Desks // Michelle
Versitility // Will
62cook // Cook
Vacancy // Excl
Broso // Andrew

= | Trial Members | =

We play by the Offical MCSG rules only.

-=-US Clan Battles-=-
[3v3] Vortex vs Defrost ---> W(3:0)
[5v5] Vortex vs Relex ---> W(3:0)
[4v5] Vortex vs Vividus ---> W(3:0)
[4v4] Vortex vs PvPSquad ---> W(5:0)
[6v6] Vortex vs Horizon ---> W(DQ)
[3v3] Vortex vs Shadowz ---> W(3:0)
Vortex vs Unite ---> W(4:0)
[6v6] Vortex vs ArtOfPvP ---> W(5:0)
[6v6] Vortex vs Shadowz ---> W(3:0)
[5v5] Vortex vs Vigilant ---> W(3:0)
[5v5] Vortex vs Synergy ---> W(5:3)
[6v6] Vortex vs Eternity ---> L(4:5)
[7v7] Vortex vs Invincible ---> W(5:2)
[6v6] Vortex vs Zephyr ---> W(3:0)
[6v6] Vortex vs Nova ---> W(5:1)
[6v6] Vortex vs Immortality ---> W(5:2)
[6v6] Vortex vs Synergy ---> W(5:0)
[6v6] Vortex vs Redemption ---> PP(1:2)

-=-US Clan Leaderboards-=-
-Previously Ranked #3-
[6v6] Vortex vs Vitality ---> W(3:2)
[6v6] Vortex vs Extinct ---> W(3:2)
[6v6] Vortex vs Protocol ---> L(1:3)
[6v6] Vortex vs Vigilant ---> W(3:0)
[6v6] Vortex vs Tigers ---> W(3:0)
[6v6] Vortex vs Valor ---> L(3:5)
[6v6] Vortex vs Valor ---> W(3:1)
[7v7] Vortex vs Protocol ---> L(1:3)
[6v6] Vortex vs Triology ---> L(3:5)
[6v6] Vortex vs Synergy ---> W(5:2)
[6v6] Vortex vs ProgressiveSkills ---> W(5:1)
[6v6] Vortex vs Zephyr ---> W(5:1)
[7v7] Vortex vs Triology ---> W(3:2)
[6v6] Vortex vs Invincible ---> L(4:5)

-=-Powdski's Clan Tournament-=-
[6v6] Vortex vs Dexterity ---> W(5:0)

-=-2014 Fall Open Clan Tournament-=-
[5v5] Vortex vs Immortality ---> W(5:3)
[6v6] Vortex vs Sciron ---> L(4:5)

-=-US Clan Battles-=-
[6v6] Vortex vs Redemption ---> PP(3:1)
[5v5] Vortex vs Primative ---> W(3:0)

[5v5] Vortex vs Pyrex ---> W(3:0)
[7v7] Vortex vs Voltic ---> W(5:2)
[_v_] Vortex vs _____ ---> W/L(_:_)

-=-US Clan Leaderboards-=-
-Currently Ranked #0-
-Current ELO: 100-

[6v6] Vortex vs Crimson ---> W(3:2)
[6v6] Vortex vs Trivium ---> L(1:3)
[_v_] Vortex vs _____ ---> W/L(_:_)

I, jcruz1104, leader of Vortex, agree to the MCGamer Clan Rules and the MCGamer Administration. We will act appropriately and uphold the standards of the MCGamer community. Should the clan or its members break any of the rules, we agree to accept whatever punishments may be delivered.
soggypickle We are disbanding, as you can see we have a huge problem. Please lock.


Jul 8, 2014
Reaction score
Someone gave linked leader and then he took my applicant and permanently banned me lmao. does that mean im kicked from the clan?
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