• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

US/CA Operation Cleansweep


May 4, 2012
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US/CA Operation Cleansweep

It has been 7 weeks now since we began running our 2nd batch of EU Cleansweeps and now with the EU Cleansweep coming to an end, we have decided that it's about time that we ran Cleansweeps over on the US and CA servers in order to further rid our servers of those pesky hackers.

We are proud to announce that the US/CA Cleansweep is going to start on February, 16th 2015 and will initially run for a trial period of 2 weeks.

For those of you who don't know, a Cleansweep is run over a period of 2 hours, during which time both staff and community members get together in a channel on TeamSpeak and go server to server looking for hackers.

In previous operations, this has proven to be a successful way of eliminating hackers from the EU network; however, we are still looking into ways to make the operation even more successful. If you have any ideas for the Cleansweep, please PM Col_StaR, Jodimo, ChandelleMC, Scott or myself (AlpakaWhacker).

In order to catch the most hackers, we organize 2 hour cleansweeps during the peak times in the US and CA networks. The times will be listed below.

Times & Dates:
Monday: 7PM - 9PM
Wednesday: 7PM - 9PM
Friday: 8PM - 10PM
Saturday: 8PM - 10PM
Sunday: 6PM - 8PM

times may change for the second week depending on how things go this week

What can you do?
In previous Cleansweeps, we have had many community members come onto TeamSpeak and assist us in making hacking bans and we really do appreciate this. In order to help, log onto the TeamSpeak (ts.mcgamer.net) during the scheduled times. Then, poke a staff member in the channel. Before beginning, you must be aware of this:
By joining the US/CA Cleansweep, you agree that you will actively participate in catching hackers on the US and/or CA network and that you will not be found breaking any of the MCGamer rules which can be found at http://mcgamer.info.
After you are aware of that, you can begin going server to server recording and reporting hackers to the staff in the channel. Please note that you will have to be able to record in order to participate. If you cannot record, you can still report hackers by poking staff about them.

Can't get on TeamSpeak? That's fine. You can still help out by recording and reporting hackers at http://report.mcgamer.info. These reports are a huge help to both the network and the staff team.

Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Will the Cleansweep ever end?
Answer: The operation in the US and CA will initially last for a trial period of 2 weeks however if we feel it has been successful and it is necessary then we may extend it.

Question: Do I have to talk?
Answer: No, you don't have to talk, but you can if you'd like.

Question: Do I have to record?
Answer: Yes, we are only allowing those who can record to join; however, if you want to help out, you can still message us people you suspect are hacking.

Question: Is there an EU or AU Cleansweep?
Answer: We have already run 2 EU based Cleansweeps which have lasted a total of 15 Weeks. As for AU? Don't worry, the AU will not be neglected. Currently, the staff are testing other solutions for each region.

Question: Why do you post all the times when hackers can see it?
Answer: Most hackers will not check the forums, and won't even know that we are there. In addition to this, we do impromptu Cleansweeps as well.

Have a wonderful rest of your week and I hope you will join me and the rest of the staff in getting rid of these Hackers.

Original EU Thread:

Also, please note that the results for the EU Operation Cleansweep will be posted soon.
Last edited:


Apr 5, 2013
Reaction score
Looking forward to participating in the cleansweeps.
The only thing that I don't like are the operation times, I think it would've been best to do them in the middle of the day, where the servers are at their peak, but oh well, still viable times. :)


Jul 4, 2014
Reaction score
omfq thank you efing much There was a hacker in my game who wasn't in the tab menu RIP

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