• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

Official Map Submission Guidelines


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Written By LadyOfLove

All submissions for maps need to follow these guidelines. Please make sure you scroll and use the correct template for the gametype you are submitting for! You can find the templates within the 'quotes' under each heading. Include everything in the box!

We are now accepting submissions for Survival Games, Quarter Quell, Rocket Rumble, Battle Grounds, Deadly Descent, ZedChase and ColourZone maps.

Survival Games
Map Sizes
  • 24 player maps must have a minimum radius of 200.
  • 48 player maps must have a minimum radius of 300.

Deathmatch Arenas (Optional)
  • You must ensure that it is not possible to escape the map.
  • Keep it around the size of your cornucopia.
  • You can have it in a closed-off area of the map, or outside of the dome.
  • Must be fair no unfair spawning positions.
Multiple Cornucopias

Maps may now have more than one cornucopia. There can even be up to 24 total cornucopias! However, it needs to look neat, work well and all spawn points must have a fair chance at getting corn.

Map Submission Requirements

  • Map must follow the size guide given on this thread.
  • All Deathmatch arenas and Cornucopias must be 100% fair unless there is a good reason.
  • Maps must have chests on them. Normal chests for tier 1 and Ender chests for tier 2 (around 30 for 24, 40 for 48 and 60 for 120.
  • There must be NO items in furnaces, dispensers, trap chests or dropper that does not have the trial of a difficult task and or problem solving a redstone contraption. However, useless ‘easter egg’ type items that are appropriate and not overused may be included sparingly. Books to explain the maps story are always acceptable.
  • There must be NO delibrately hidden rooms with multiple Tier 2's (Ender chests) that ONLY the map maker(s) will know of as this is unfair to everyone else.
  • You must follow the template provided.
  • The map must be impossible to escape. This can easily be done by including a dome which is generally customary.
Name of map:
Lead Builder/Build team name:
Game type:
Map description:
Coordinates of corn and deathmatch Arena if applicable:
Map radius:

I,{Lead Builder} of {Build Team Name, if applicable} agree and accept that by submitting this map to the MCGamer Network for consideration it may be altered by the staff of MCGamer at any time in order to make gameplay changes. Also, by accepting this you understand that any violation of the map guidelines such as, but not limited to OP items being placed, may result in the immediate removal of your map and or any associated given ranks (Map Maker) from our servers. The MCGamer staff have full rights to decide whether or not the map in question is applied to or remains on the server network and the status of the map is subject to change at any time.
Map Size

All maps must be between 75 to 100 block in radius.

Spawn Points
  • All maps must have a minimum of 5 spawn points marked out and spread equally throughout the map. There must be one set North, East, South, West and in the Centre on the map.
  • All spawn points must be fair no spawn point can give an advantage over another.
Map Submission Requirements
  • Maps must be built with PvP in mind.
  • Maps must NOT include any sort of trap.
  • All maps must have an open top so the lobby can be put on the map.
  • The map must be impossible to escape.
  • You must follow the template provided.
Name of map:
Lead Builder/Build team name:
Game type:
Map description:
Coordinates of spawn points:
Map radius:

I,{Lead Builder} of {Build Team Name, if applicable} agree and accept that by submitting this map to the MCGamer Network for consideration it may be altered by the staff of MCGamer at any time in order to make gameplay changes. Also, by accepting this you understand that any violation of the map guidelines such as, but not limited to OP items being placed, may result in the immediate removal of your map and or any associated given ranks (Map Maker) from our servers. The MCGamer staff have full rights to decide whether or not the map in question is applied to or remains on the server network and the status of the map is subject to change at any time.

Old Game types Map Guidelines

Quarter Quell
Map Sizes
The maps must be a minimum of 250 blocks radius. The maps can only hold 24 players at a time.

Deathmatch Arenas (Optional)
  • You must ensure that it is not possible to escape the map.
  • Keep it around the size of your cornucopia.
  • You can have it in a closed-off area of the map, or outside of the dome.
  • Must be fair no unfair spawning positions.
Map Submission Requirements
  • Map must follow the size guide given on this thread.
  • Must include information on disasters wanted and where they are wanted
  • Maps must have 12 clock segments for disasters.
  • All Deathmatch arenas and Cornucopias must be 100% fair unless there is a good reason.
  • Maps must have chests on them. Normal chests for tier 1 and Ender chests for tier 2(around 30 for 24, 40 for 48 and 60 for 120.
  • There must be NO items in furnaces, dispensers, trap chests or dropper that does not have the trial of a difficult task and or problem solving a redstone contraption.
  • You must follow the template provided.
  • The map must be impossible to escape.
Name of map:
Lead Builder/Build team name:
Game type:
Map description:
Coordinates of corn and deathmatch Arena if applicable:
Map radius:
Areas for disasters:

I,{Lead Builder} of {Build Team Name, if applicable} agree and accept that by submitting this map to the MCGamer Network for consideration it may be altered by the staff of MCGamer at any time in order to make gameplay changes. Also, by accepting this you understand that any violation of the map guidelines such as, but not limited to OP items being placed, may result in the immediate removal of your map and or any associated given ranks (Map Maker) from our servers. The MCGamer staff have full rights to decide whether or not the map in question is applied to or remains on the server network and the status of the map is subject to change at any time.

Rocket Rumble
Map Submission Requirements

  • The map must be between 75 to 110 blocks in radius.
  • The map must have plenty of space for users to run, open areas and walkways
  • You must have a room for users to respawn in. Sealed off from the rest of the map.
  • You may have as many possible spawn points as you want.
  • You must select at least 4 possible spawn points for 'powerups' that are different from the player spawn points.
  • The map must be inescapable.
Name of map:
Lead Builder/Build team name:
Game type:
Map description:
Map radius:
Cords of spawn points:
Cords of powerup points:

I,{Lead Builder} of {Build Team Name, if applicable} agree and accept that by submitting this map to the MCGamer Network for consideration it may be altered by the staff of MCGamer at any time in order to make gameplay changes. Also, by accepting this you understand that any violation of the map guidelines such as, but not limited to OP items being placed, may result in the immediate removal of your map and or any associated given ranks (Map Maker) from our servers. The MCGamer staff have full rights to decide whether or not the map in question is applied to or remains on the server network and the status of the map is subject to change at any time.

Map Submission Requirements
  • The map should be between 60 to 90 blocks in radius.
  • The entirety of the maps 'play area' must be made out of coloured clay. So where users are standing there should be clay.
  • The decorations of the map however, can be anything you like.
  • The map must be inescapable.
  • You must have a minimum of 30 spawn points. If you choose not to list 30, 30 will be selected for you. This is mostly for special maps if you have a particular place in mind.
Name of map:
Lead Builder/Build team name:
Game type:
Map description:
Map radius:
Coordinates of spawn points if applicable:

I,{Lead Builder} of {Build Team Name, if applicable} agree and accept that by submitting this map to the MCGamer Network for consideration it may be altered by the staff of MCGamer at any time in order to make gameplay changes. Also, by accepting this you understand that any violation of the map guidelines such as, but not limited to OP items being placed, may result in the immediate removal of your map and or any associated given ranks (Map Maker) from our servers. The MCGamer staff have full rights to decide whether or not the map in question is applied to or remains on the server network and the status of the map is subject to change at any time.

Map Submission Requirements
  • Must have a start point, an ending, and a path.
  • The path must consist of a few specific blocks which are not used anywhere else in the map.
  • Must have a room at the beginning where runners are to spawn and a room behind that in which zombies spawn.
  • Multiple "false leads" and dead ends are preferable.
  • The path must not be a straight path to the end - it must be almost mazelike, making the end harder to find.
  • Stone pressure plates need to be placed periodically on the path. These are checkpoints.
  • A wooden pressure plate must be placed at the end and no where else on the map.
Name of map:
Lead Builder/Build team name:
Game type:
Map description:
Map radius:
Cords of spawn point:
Cords of finish point:
List of blocks which the pathway consists of:

I,{Lead Builder} of {Build Team Name, if applicable} agree and accept that by submitting this map to the MCGamer Network for consideration it may be altered by the staff of MCGamer at any time in order to make gameplay changes. Also, by accepting this you understand that any violation of the map guidelines such as, but not limited to OP items being placed, may result in the immediate removal of your map and or any associated given ranks (Map Maker) from our servers. The MCGamer staff have full rights to decide whether or not the map in question is applied to or remains on the server network and the status of the map is subject to change at any time.

Deadly Descent
Map Submission Requirements

  • The map should be between 40 to 70 blocks in radius.
  • The map must have plenty of viable ways to get to the ground level. It must be fair.
  • The map can be as tall as you like.
  • There must be a spawn point above the map where users will begin their descent.
  • The 'floor' can be made out of any material except for things like portals, lava, etc. Basically any block is fine.
  • The map must be inescapable.
Name of map:
Lead Builder/Build team name:
Game type:
Map description:
Map radius:
Coordinates of spawn point:
Y Coordinate of bottom level:

I,{Lead Builder} of {Build Team Name, if applicable} agree and accept that by submitting this map to the MCGamer Network for consideration it may be altered by the staff of MCGamer at any time in order to make gameplay changes. Also, by accepting this you understand that any violation of the map guidelines such as, but not limited to OP items being placed, may result in the immediate removal of your map and or any associated given ranks (Map Maker) from our servers. The MCGamer staff have full rights to decide whether or not the map in question is applied to or remains on the server network and the status of the map is subject to change at any time.
Last edited by a moderator:


May 9, 2014
Reaction score
Looks amazing! Set out well and such.... Also nice to see old threads being updated!


Aug 30, 2013
Reaction score
Well...if I make a map I will do my best and possibly extra.


Sep 6, 2013
Reaction score
I will never gonna make a map...but very good thread, very helpful!


Apr 13, 2014
Reaction score
Written By LadyOfLove

All submissions for maps need to follow these guidelines. Please make sure you scroll and use the correct template for the gametype you are submitting for! You can find the templates within the 'quotes' under each heading. Include everything in the box!

We are now accepting submissions for Survival Games, Quarter Quell, Rocket Rumble, Battle Grounds, Deadly Descent, ZedChase and ColourZone maps.

Survival Games

Quarter Quell



Rocket Rumble

Deadly Descent

Could you please expand the pledge for the SG Map please? Thank you


Dec 1, 2013
Reaction score
On battlegrounds it says that 10 spawns are needed? At the moment all the maps only have 5 so why do they now need 10?


Jan 20, 2014
Reaction score
Name of map:Mysterious planet
Lead Builder/Build team name:momoruru_HG
Game type:Survival Games 24
Map description:This map is map which fights with an unknown planet for built Corona!
Coordinates of corn and deathmatch Arena if applicable:x 2062 y 10 z 482
Map radius:200meter
map distribution destination:http://www.mediafire.com/download/4e8lt13hv8ttojv/region.zip
I,{Lead Builder} of {Build Team Name, if applicable} agree and accept that by submitting this map to the MCGamer Network for consideration it may be altered by the staff of MCGamer at any time in order to make gameplay changes. Also, by accepting this you understand that any violation of the map guidelines such as, but not limited to OP items being placed, may result in the immediate removal of your map and or any associated given ranks (VIP) from our servers. The MCGamer staff have full rights to decide whether or not the map in question is applied to or remains on the server network and the status of the map is subject to change at any time.
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Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
Name of map:Mysterious planet
Lead Builder/Build team name:momoruru_HG
Game type:Survival Games 24
Map description:This map is map which fights with an unknown planet for built Corona!
Coordinates of corn and deathmatch Arena if applicable:x 2062 y 10 z 482
Map radius:200meter
I,{Lead Builder} of {Build Team Name, if applicable} agree and accept that by submitting this map to the MCGamer Network for consideration it may be altered by the staff of MCGamer at any time in order to make gameplay changes. Also, by accepting this you understand that any violation of the map guidelines such as, but not limited to OP items being placed, may result in the immediate removal of your map and or any associated given ranks (VIP) from our servers. The MCGamer staff have full rights to decide whether or not the map in question is applied to or remains on the server network and the status of the map is subject to change at any time.
You would want to post this in the finished map section and not here, this thread is just stating some basic guidelines, have a nice day!:)
Last edited:


Mar 9, 2015
Reaction score
Great guide! Can't wait to finish my thread and map!
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