Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
Yayayayayaaysweeds everywhere...
I agriYayayayayaay
1. First name: Simon
2. IGN (In-Game Name): xSuperHDx
3. Skype name: Private -> xSuperHDx
4. Wins/Losses: 696/3.1k
5. Age: 13
6. Donor on MCSG [Yes OR No]: Diamond, yes
7. PvP Strengths (detail will increase acceptance chance): Rod, bow, fns.
8. PvP Weaknesses (detail will increase acceptance chance): Ice fights.
9. Why APPLY for this clan? (detail will increase acceptance chance): Because this is an good clan, and many friendly players <:
10. Why should we accept you? (detail will increase acceptance chance): because im legit
11. Favorite map? Par72, Valleyside.
12. Knowledge of most callouts, routes and locations of popular maps?
13. Previous clans: N.E.T 2.0 - ZkeblesEU 6.0
14. Country: Sweden
Do u know what he said?dis clen is gr9, dei frist destr0yd smeppyxroos temspek, den dei sayd det dei hopd hes dad w0uld rap him. n0t kol
Ya, he said nothing.. *Silfwer trying to find something that sam said 2 months ago*Do u know what he said?