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My Goodbye to Minecraft (For now)

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Jun 28, 2013
Reaction score
EDIT: I found my laptop, but I'm not really allowed to have it. We will see what will happen when he catches me with it. Either I get to keep it, or I lose it forever again... (well until i find out where he hid it again...)

Hey guys, it has been a fun year on minecraft. MCSG was one of my first servers and it was love at first sight. I am forced to quit minecraft and MCSG for the time being. I'm not sure how long I will be gone for. Hopefully, my dad will be nice and give my laptop back soon. But until then, I am resigning from MCSG. I just wanted to say my goodbyes and my favorite memories that I have to each and everyone of the great friends that I met in this community. I am super slow at typing, especially on my craptop, so this will most likely take an extremely long time. The list is going to be in no particular order so don't be mad if you are below someone or you are towards the bottom of the list. Okay, here we go...

GOLD_ninja14: You were the very first person that I've met in minecraft. I remember the first time I talked to you. I was playing with some of my irl friends on the map Breeze Island. We died to a team of 2 full iron. We stayed to watch DM. Then we saw you, You were in like full leather and you were completely demolishing this team. Even thought you ended up dying, we all thought you were hella good. We asked you if you wanted to skype with us. Then you said the best skype name ever, billyonak. Your name is not Connor, not Norman, it is Billy. You also used to talk hella Good back then. If anyone knows Billy, you would know that he is a hella nice person and is not rude to anyone no matter what. Yea... that wasn't always the case. I can never forget how many wins and points that you had when I met you because you always used to brag about it. "You suck noob" "Check my stats. I have 72 wins. Way more than you." "I have more points than both of you combined." When I met you, I was at less than 5 wins. You were at exactly 72 wins. Now you have over 1000 wins.You have taught me just about everything I know when it comes to PvP. Well, I'm still trash so you didn't do that good of a job. It is almost impossible to get mad at you or get in a fight with you because of your great personality. I don't think you have ever yelled at me and I don't think that I have ever yelled at you. You are a really chill guy and you should stay that way. I haven't met a more funny and honest person in my whole entire life. You have a great future in becoming a popular YouTube channel and being one of the best MCSG players ever. I can't honestly say that I know someone who can kill you with ease (Besides me xD). Stay humble, nice, and funny. You will always be my best online-friend. I love you my asian brother Billy. -_- *_*

RockyRobin1922: Hmm, where do I start? I know. The first time I met you. It was the map Demon's Breeze. I was at about 50 or so wins when I met you. I had like 2 sets of full iron with me. (At that time, that was hella good for me) I see someone running up on one of the bridges. Like I always used to say, "I see a b****!" That person was you. I opened my inventory to give you stuff and the next thing I know, I'm swimming in the lava before. I raged, like usual, and all you said, in a little tiny voice, was "Don't call me a b****" That made me shut up. I remember that you didn’t say anything for like the first 2 weeks that I knew you. And whenever you did talk, nobody could hear a word you said. Then eventually, you got to know us more and you got comfortable talking. We have been through so many things together. You are one person that I can tell anything to. We made each other way better at the game. I've played way more games with you than I have played with anyone else. About 1000+ prob. We used to trade off wins to get both of our stats better. You are the best duo partner anyone could assk for. You are extremely likeable because of your upbeat personality. Although we fought a lot over stupid stuff, I will always be there for you no matter what. Whatever problems you go through, I will help you out. I hope we can talk often still even though I don’t have my laptop. Don’t forget about me. I definitely won’t forget about you. <3

SuperKyleFTW: Hey Kylie. Although you quit already and you most likely won’t read this, I just want to say that you are like my little brother. I remember the time I met you. Funny story. I was playing with Billy at like 4 AM. We see people join a lobby with YT at the end of their names. We were bored so we fangirled hella hard. We pretended that we were HUGE fans and they added us to the skype call. Then, you were there. I added you on skype and I was so close to deleting you. For the next week or two, you would always message me asking me if I wanted to play. I would ignore you. Then finally, we added you to the call. After that, we just became brothers. My little ginger. I know that you always had my back whenever I was feeling sad or anything. Somehow, if we can both get our computers back, I hope I can talk to you again like the old days. Have fun with whatever you are doing now. <3

SlavTheRussian: Hmmm... How did I meet you? Oh I remember. Justin showed me and Billy this 3v3 tourny. He told us the we would get the rank “Victor” if we won. We thought it was the coolest thing ever so we entered. As the lazy person I am, I didn’t actually read your thread. We ended up winning the tourny and we were expecting our ranks, but we found out that your “tourny” was just a suggestion to add in. Although we fought a lot before, I never actually hated you. I was just kinda in the middle of an argument and yeah... Anyways, you are a great PvPer, you’re a nice guy, and I see you having a great future in the YouTubes. Stay sharp, keep getting boat kills, and more importantly, STARE AT THE SNOW MOUNTAIN.

Gracie: You were the third person I met. We had hella fun times together. I remember our old group. Me, Billy, Justin, Wyatt, and you. We started out on that factions server and from there, we met a whole bunch of new people. I remember always singing one of my favorite songs with you, although you never actually sung in front of us. Baby I. My favorite song. You are really nice, and I hope we can continue talking later on.

Dragonfossil: Hey Justin. You were one of my first good friends and we had so many great times with each other. The time I met you was hilarious. I was in a call with Billy and Gracie, and you wanted to talk to Gracie. I don’t know how it came up, but we called you “Hot Guy”. You were the one with the deep ass voice. I’m sorry that you got demoted for mod. Honestly, at first, I didn’t think you were the right person for the job. But you took it seriously and you were an amazing mod. Good luck with getting mod on MinePlex. I’m sure that you will get it and you will do an amazing job.

Tundrakiller: When I joined Saints, it was my first MCSG clan. Besides Billy, you were the first person I talked to. The very first game I played with you, we had to 1v1 in DM. I checked your stats, and they were about the same as mine. I am actually way better than my own stats because I started off about 40/1000. I thought it was an easy win. I completely underestimated you and you like 8-hearted me. Later that night, you and Synzt showed me and Kylie a 1v1 server and you helped us out a lot. Out of the 4 total clans I was in, you were one of the few people to be in 3 of them with me. You have an amazing, outgoing personality and I like that about you. You are one of the funniest people that I know. You are a great leader in scrims and you are amazing at PvP. Keep up the good work. You will always be my little Canadian boy.

Synzt: BABY SYNZT!!!!!!! You were one of the first people that I met in Saints. I remember the night that me, you, Robin, Tundra, Kylie, and Puffy stayed up together. We would always 1v1 and you would easily GG12 me. You have the cutest voice in the world and you will always be my baby asian. I love it when you rage bc its just hilarious to hear you cuss and shtuff. “I don’t promote it, but I love it when you cuss!” You are amazing at PvP and extremely funny. Good luck with the clan that you are in. Any clan will be lucky to have you in it.

PuffyCottonCandy: Me and Robin called it the little kids group. It was you, Kylie, baby Synzt, and Tundra. You guys were my favorites in Saints. You are always fun to talk to and play with. My favorite memory with you was when we fought in consecutive DM’s. The first map, you like 9-hearted me. Then, I refused to lose to you twice in a row and I GG10 scrub nub get shrekt you. I just got done eating a Good ton of sweets so I was hella hyper and I screamed a Good ton. And yes, I said hella. Normal people say that. Have fun with whatever you are doing now. :)

NessaLoveStyles: Who invited you? If you know me, you would know that I always mess around and bunnies with people. You were the easiest person to bunnies with because you would always get extremely bootyhurt. You are semi-mental, but that is why you are fun to play with. One time, Robin needed your help in a game, and you said, “Where are you?” She was about 2 blocks away from you dying and you just stood there cluelessly. Keep eating chips and burping hella loud. xD

Okay, I’m getting kinda tired of writing paragraphs for every person, so I will just like names here of people that I have became good friends with. This is in no particular order. I’m sorry if I get your usernames wrong.

wyzone2016 / Wyatt
Kimberly / Lescent
Mendoza510 / Mendoza710
Last edited:
Aug 15, 2013
Reaction score
God I'm gonna miss you so much. You were the first person I could talk to (that was a decent amount of years older than me) and get along with so easily. You were definitely one of the nicest people I met on mcsg. Stay on skype though ;_;.... ilysm <3


Nov 12, 2013
Reaction score
Even if i doesnt know you i gonna say good bye <3


Feb 3, 2013
Reaction score
Hey man. You'll get back into it. Keep your head up. Life's not over. Keep pushing on and great things will turn out for you man. Life is complicated. There are great moments and there a tough moments. Hopefully this does not mean that you will stop talking to me and the person you call "Billy" but if you do just remember I never had anything against you. I'm glad I met you, something I can't say about some people ( you know who). Best of luck. May the odds be ever in your favor.
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