Hello, I prefer not to address myself as my IGN; that isn't who I am. I am Noah, the person, the human being rather than Nbroski, Theoremz, or whatever 2x1 hitbox with a raichu skin you'd like to call me. However, this is about my experience on a server that took about 2 years from my life, and 2 amazing years they were, indeed. Thus, I will refer to myself by my ign... just this once, on the anniversary of my permanent ban, to tell you my story, and to say goodbye.
One day in what I believe to have been around July of 2012, I was told by my friend from real life Connor that there was a fun server to play hunger games on. I had been on a laptop that yielded approximately 5 frames per second on average. The best it would get was about 9-10 rarely. In addition, I usually had about 400 ms and less than 1 upload and download speed. This was the worst laptop and internet money could buy. I failed my attempt to join a Mcsg server 10 or so times before I got in one. Fortunately, Connor got in too!
He and I didn't really know what we were doing other than that it was based on the book the hunger games, a famous novel written by Suzanne Collins. Due to this, we knew there were items in the very center where everyone (24 tributes) spawned in a circle around. Little did we know, it's hard getting items from here on 5 fps... it was a serious struggle; we played about 100-200 games together. To this day, we've never won a single game together. To add on to this, only 3 maps were available: Survival Games 1, Survival Games 2, and Survival Games 3 all built by the infamous Team Vareide. These maps had very little chests other than the cornucopia, where 8 chests were located in the center. Connor and I rarely gained kills in our awful scenario.
I didn't really know any one when I found someone in a game:
CAmadeusA. I didn't know who he was, but he was good. He was much better than I was and easily took out my friend and I. Little did I know he was #1 in beta for some time and easily one of the best players back then. There were very little servers; I frequently found players one could now consider moderately famous such as
Gravey4rd, cam, and plenty of staff. Even throughout this, I didn't know who any of them really were other than players like me. Except they didn't suck
Eventually, (it was v2 by now considering I didn't do much other than occasional games in v1) I convinced my friend Mark to join the servers. At this point, there were many more maps including: breeze island (my favorite at that time), Moonlight Lake, SG4, SG5, Wyverns Wake, Fallen Empire, and very few more. Mark was good. He still is; I play with him frequently enough even now. His ign is Metalhawk45. He and I played around 100 games and finally, after all this time, I got my first win at 1200 losses! XD it's laughable how long it took me. I still remember the game. It was fallen empire when I received full iron, diamond sword, and just about everything else from a route I discovered myself on fallen empire v1. Mark and I managed to get to the end, and he let me win.
I eventually discovered Minecraft Youtubers. I didn't start with bajancanadian or skydoesminecraft or bajancanadian but oddly enough, with G33ke: the creator of the fishing rod pvp tactic. I saw a video in which he won with nothing but a fishing rod on Breeze Island. He waited until deathmatch and rodded people from mid to make them die of lightning. I found it funny. From him I found a 6k sub Youtuber named thatonetomahawk. He occupied my time for months. That's pretty much it for Youtubers for me.
At some point, I made the worst mistake I ever have: hacking. I hacked for a two-three week period in which I was temporarily banned twice for use of aimbot and Sprint hacks. Fortunately, this was cut off quickly enough and didn't carve out a large portion of my Mcsg experience.
I never made any friends here other than Mark and Connor until three months later when I discovered a new way to Randy team: Skype... yep I was "that guy." I met a few friends here such as:
xoemma a great friend who lives in New Zealand. I met her when I killed her teammate who was being a Feminine Hygene Product and she offered to Skype team. We did several times for weeks. I also met
NixGamez from who knows where. I honestly can't remember. But he was cool! I met someone who just so happened to build one of my favorite maps: moonlight lake. You guessed it: I met Guy Chaos, a really cool guy. But the biggest example of someone you may recognize was the very person who taught me for the most part how to pvp: fatmanmak. He taught me unexpected fire, strafing, and more. Later, long after I got my new good computer, he ended up the one to help me get my 100th win, an unforgettable event. However, I was terrible. If you'd like to see for yourself, it's right here
http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=b2v4ty3eLK8 EDIT: THE VIDEO GOT TAKEN DOWN I CRY. Anyways, I also met one player who impacted my Mcsg career more than many would expect:
BacccaPlaysMC. We were friends for a long time; he introduced me to pvp strats, Youtubers he liked (particularly one named fuzzyc00kie, a player I became friends with through clans later on), ToxicwasteII, etc. We were great friends for a while, but eventually he became incredibly cocky, said rude things to me, and I ditched him. I didn't want an abusive person for a friend.
Finally around June-July’ish of 2013 I actually began learning to really pvp. I learned what clans were and started with one called #Gravity which disbanded an hour after I applied. The same thing happened with the next two clans. At this point, I thought to myself "is this what the hell clans are like?!? One more attempt and if it disbands within a day, I'm done!" This try was for "#ReAct a MCSG elite clan." (React v1) SociallyAK and Darklum3n were likely the nicest people I'd met in a while. They were so cool and welcoming. I met them in a game on us120 where I created our tradition of placing a sponsored cake on a workbench to symbolize "react wuz here." I also met some of my best of friends: Africannswallow, xxSPUxx, Frigidus, and firemario22. About a week in, they began teaching me to use TeamSpeak, an application that was "better" than Skype but so, so complicated! (Was I stupid? Yeah...) This is where I first spoke to the person I have to say is the greatest friend I've ever met on the servers: lemonz87. Lemonz was setting up our TeamSpeak where she made clear that she was to be called Haley NOT Lemonz
. I was a bit of a Fangirl (k a lot) on the inside to be honest but didn't let it show and quickly realized how cool she was just as a regular friend to have.
10. A week after this, the inevitable happened. We disbanded, but socially told me not to worry, as we were merely merging with deception, a clan that happened to be led by Haley and a player named Binct. Oh gosh, this was a wild ride where I met Vitalitybeast, avijess, PANDA POOPER (long story Lel), mineboss, hydrarealms, and who I swear to god must have been either a hacker or a robot programmed to be perfect at the game: Binct. Also, I spoke to someone who I hadn't seen since the beginning of my time here once more:
CAmadeusA. Cam was a really cool guy. I remember when he was instantly accepted without trial how angry everyone was, EXCLUDING Haley, Binct, and I. I happily welcomed him and supported him, glad for him to be there. Others were angry that he was instantly accepted without a trial period, as they believed it was caused by major bias. I remember when he'd just start deathmatch for us at the beginning of games for a 9 man FFA with nothing. It was always funny. I also met the ever-hilarious, great for SpongeBob references, super nice, big-hossiest around Dantesinferno_. He was the best. Deception eventually ended with extreme sadness as it disbanded due to Binct’s eventual hacking ban and Haley didn't want to lead on her own.
Fortunately, this was where ReactV2 began which was fun for months. But this fun ended when a new wave of players came, making the clan much more competitive and less fun that included: MarchelloABC, trudairy, CaptainJS, Quisey21, and more. Yea, they were negative to my experience in react but were very nice people. Unfortunately, very nice wasn't enough for me; I left within a month to a clan that was nothing but fun and not as much of a tryhard-clan. Before I tell of my time in the next clan, I will explain my permanent banishment from mcgamer that wasn't enough to ban me. This story is so embarrassing, only the people that were there know it. Ok so I bypassed the filter and was dealt a 4 day temp ban. On the last day, react begged me to scrim Republic with them just a day before techaton's clan wars. I went on an alt to scrim... here is the part I don't tell people. The way the other clan found out is that when they asked, I specifically told them "I'm sort of banned on Nbroski but for bypassing the filter. I figured why not scrim once real quick no biggie right guys?
" to which youngwolfyy_ and Auroraty responded "yeah no problem!" I had to go to dinner and came back an hour later to which I saw my perm ban on the screen in front of me.... I was devastated. Then I made the decision: I'm not leaving. Remember Binct? He had been perm banned and gotten the alt: theoriez. I figured "wouldn't it be cool if two banned alts had similar names and played together? So I bought Theoremz. Now then back to clans.
My next clan was divine. I met Mr_gears, Tehsteelflexer, and so many more people here. My third day I helped us discover how to leave the map on SG2. We fished for a saddle, block glitched to put it on a pig outside the map, then block glitched to get on the pig. And we were out. SpidersFTW was scared to do it because he thought he'd get perm banned but we peer pressured him into it XD. In the end, it was a fun clan I reached co-owner in. Somewhere along the way, I banned a player that I regret and don't. I was the reason the alt of phiIIy67 (tematfountain) was banned. I basically backstabbed him after finding his alt after a twenty minute talk with him. I told it to a close friend for personal reasons and it was banned. It strongly helped a close friend of mine and didn't hurt phiIIy too much in the end, so I'd say it turned out worth it to me. I only feel bad about betraying him by using him when we only talked for like twenty mins. Unfortunately, in divine after a few weeks, we never scrimmed or battled, so I left about 2 weeks before the disband; it got boring.
Then I joined a clan led by... an old friend. Remember Binct? ThePompeiian was him, and I joined hoping for a DeceptionV2 at the Saints. It ended up less fun than expected and so I left soon in. This was a short chapter in my journey.
Rivals. We were a clan who played to have fun under the hand of cf918 and Jspwn. I met some great friends including zlim95, IbearHD, ConconW, cf918, and too many others to name. -Now I'm going to cut off this bit of my story to tell another ban story- I admitted in in-game chat to being Nbroski (very bad idea the reason I was banned last time. Like legit Wutdafuk how did that sound like a good idea?!) Of all the people to ban me for being a banned alt, ironically, it was Killerkons who I believe to be the 2nd most disliked banned player by the staff (1. PhiIIy67 2.killerkons 3. Swag giraffe 4. Kranzo 5. Binct.) I found it ironic considering how many alts he has bypassed through; I honestly don’t mind. I honestly thought it was funny to begin with. So yeah, I purchased Nineharted as my new account then-Ok back to rivals now- after months of fun, bad things started happening. I noticed very poor decisions happen, bias occur, and awful corruption happen in the upper ranks.
So I left to a new clan I loved: vanguard. There was only about 3 people in the clan I disliked by the end. We were a family. We played together, had great teamwork, are overall great at pvp, played uhc, played Mcsg together, and always rage at Richie for playing so much league haha. Every scrim is fun even when we get tryharded by eternity, or killed by a toggler or ddosed or whatever by some randy clan; we don't care it's always fun. Vanguard was a clan for fun and fun it was.
I didn’t participate in clans for about 3 weeks or so until I joined an incredibly underrated, very fun clan named Valhalla. Valhalla consisted of countless fun players and incredibly good ones. We scrimmed and battle on a daily basis for my first few weeks; eventually we became less active. The_Broken_Door alongside Ryan_Ayden owned this clan and led with consistent greatness. Eventually, we were inspired to become more active and great when we were invited to become the US region of Phoenix by the really good and really cool
darkai202. Darkrai is awesome. Either way, once we became Phoenix, yes we did become more active, but I didn’t get to see it. This is because 95% of the clan got absolutely raped sleep schedules (they would stay up and scrim most of the time from midnight until 6 in the morning and then go to sleep until about 1:00 in the afternoon.) I had a normal sleep schedule and thus didn’t get to participate in battles or scrims since we never battled or scrims while I was awake. It was unfortunate but I still had plenty of fun with the few people on. Eventually, bad things happened, however, which ended up causing me to leave. Fortunately, I’ve made up with anyone who I had disputes with, aside from shanrrbananrr, but most people are well aware of what happened between her and I.
I hopped a little bit with spending very little time in a clan for a week or two to figure out where I felt I belonged and ended up at Triology. Triology was incredible; we had better teamwork than the vast majority of clans and it led to success in most clan battles. (except on holiday resort. (SCREW EAST ROUTE.) So yeah, here I met xFlyPlaysMc, I reencountered Killyourbutt, and someone I hadn’t spoken to since Vanguard. It was pretty fun, we did well, and overall it was a positive experience. Eventually, however, we became bored of mcsg some, we started doing worse, and we disbanded the day I left.
So there was a fairly long period in which I full-out quit Mcsg clans and just occasionally played, and I just played UHC to be honest. UHC is awesome and I still play it far more than Mcsg. Soon in, I joined one of zlim95’s clans and it disbanded a couple days later, because none of us played at all haha. I just hung out on teamspeaks and quite frankly did next to nothing in clans I joined that I joined just because I could.
Full List of Accounts I’ve owned:
Nbroski (my original account.)
Sammyb055 (my brother had a garbage account name that he let me use sometimes. I still don’t like it. Screw you sam J )
Theoremz (The account everyone knows me for. I’m Theoremz.)
FazeBearr (#FaZe)
Hydroliqs (Still a sick ass name I’m sad it got banned so quickly.)
Nineharted (thanks a ton to the baccca who gave me this he’s sweggy.)
Flqwless (yes I purchased it. But I gave it full access to a friend of mine and let him change the password. He changed it and I no longer have access; it is no longer mine. He needed it more than I did.)
Icrievrytime (here’s a blast from the past. Me and some react friends plus Binct tried getting 100/100 on this haha good times.)
Aephex (no longer mine. Thanks to a good friend –you know who you are- for giving me access to it when I needed it.)
Cystolith (I gave it full access to a friend of mine and let him change the password. He changed it and I no longer have access; it is no longer mine. It was an account trade and I now own a different one that I far prefer.)
Plus around 5 mcalts, and two or three secret accounts that I can’t publicly state here. I ended with a grand total of exactly 1734 earned wins.
Players from a while ago:
CAmadeusA: at the beginning, all you were to me was the best player I'd ever seen. Later I realized how great of a guy you are in general. Unfortunately, I haven’t actually talked to you in a long time, but never know maybe we will at some point.
2. @Metalhawk45: you're a great guy Mark. No need to say much here; I'll see ya at school
EDIT: just kidding I do online school now ;-;
BacccaPlaysMC: gosh baccca... I remember so long ago when we'd Skype team all the time... remember our favorite map? I do. It was Wyvern’s. Hopefully we can hang out again sometime soon enough, wherever it may be.
4. cjswimmer04: Connor you're awesome even though you like Joey graceffa!
see you at school too! EDIT: just kidding I do online school now ;-;
GuyK: Guy you’re an awesome dude, one of the nicest people out there, and were one of my best friends about a year and a half ago. I remember our favorite map, the one you made: Moonlight Lake
. Love ya man, it’s been great the past couple weeks seeing you in Phoenix despite our different regions. Thanks for being here for me.
6. @Africannswallow: Matthew you've always stuck by me ever since react when you absolutely sucked. Now you're better than me. All throughout this time, you've been the nicest most supportive friend ever! Thanks man
xxSPUxx: spu ever since that argument we had, we haven't talked much. However, you've still been a great friend prior to that so thanks you hacker
8. @firemario22: Best black guy ever met 10/10 Jk ily firemario I no racist ;-; .
darklum3n: you and Jake started my real Mcsg career thank you so much for kicking that off. You've always been so funny but also a bit of an asswhipe to a lot of people, which did make me mad at one point. Nonetheless you’ve been super chill when I talked to you recently so I don’t even mind. Thanks for everything. Love Ya Nick.
SociallyAK: Jake we haven't talked much in a while but back when we did it was the best. As mentioned with Nick, react was great in the beginning. Thanks for being so welcoming. You never did give me Haley’s Instagram you know.
Jk ily Jake always remember... staceyanya has a blue sword for you.
Binct: oh yesus you are one crazy guy. You were one of my best friends back in deception, the saints, etc. Keep reading the book of Mormon beb
Lemonz87: you are one amazing person. I can't even begin to explain the impact you've made on my time here. You are one of the nicest people I've ever met. Thanks for always being there for me. Love Ya Haley
aleksey2323: Alek my Soviet brother I sincerely doubt you'll see this quite frankly. You are probably one of the coolest people from react. You were so incredibly nice and humble no matter how much better than me you were and are. I hope you've had fun in your time of solo'ing and avoiding clan life. Ilyyy
Hydrarealms: oh Lord Ernie... you are legit insane not gonna lie. Best non hacking hacker around! You are such a great guy no matter how many racist jokes you make, we'll always be bby's!
DantesInferno_: dentist infurnace is likely the most awesome meth lab manager I've ever met in my life. No but really, he's so incredibly funny, he's so nice, and he's the absolute greatest for references. If you wanna talk about SpongeBob, breaking bad, or anything else this is your guy. Just meet him behind Walmart and bring the money!! <333
VitalityBeast: oh Vitalybreast. We were the best team back in deception. I was one of the few people who got along with you back then. Either way, I've always liked you. Keep being awesome 10/10
Papqx: what a baller Indian we got here! He is an awesome rayquaza and is uber nice to just about everyone. If you are nice to him, he's one of the best people you can meet. As we've always called him, fap you have fun in life.
brankster52: you always called me n-bro-bro. It's a baller nickname just because you call me it. You are such a nice person despite the first impression you made on me. In the beginning, all I knew of you was that you hit on Haley a lot. That's pretty much all I knew. But you ended up so nice. Love you #OcciferCode
19. @kupi12: you're soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo underrated as a player and a person. People don't give you enough credit for how nice and smart and good you are. I really do like you kupi, you're a cool guy. You're respectful, nice, and an ass in SMP's
Jk ily kupi.
Totoshd: silly Mexican tricks are for kids. Jk ily. Sorry I think I made you mad at one point but oh well ily anyways!
AviJess: it's a disappointment I never got to talk to you much. Either way you seemed cool. See you around Jess
marchelloabc: YOU ARE GOD AT PVP. That's all you get.
23. No Jk you despite your high skill level, I never heard you bragging. You've always treated people well which I find really respectful and mature. You're really cool and in general a great guy to look up to. Stay great March
Trudairy: oh gosh tru you were sick. Back when Jake first introduced us, I was scared as hell with how good he said you were. To this day, you've beaten me countless times and I've it beaten you twice. You, like March, are also humble and nice. Stay cool m8
25. @mineboss4300: I know I met you in deception but I never really talked to you until react v2 so I figured I'd slap ya19 down here in this section. You are one funny hell of a guy. Best ginger around not gonna lie. Every time I see you, I always think "Scwim Defwesa bby!" It's the best thing ever. Keep in mind I'm not making fun of you. I'm laughing with you not at you
26. @CaptainJS: one of the best ones ok let's get started. Captain you were our best leader in react and a great pvper but aside from that, I'd like to list positive qualities of your personality. It's incredible how nice you are. You treat people perfectly, you are such a good sport, a perfect mod, and a great friend. I don’t mind that you banned me on an account once; it was the right choice. Keep doing what you're doing; you're doing it right!
Mr_Gears: I remember I first talked to you on a TeamSpeak in August 2013 when someone (I think it was marina) invited me on the TeamSpeak and I just hung out with a bunch of you guys for an hour or so. Then I met you again later in the original Divine, and it was the best. It was pretty sick; thanks for making me enjoy clans again after ReactV2.
TehSteelFlexer: You were always just one tiny step ahead of me in this clan among the ranks, getting promoted to ranks a day or two before me (officer, leader, co-owner, etc.) We were pretty close in here and then again in a couple other clans. You were a chill af dude; keep it up. EDIT: hung out with you recently and you’re still pretty cool m8. Keep playing twitter UHC pls
iJoshHD: Josh we haven't talked in months, and that saddens me. You were definitely one off my greatest friends and one of the nicest people I've ever met. Always remember me; I remember you. Thanks for being a great friend Josh.
PuffyCottonCandy: Nora you are straight up freaking awesome not gonna lie. You were so nice and still are. I know we don't speak as much and honestly I'm not sure you even knew the last alt I was on but I still remember you greatly. You're amazing Nora, thank you for being my friend.
31. @Meowmeowjazzy: oh Jasmine I miss you a crapton. We were so close but for some reason we just drifted apart out of nowhere. Not sure why, but it happened. I wish we talked more, I always enjoyed talking to you. Ily <3
Im_Cozzy: Nicest kid I had met in a long time. We were so chill, but unfortunately you started flipping a bit and went all booter-crazy and stuff. Either way, you’re cool again and I love talking to you. Glad you’re back bud <3
iBearHD: Logan you're an amazing person. You are nice to everyone around you, so funny, and a sick pvper. We've both became better players and better people ever since that montage and we've gotten closer as well. Little hacker
Zlim95: oh lawd jaysus this one gon’ maek me cri. I love you Jacob you are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice dude you were the most welcoming ever in rivals and I instantly as soon as I joined knew I had a friend to count on to help out and support me. You've been a perfect friend ever since. Luv ya bbyzelim <3
ConconW: Connor idek if you'll see this since you quit Mcsg but I've never met someone funnier than you I don't think. You're a really nice guy and I'm glad I got to know you. We didn't talk that much but when we did I enjoyed it. Remember you're cared about, adorable.
Lemonz87 lololol
SportsFan2565: Best panda around 10/10. But really though, it's incredible how nice you are Jake. You treat most everyone well which really makes you a great guy to be around. I hope you've been enjoying rebels and continue to. Ily bby.
cf918: Corey I know we had a few differences occasionally but you're a really nice guy. As a person, I've always been fond of you and am glad to say I feel we're friends even though we rarely speak anymore. I still remember when we sang ashrei together bb <3
MCCMorpheus: Morpheus we really only talked during rivals none before or after, but I thoroughly enjoyed it during. You were such a cool dude and were easy to talk to. It was always fun beating you in faded and then losing to you on Mcsg but I think we've both gotten better since then. Either way, you were incredibly nice, thanks for being there.
Salamancer101: one of the greatest leaders I had. Sal you were such a nice person and entertaining to talk to all throughout vanguard and those couple weeks of sovyV1. I feel like you're one of the few people in there who I really cared about as a friend that made my experience in vanguard worthwhile. Thanks for that, I hope you have fun with protocol.
ProHulk: Joe you were really cool in vanguard. Idk it feels like you don't like me for some reason. You seem to ignore me with in-game chat and stuff, you didn't seem to be too fond of me my last few days prior to leaving vanguard, but whatever you were one of the best people in there during my main time of the clan. Whether or not it can continue is up to you, but I did enjoy our time there.
richie5777: Richie you're really funny not gonna lie. You were hilarious and nice to everyone. I thoroughly enjoyed talking with you; unfortunately we couldn't play together too much considering your minor (not) addiction to league
love you asianswallow.
rcazilla23rocks: you're so nice. You never said anything mean to anyone in vanguard; you treated everyone exceptionally no matter what. You were a great teammate and a great pvper, and it's been a privilege to know you.
Pokemons8087: Oh god poke… In vanguard, like everywhere else, people either love or hate you. You were so annoying but so funny and nice at the same time. I never had any idea whether or not I liked you but I know for a fact at this point you’re a really cool dude. Idk where you’ve been but hang out with me pls.
chaoskyurem2: Chaos you were pretty quiet but always so cool. The way you talked you seemed to think I was really good or something but hey not complaining. You were easily one of the nicest in here and, despite your ign, sucked at Pokémon showdown. Love you anyways tho <3
Makky: You already got a paragraph why are you here nerd
46. @ Defresa: I've saved the best for last. Nelson Mandela my boy. You are the funniest, nicest, and coolest person I knew in vanguard, and right up there somewhere in the top 5 for my entire time here. You were the best teammate and most fun enemy (even though I can't beat you but whatever), I can't explain how incredibly nice you were. Defwesa bby I won't 5get you <3
The_Broken_Door: hottest sloff around I swear. I didn’t like you much in the beginning because you just seemed immature to me, but you now tbh I just wanna have nasties with u booboo.
Ryan_Ayden: Pod.
49. @zcrimsonaura: we haven’t talked much recently, and honestly, I don’t even know if you’re in a clan or whatever, but you were really cool. I remember a few people really didn’t like you much during Valhalla, but overall, I always stuck with you and tried getting you on their good side. Talk to me m80
50. @charmander5000: Luis you’re a cool guy. One of the fastest clickers I’ve known too- 24 per second is freaking ridiculous. Either way, that’s unrelated, what really matters is you as a person. You’re easily one of the nicest guys out there. You weren’t always super-liked in clans, due to the fact that you tended to be loud in battles, but I always did have fun playing with you, and we made a pretty good team. Ily m80.
Bowman132: I remember the first time I saw you fight someone; you nearly beat Sixzoseven and G33ke in a 1v2, but unfortunately, some random interfered, getting you lower in the process. Then I started really talking to you more, and wow you were freaking nice. You treat everyone well, but despite that, a lot of people treated you poorly, because they thought you hacked. I’m pretty sure you’re still banned; get unbanned already m8
k_thin: We really barely talked at all, but nonetheless, you were still really nice to everyone in the process. You couldn’t be on much, but when you were, I was always happy to hang out J
HolyTrust: Ahhh holy so freaking cool. You did always have a bit of a rage when you died, considering you liked maintaining the ratio, but hey I don’t mind. You were a great team player in battles and scrims, always happy to give up some gear and just help out. You’re a great pvper too and I hope we talk some more soon.
Jetsify: I wasn’t much a fan of you in the beginning, considering you didn’t like me for something I did. We made up and eventually I didn’t like you again because you seemed to kiss Shan’s butt a little bit. Fortunately, you ended up coming to your senses and are one of the coolest people I know now. Play UHC with me bud!
55. xFlyPlaysMC: You were a great leader when you were on, but unfortunately weren’t too active shortly after I joined. I loved talking to you, and we had really close fights. Our rodspam- fights man I swear xD
Killyourbutt: I heard you’re coming back which is really good to hear. You’re a really cool guy and carried the leading quite a bit during Triology. I didn’t like you much in vanguard but you were great here. Not sure why, but you never really sat me even though I didn’t do well in clan battle scenarios at the time. I had to ask to be sat haha; kill im not a legend I can sit
WATIII: Will you’re still a great guy and talking to you is always great. You’re super nice to everyone. You were kinda c0cky back in Rivals but that all cleared up. Thanks for always being available to talk to me when I needed it and everything else. <3
Best Aussie ezpz:
58. Darkrai202: ur bad xDDddDdDddDdD
Best unicorn out there:
purple_unicorn98: there’s nothing that hasn’t been said already for you. You’re easily one of the most important people to me and anything else to say to you, I already have by texting and crap. You know you’re awesome big sister <3
Sexiest Chinq Ever:
le quack : there you attention seeking fukweed r u happy now? u get ur own sectin mk sweg cum bak 2 minkraft b4 i kil ur famiry
My favorite country bumpkin:
Lemonz87: I won’t hurt you cuz you’re hippus. Again, like above, you’re so important to me that you can make me so happy just by talking to me, or disappointed by not for too long. You’re everything and anything to me and I love you tons. Thanks for making MCSG something nobody else could manage and keeping me here longer than anything else. I’ll ditch a clan for ya any day. Just don’t tell cam
Edit: some of these are outdated... I made this thread a long time ago. Don't h8 pls xdddd