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Transfer [US] CLOSED

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Dec 21, 2014
Reaction score
1. In Game Name: supra007
2. What Shall we call you: Drake
3. Age: 14
4. Skype-Name: Kirito Is Bae | Drake
5. Do you have Premium? If so, what kind? : Diamond
6. PvP-strengths (Be detailed): Bow, Flint and Steel
7. PvP-weaknesses (Be detailed): Sword, Fishing Rod
8. Do you have any previous Clan-experiences?: I was in #Potent for about 3 months
9. Why do you want to join Transfer?: I love to meet new people and i'm very competitive. I hope i'll be able to help this clan out
10. W/L: 433/2339


Jun 15, 2014
Reaction score
1. In Game Name: Zenorkss
2. What Shall we call you: John My Real name is Jonathan
3. Age: 13
4. Skype-Name: Zenorkss or Jonathan Avila(New York)
5. Do you have Premium? If so, what kind? : No. I
6. PvP-strengths (Be detailed): I am really good with the Rod Beacuase my ping in Mcsg Which is 80 but i get really nice combos instaly.SwordMenShip Is The Best I get Nice Combos with the rode. Working With Teams I know when to back up and ect...
7. PvP-weaknesses (Be detailed): (Fear) When I Dont Think Im Gonna make kill the person I Just Fear dat they re gonna kill me But I learn from My Mistakes But Im getting to bye the seconded
8. Do you have any previous Clan-experiences?: Yes, I have been in, ##FuzzyPandas
9. Why do you want to join Transfer?: I feel Its Time to reavel the fear inside me and conur the little sefconvidce 10. W/G: 25/465 Getting Better :) Plus got a new mouse Today
Declined: Does not meet requirements.
Aug 11, 2014
Reaction score
1. In Game Name: supra007
2. What Shall we call you: Drake
3. Age: 14
4. Skype-Name: Kirito Is Bae | Drake
5. Do you have Premium? If so, what kind? : Diamond
6. PvP-strengths (Be detailed): Bow, Flint and Steel
7. PvP-weaknesses (Be detailed): Sword, Fishing Rod
8. Do you have any previous Clan-experiences?: I was in #Potent for about 3 months
9. Why do you want to join Transfer?: I love to meet new people and i'm very competitive. I hope i'll be able to help this clan out
10. W/L: 433/2339
want to join my clan instead #Omega
Aug 11, 2014
Reaction score
Can you guys at least decline me? I feel I'd rather be declined than have no answer because there's people who really want to join your clan, they apply and they get no answer. Yet they keep on waiting and waiting and waiting. Still it never comes. I know it could waste your time, but how long will it take for you to reply to their application and say "Declined". Being rejected is much better than no answer, being in suspense until you finally realize that you're never going to get a answer. All I'm asking is that if I didn't make the expectations, just decline me.
wanna join my clan #Omega


Jul 6, 2014
Reaction score
1. In Game Name: DarkEvil123
2. What Shall we call you: Dark
3. Age: 13
4. Skype-Name: darkevilsg
5. Do you have Premium? If so, what kind? : Hopefully getting Platinum next Thursday.
6. PvP-strengths (Be detailed): I am decent with the fishing rods, along with combos with it. I can predict what the other person is about to do (ex: fns)
7. PvP-weaknesses (Be detailed): If I am extremely under geared then my opponent, or if my computer is just doing horrible at the current time.
8. Do you have any previous Clan-experiences?: Yes, I have a lot of experiences in a clan, and what to do.
9. Why do you want to join Transfer?: I can be the competitive people, and I feel like I can improve if I am with better people, and more competitive people then me.
10. W/L: 82/408 (Was at a 1/2 before, then PC issues happened.)


Jun 1, 2014
Reaction score
1. In Game Name: joshattack10
2. What Shall we call you: Josh
3. Age: 13
4. Skype-Name: josh_pors
5. Do you have Premium? If so, what kind? : Yeah, I'm Plat donor.
6. PvP-strengths (Be detailed): Well, I'm not the best with a rod but when I get a Rod hit it can be very effective. I also have pretty good bow stats, and the sword is most definitely my strength! :D
7. PvP-weaknesses (Be detailed): Well nothing really, unless we're talking about Regen/Reach hacks I can't beat that.
8. Do you have any previous Clan-experiences?: Yes, I was in Dexterity, Exotic, and Hope
9. Why do you want to join Transfer?: I believe I'd be a pretty good edition. I'm pretty good at PVP, funny at times, and have a good sense of humor. I'm also really mature for my age.
10. W/L: 29/337 I know its a bad ratio. It would be better if I would've spent more time trying, I didnt because of the stats reset.

My add on: I hope to be accepted, I've always admired this clan in every way. You guys are great!


Mar 28, 2014
Reaction score
1. In Game Name: __CristhianDAC__
2. What Shall we call you: Cristhian or Damian
3. Age: 16
4. Skype-Name: cristhiandac
5. Do you have Premium? If so, what kind? : Platinum
6. PvP-strengths (Be detailed): I think I'm sort of balanced... & good ping
7. PvP-weaknesses (Be detailed): Strafes
8. Do you have any previous Clan-experiences?: Yeah
9. Why do you want to join Transfer?: Because it is a great clan and I need to improve my teamwork with new people, also I am curious about what's being on an English speaker clan
10. W/L: - 123/806


Dec 27, 2014
Reaction score
1. In Game Name: Flexerio
2. What Shall we call you: Flex or Flexy.
3. Age: 13
4. Skype-Name: Flexerio
5. Do you have Premium? If so, what kind? : I don't have premium on Flexerio, but I do on my alts :p
6. PvP-strengths (Be detailed): I'm really good with strafing and with a bow. And my dodging patterns for dodging a bow it pretty good too.
7. PvP-weaknesses (Be detailed): I'm really bad with FnS, and making tough decisions like whether to fight or not.
8. Do you have any previous Clan-experiences?: Yes.
9. Why do you want to join Transfer?: I think it'll be an amazing experience to meet some new people! I would love to become friends with them!
10. W/L: 80/376
Last edited:


Nov 4, 2014
Reaction score
1. In Game Name: SSAwesome27 (Account I play On for fun) or nman4 (the account i try on)
2. What Shall we call you: SS
3. Age: 13
4. Skype-Name: ssawesome27
5. Do you have Premium? If so, what kind? :none
6. PvP-strengths (Be detailed): Bowshots and sword fights
7. PvP-weaknesses (Be detailed): messing up on fns
8. Do you have any previous Clan-experiences?: Yes I have been in 4 other clans FDC Venomous Voltage and Deffaced
9. Why do you want to join Transfer?: I want to join transfer because mcsg is getting boring and maybe if I had a new thing to do on it it I will enjoy it more.
10. W/L: (Bad Account) 137/1656 (Good acccount) 12/68 (but I got it with 21 losses)
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