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My Story.

Is Fusionnuggets a smelly panda?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Is that even a question?!?! Of Coarse he is!

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • yasss slayyy baeee

    Votes: 7 58.3%

  • Total voters


Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
Hey... Im a randy so this thread will not get viewed by many but this is for my friends and people who want to know why Im quitting.

Ever since 2011 I have been playing Minecraft. I used to play the free version because I didnt know about the paid one and I bugged and bugged and bugged for the full. When I got minecraft I sucked, and swallowed, then choked. Jk. Thats innapropro. I was really bad at minecraft but I went on youtube one day and watched this youtuber named SkitScape play, he used to do this series called survival island with his friend Dan. One day I wanted to greif a server because I saw these people called Team aVo grief a server and they were having a lot of fun. I found this server called McBestCraft and so I came up with this plan to steal someones plot and get their items (Smart move 10 year old Julia). It kind of worked but yeah... I met some amazing people on that server and Im suprised they put up with me xD. Eventualy people in my school found out I played this game called Minecraft and that is when I started getting teased upon. When I got teased for playing Minecraft I was having a rough time at home also so I did not enjoy that. One day my friend Mackenzie bought Minecraft and we would play on this server called OCTC and those were some of the best times I have shared with someone. She was looking around one day and found MCSG so after school one day we decided to give it a go. It was so addicting, we always got mad at eachother for when we died but hey, we're still friends c: .

There was a time when Mack and I logged onto this randy server and met this person named Samantha. She's a cool kid thats all i gotta say and we need to talk moar eh Sammy Sam?

Another time Mack and I logged onto this faction server and found this irish dude named Emilio.. hes irish and I still talk to him c:

This year in early January, Mack was on the forums and found clans and applied for this clan called Skorpions... xD We both applied and Fusionnuggets is a slow poke and took like a week to reply to the thread. Mack applied for some other clan called Team Chickens. Anyways I got accepted and well, this is where my MCSG journey started. Fusion and I became great friends. We eventualy created a clan of our own called Viscore. There I met Sarjbooty. Sarju and I werent the best friends back then as far as I remember but we were still friends :p I also met this cool Irish dude named Luka :D . Then in Encore I met a few frands (Too lazy to look up who I met). I think Haunted was next? Those were the days, that was when I enjoyed MCSG, when I could log onto TeamSpeak and someone was always there. The people that i met in Haunted are the best people I have met so far.. so here they are! (hah that rhymed c: ) Fusionnuggets ToastySoldier_ mikeydrox killerhero2000 zoplik90 SpandexMonkeyPKC ThatFuryFellow D3VMAN Moose Jaan Sarju (If I forgot you please tell me.)

This guy needs his own special spot here. NachoLePew You are the reason I have been here for so long and I can not thank you enough. When you got Mod I was sad because we rarely talk now, but you enjoy doing it and I cant take that away from you. Thank you Nacho, tu es un novato. Always and forever.

I dont really have anything else to say, I make youtube videos because of SkitScape and he kind of disappeared but hes back so Im happy about that.

Thank you everyone who has put up with my crap all of this time, if you feel like keeping in contact with me you can say your skype and I will add you on my private.

Keep it real babes. Ill miss you MCSG.
Last edited:


May 20, 2014
Reaction score
Haha love your story , "tu eres un novato" xD


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
I didn't really know you, but I'm in your signature so it's only right to say goodbye :)


Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
Awh, Julz :'(

Those times in Haunted were some of the best times I had. Thanks for helping make it a fun time.

I'll miss you but I have your skype, so keep in touch. :)

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