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A Story I Wrote


Jan 8, 2014
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Hey there guys! Lately i've been having a craving to write a story. So i did, if your looking for something quick, i suggest you don't read this at the moment, but later when you have some time! Also, i will be updating this if i get some feedback that let's me know i should do so. And finally, if you like the story and don't want any spoilers, don't read the main idea, just skip ahead.

Main Idea:
A story of a man name Terry White or Hound who lives in 2341. He was a soldier who was killed in action on a mission for UTOPIA to stop the Great Push from North Korea. Him and his whole squadron were killed on departure. The story shows futuristic things like the change of ages, and names, and an alien goverment, and a bunch of sci-fi and utopian/dystopian ideas thrown together as one. Terry comes back to life in a place called HG, were he is explained what happens. You die, and you go to place depending on your dominant sole. You have four soles, the dominant one is one of these four. Passive, Aggressive, Murderous, and thoughtful. Passive is the most rare and is what a leader has, Terry happens to be passive. HG is currently under attack from Hell, where Hell is making people live. a nuclear fight happened in later years killing everyone on Earth. Death is so calm and soothing, no one cared. But when Hell started to fight HG, and make people live again, a war began, and people don't wanna live, they want to die.

The Passive One-TheJuxify

Terry White

It was the birth day of Terry White, September 10th 2320. Terry's father was a military who liked to pump weights and act very professional around anyone but his family. Terry's Father was commander of fleet Heelo-six under Italy's control. All of his families friends were there to celebrate their new born child. Heelo-Six was a flying city watching over Italy that was ready to attack or defend on command of the Italian forces.

One of Terry's favorite stories was reading about how the world has advanced. The world advanced a lot since the times of a corrupt government. The Declaration Of Independence gave the American citizens the right to attack the government, and they did. The President and many other officials were shot and killed in the year 2048. Aliens were being kept secret, and citizens contacted them, asking them to come form a great government. And they did, bullying and crime were at a low, space exploration and building were up high, education was fixed. The Golden Ages became Platinum ages in a few short years.

Every night Terry's father would read this story to him before he went to bed, until Terry was six. "The Atamari government then made sure tha-." The whole house had shook and the commander briefly stopped as it was unusually for turbulence on Heelo-Six.

"What's happening daddy," scared little Terry asked, pulling the blankets up over his body and over his head like a child afraid of monsters.

"Nothing child, just stay in bed while daddy makes a call to base," the commander said as he exited his childs room and walked into his housed control room. "Heelo-Six pilot, what was that?"

"Sir, what was what," the pilot asked over the comms.

"Is it that bad," The commander yelled into his microphone loud enough to make Terry pull the covers up over his head. Terry's father sprints into Terrys room. "Terry let me see your angelic face once again," he speaks, his voice pitch flowing up and down, and with a tear streaming out of his blue eyes.

"What happening dad?," Terry asked again, a faint humming coming from the room. Seeing his father cry, Terry began to cry a little too.

"Nothing child, I just wish your mother and I could have kept you longer," the commander starts to break down, wiping tears from his face, hugging his child harder then a wrapped Christmas present. The humming continues, like the sound of a saw on wood.

"Daddy, you and mommy can keep me forever," Terry said, crying but smiling up at his father, liking the attention.

"I'm afraid it doesn't work that way Terry." The humming sound, as it had become white noise stopped, as the room was filled with silence like a midnight sky on a cool winter night.

"BOOSHK" a circular hole in the roof falls in as three men dressed in all black with ropes tied around their waist enter the room through the hole. One has a gun and whips Terry's father with the handle of the gun, knocking him to the ground. One of the men, taller one, grabs Terry and pulls him from the covers as the other one ties a rope around his waist and tugs the rope pulling Terry to his side. All three men are pulled into the air with terry at the same time as each other.

"Welcome to Utopia, Hound."


It’s the year 2341, Ghost, Shorts, Rainbow and Hound were sent on their first mission to stop North Korea on continuing the Great Push past Bulgaria. Bulgaria was a small country in Europe that interested Hound because of it’s culture.“Generation XZ, are you ready to deploy into the field, we only get one shot at this,” Pin chimed in over the radio in their chopper. Pin was the checker in their flight, he made sure autopilot didn’t go out of whack and would begin flying if he had too.“Copy Pin, we are ready for Deployment,” Hound stated looking in the eyes of his men and female. “This is it guys, you know the mission, defend the wall of Bulgaria to live another day.”“Generation XZ, ready for deployment,” Pin said as he pulled the knob to drop the floor. The floor beneath the team fell as they began their decent into the air. Their height meters on their wrist beeped as their parachute pulled for them simultaneously. They floated down to the ground, and when they hit the 1000 feet mark, choppers and gunshots began. Screams chimed in along with the fear. A huge plane flew overheard of the team as a bomb fell from it, loaded with gunpowder.“OH SH-,” Ghost began as the bomb hit Rainbow and exploded their parachutes while blowing Rainbow to shreds. Hound’s ears rang as the flew to the left opposite of Ghost and free fell a thousand feet.“GHOST!,” Hound yells as he sees his friend, squadron member hit the ground and die on impact. Shorts hit the ground too, but survived the fall, being shot to death by an invading Korean. Tears swelled in Hound’s eyes as he faced down as the ground rushed towards his face.

Hound hit an invading Korean and survived his fall. "Awh crap.." Hound complained lying on the ground on top of a dead North Korean invader. He picked up the weapon and realized what he was holding. An ATX-Lazerfire2090. "Ohhhyeaaaahhhh," Hound said, as he checked the fuel cells to see what sort of ammo it had and how much.

Poison ammo and tons of it. Poison ammo was cruel but got the job done. Poison ammo would hit the target, then sicken them into the worse possible pain then kill you once you gave in. But if you wouldn’t give in it would continue to hurt you, and soldiers have troubles giving in, but it was what he had, and he had to use it.

Hound needed to report to Pin. "Hound to Pin copy? 3 confirmed K.I.A, Rainbow, Shorts, and Ghost. I dodged the bullet and am pushing towards the CN Tower. Hound out." Hound shut off his comms and began moving towards his target. Bulgarian forces knew he was here, but were expecting four members, hopefully Pin could tell the militia on time, Hound thought. Hound was behind the North Koreans and knew what he had to do, blasting them from behind was his best chance at getting to the CN tower quickly.

"The CN tower is guarded, Bulgarians inbound, watch your six!" Hound halted, there were North Koreans right around the corner, speaking their whole plan. Hound switched his comms on to Pin.

"Pin, Don't say a word, this is becoming a stealth mission," Hound whispered into his communicator "Feed this chat into CN Bulgarian Patrol squad. North Koreans are about to push." Hound prayed this would work.

"Korean Air Push. Are you ready, the Bulgarians must not obtain our bio-weapon. The spores must be released for five minutes uninterrupted. You copy?" He paused like he is waiting for a response. Hound sizes up this guy, looking to be the squadron commander. He is tall, with brown eyes, he works out a lot and looks like he could stare you down and you would cower in fear. "Great, Korea Air Push, jump from your choppers and break into the building now. We will come from bottom as you move down, we will pin the militia and take them out, regroup and claim the top of the tower. Move, move, move!" he yelled to his mean as they began to push into the doorway.

"Be ready Bulgaria! I'm taking down some ground units right now!," Hound yelled into his com. He turned the corner aiming his gun with precision right at the commander taking him down first. North Koreans who had not yet entered the tower were confused but fired backing into the building. Hound dove her cover while shooting his poison laser into the invading group, taking many down instantly, and some slowly, but landing shots.

"Hound, Bulgaria knows they are defending against the attacks splitting the militia, you may have just won us this war and defended us against some scary diseases." Pin spits over the com

"Yeah well, fire is getting really heav-"

"PPFT," Hound falls face forward into the ground, blood coming out of his head from a bullet that whizzed right through his skull.

"Hound, Hound! Your heat signature is... Oh. Rest In Peace good bud, you might have won us this war." Pin closed comms with Hound, and reported him confirmed KIA.

Chapter Two

The Alchemist

"Sir, we need you to hurry up," the lab rat said doing intense passwords to bypass the doors that used to be the rooms of Ghost, Shorts, Rainbow, and Hound. "It's been forty years since Project UTOPIA failed and we lost our top operatives. Once Generation XZ was gone, North Korea took the base from Belgium two years after The Great Push into Europe, specifically Bulgaria, and using their CN towers to release Pathogenically warfare." He finished walking into the room checking up on the Alchemist."You think I don't remember the day my peers died?," The Alchemist asked rudely "I was Generation B, Three years younger, 18. When they shut off my room powerage and moved me here. Later the base was attacked, I survived with my mixture of Fox Glove andDollseyes. The North Koreans reported saying the base was taken before I took them out, Luckily I made many and throwing them took them down. Now Shut up, I've done more work then you eighty dumbasses combined.""Sir, I apologize fore your comrades but you really must work," He responded shyly "We still haven't found the comparison between-""I know what we need! Jesus! We need Fox Glove, Wolf Bane, Beladonna, And an eye of Avvici," The Alchemist yelled. "How will all of those poisons stop a lethal Pathogen that kills people and brings them back?," The lab rat asked furiously that the Alchemist knows things him and his group do not."First off, you mean undead or zombies. Second, the eye of Avvici is the key to spreading anything. Music, Money, Love, all commonly used for the eye of Avvici. What if we used the eye of Avvici to spread poison? to rain down on the zombies?""And all the survivors?""Dead. Unless they are indoors, wearing strong armor, underground, or higher then the eye of Avvici. These survivors, realizing the apocalypse is over will then repopulate, the human raise will be filled with people who survived, who were strong, filled with new people who learn how to do all of these things. Communities will be built, and the world will come back, us as scientists will keep our community going, repopulate as well and teach our children all the knowledge we've had for nearly 2400 years.""Ri..right sir, We'll send off retriever drones to go get your samples, and begin building for the launch for the eye. Operation EYE has begun Sir," The lab rat says, scurrying out the door, doing elaborate, unnecessary passcodes to get through. Men will be lost, The Alchemist and the committee will know that, but it's worth it. Operation EYE was the groups last hope to stop the apocalypse.


Hound opened his eyes and feasted on the greatest sight ever."It's beautiful right?," The man standing there asked a third time, waiting for Terry's response. "There is gonna be a lot of explaining to do, but we need a soul like you quickly.""Did Korea make it? Was my death in vain, or was it worth it. Did they take the CN towers in Bulgaria? Tell me please.""Well, you're quick to embrace death. But this isn't death. I'm not to interested in Earth affairs you see, but if I had to take a guess, things rising from the dead and killing Humans are not really how Earth used to operate.""What? What do you mean you aren't concerned with Earth's affairs," Terry asked as he began to rise from the ground he was laying on. "What is this place?""When I lived, they called it a zombie apocalypse. I no longer am a resident of Earth you really shouldn't be concerned either. You need to save Earth Terry. And this beautiful place, is HG, Heaven's Gates, located in the Himiko Cloud. No, this is not the afterlife, you see, our universe is inside of another universe, kind of like being trapped in a jar. Like all objects, we have properties and physics. The Physics we have are due to a very smart child who created this universe. You made it so life could exist by using certain things produced by himself, such as oxygen, gravity, planets, atmosphere, but like life, we need ways to die. So instead of making us immortal, he gave each species a base, where their most dominant and rarest occurrence of souls came. In case this is not making senseYou have four souls, the dominant one is one of these four. Passive, Aggressive, Murderous, and thoughtful. Passive is the most rare and is what a leader has. You, Terry, have a Passive Soul, Your are not terrible and attack, you watch and learn, and decide your next move based on what you observed.""Multiple things came to mind, and I'm going to ask some questions. A zombie apocalypse? Saving the world? Himiko Cloud? We are just the creation of some smart kid? Not one particle, or a god? Why am I Passive?""Yes, undead are fighting back, taking your planet. You must help, you aren't a chosen one, everyone at HG must help, or HG will fall. The Himiko Cloud is the base for the Human race, where we take in passive souls, teach them what life truly is, and then deploy them or make them work here. Probably we are the creation of some smart kid. And you are passive because you developed that way. But I don't think you understand what happens when you die and you aren't passive. You are reborn. Sounds great until you realize the problems it is making for us. Because of the zombie apocalypse, people aren’t reproducing at the rate they used to. So, that means that the soul has to go somewhere, so they go here. But they can't stay here, and they attack, and if HG falls, Earth will also, and if Earth falls Humans are gone, souls go everywhere and the souls and race become extinct. That's where you come in, you help save Earth, live a life on the planet again, have people begin to reproduce and souls leave HG and become reborn. It is your destiny.
Last edited:


Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
Holy moly, this is high class stories right here! I love how the plot-line actually combines a little bit of religious references with science fiction, and as well as having souls with different, unique aspects in the story. I honestly would love to read more of this. It's amazing so far! :D


Jan 8, 2014
Reaction score
Holy moly, this is high class stories right here! I love how the plot-line actually combines a little bit of religious references with science fiction, and as well as having souls with different, unique aspects in the story. I honestly would love to read more of this. It's amazing so far! :D
Thanks means a lot, I thought really hard about what story i would want to read, and combined like each of them together and got this kind of plot line, i'll add more later.


Jan 8, 2014
Reaction score
Are you in AP or veloictas English or English honors? good story bro
Holy moly, this is high class stories right here! I love how the plot-line actually combines a little bit of religious references with science fiction, and as well as having souls with different, unique aspects in the story. I honestly would love to read more of this. It's amazing so far! :D


Sep 21, 2014
Reaction score
That plot! You should try to write the full thing and get this published


Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
Omg I am hooked to this, it is such a well written story/plot so far!


Jan 8, 2014
Reaction score
Omg I am hooked to this, it is such a well written story/plot so far!
Thanks huge update though.
A lot has changed, not much has been added.
That plot! You should try to write the full thing and get this published
Are you in AP or veloictas English or English honors? good story bro
Holy moly, this is high class stories right here! I love how the plot-line actually combines a little bit of religious references with science fiction, and as well as having souls with different, unique aspects in the story. I honestly would love to read more of this. It's amazing so far! :D

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