What is your IGN? My In-Game name is feelzzHD.
How long have you been on the MCG servers? I've been on the Server's for a year!
Have you ever bought any donor rank before? No i did not. Actually my friend's bought me iron donator several times.
Why do you want donor? This 'll be a long anwser!
Since im playing MCGamer Server for a year now, i wish i could be a donor above iron. Why? Well since i have 1600 wins it's really hard to play without getting targeted. I know Gold Donator can only change the color of their name, but still it's helpful isn't it ?! And plus all of my friends have diamond/platinum ranks, and to be honest im really jealous of that. Here are some IGN of my friends : ApexSRB,Maji007,_Dz1kso0n,ItzOmaR_,HalilovichGC,_LaxiHD_... And IM freaking jealous xD.