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I Think It's Time...


Nov 21, 2013
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Well after over 3 years playing Minecraft, almost 2 years in this community, I think it is time I move on with my life. I had a great run in this community and I guess this is just going to be my story, it isn't as interesting as love lights, but I feel like I should tell it.

I was first introduced to Minecraft by my friend when I was in 6th grade. I began to play not as ChargedPVP but as NZHacker (an account that me, my brother, and his friend shared). I played on that account for a while mostly in single player until my friend ecs98 introduced me to faction servers. ecs98 and I would play on these servers and fail pretty badly but it was still fun. My favorite server was a big factions server called massive craft. I was able to join a good faction and had a lot of fun playing on the server, but I had no diamonds. I really wanted to find diamonds to thats when I downloaded nodus for the x-ray. I eventually got bored of playing on massive craft and left. I joined a server focused on the Walls mini game and was quickly hooked on that server, I x-rays for diamonds and won most of my games, but I eventually got bored of that server also. It was around that time when I saw the Antvenom video about survival games and found mcsg. Me and my friend eelyak13 played so much the christmas break, we sucked really bad but it was still fun. After christmas break I stop playing mcsg a ton and got back into factions. Me and ecs9 join a faction server and then spent that whole spring and summer basically becoming the best faction in the server, but there were not enough donators and the server eventually died. And so I came back to mcsg. By that time mcsg had a hub server and games were a ton easier to get into, me and my friends played a bunch and had a ton of fun, we all sucked really bad but it was still fun. We ever formed a little "clan" called the… and this is embarrassing… the twerk 6. Yup xD we all went into games thinking we were really cool and then got our butts kicked. It was about that time I joined the forums, and tried my hand at the forums. But I really wanted to be more than a randie, I really wanted to be someone in the community, I saw that they were hiring mods and thought to apply, but… I was only 13 and I had a ton of mc bans so I could not apply. So i decide to try becoming a builder and get VIP. Me and my friends tried to make a few maps but they all turned out awful. That's when I found out that my account (NZHacker) got hacked, ironic right? I bought a new account, ChargedPVP and decide to get a clean slate and apply for mod under the new name. I lied about my age but was declined and gave up. I rehashed my VIP aspirations a little while later and decide to apply for Red Forest, after 3 tries I was accepted, that was the start to my run in the community. I helped build Mortal Skies and was given VIP for it, after that I became a somewhat average fourmer and more popular with in the community. I had a ton of fun building for Red Forest but eventually conflicts with in the team led me to leave it right before the 2014 summer. That was about when MCSG lowered the mod age to 14, I decide to go for it and after 3 more applications was put into pending. I was in pending for a while and during that time effectively quit MCSG for other servers. But I came back on the forums one day and discovered my application was in interview stage. This made me want to play again and so I began to become more active again and passed my interview to get mod. I stayed mod for just over 3 months until yesterday right after the meeting when I decide it was time to get on to other things. I resigned as mod and now about 24 hours later am writing this.

It is a bitter sweet feeling leaving right now, but I know that it is time to move on. I loved my time in this community, for me Minecraft was more than a game. I may play time to time but to be honest I hope I never start to play again because for the past 3 years Minecraft has been an addiction for me, and it is time to break free.

So i guess this is it for me, stay golden everyone, because your all great people and I am so happy i got to know you guys and gals.



Feb 20, 2014
Reaction score
I am really discouraged to see you leave. You will be missed in this community


Jan 7, 2013
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Good luck with whatever you end up doing in life! :)


Staffing Team Lead
Jul 11, 2013
Reaction score
Farewell, my friend. You were a pleasure to speak to when we did (it wasn't much, but I still remember speaking to you a few times). Good luck with whatever you decide to pursue!


Apr 5, 2013
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I did not know you at all but after reading this it made me remember when I resigned as mod on the forums of a past server :( I hope you achieve all your goals in life! :D


Apr 6, 2014
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We're going to miss having you as part of the staff team! ;-;


Dec 2, 2013
Reaction score
My initial reaction to this thread

This isn't affecting me NEARLY as much as it is other people, because we can still play other games(get CS:GO), and we're friends IRL. Still, it was really fun, and reading the thread made me reminisce upon the times when we would all say "Okay, everyone type "Twerk 5 in the House!"", and then probably yell at David for misspelling "twerk", and the times when we thought Chase was so amazing at pvp. We really were stupid, weren't we? Nonetheless, I'm going to miss playing MCSG with you. The community will miss you, and if you ever decide you want to come back to help me boost for wins (I'm kidding, no report plz), I'll be here :D

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