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The Best Forumers V2!


District 13
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks everyone who has voted for me! Was really shocked to see my name up there with some of those other ones with thousands of posts (wish I could reach those numbers). You are all sexy.

Blazerboy | Noah

District 13
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
you should be able to tag me now, my forum ban is over.
  1. duckluv321 - In the past, present, and hopefully future, she's a beacon that stands for helpfulness in my eyes. Shea is a very smart person who has improved the forums quite a bit with her guides, and continues to answer questions and help out, as well as being a Moderator.
  2. OhFancy - He's SoFancy, you don't even know. Also known as ProHighJacker, when he first made the OhFancy account, he burst onto the forum scene with a splash, and his posts continue to catch my eye.
  3. Ikanacanyon7 - A funny, friendly guy who knows how to type up a storm. He actually recently taught me a trick that is going to help me a ton in the long-run.
"Some" honorable mentions:
Mamiamato24 - A great artist who also happens to be a good forumer, and once when he logged onto my old server, I fanboy'ed. (This was quite a long time ago.)
Zaex - Well on his way to becoming a great forumers and staff member, and also my best bud <3 Recently became a Mod, after going through an Age Exception Process and applying several times. He can be quite opinionated and.... DEMACIAAAA *spin*
Blamph - One of my old inspirations when it came to writing long, detailed posts, and also a very recognizable name from the old days and YouTube.
G33ke - ^ Same as Blamph, but focuses more on technological-numbers-details-thingies. Also the creator of the "G33ke Post" and hailed as one of the first users of the fishing rod technique.
SixZoSeven - ^ Similar to G33ke/Blamph, although a long time ago quite a few people viewed him as slightly more arrogant. He's an ex... trial admin? trial senior mod? I forget which. He's also involved with making a certain forumer leave, but thats a story for another day.
RC_4777 - #2 poster in terms of post count, and also someone highly respected on the forums for the entire duration of his stay.
HalfSquirrel - He's no longer particularly active, but if he was I'd probably have ended up sticking him in the top 3 list.
Captain | Lqzer - A terrific Moderator and someone who was involved with the clan scene and forums, and an ex-clanmate of mine.
demonsushi - I think he recently went inactive and then came back, in his short time on the forums he's contributed quite significantly to discussions, and I'm excited for more of his posts.
masond123 - A great forum moderator, he's made his mark in multiple places, and I wouldn't be surprised to see him become a Senior Moderator in the next year or so.
Col_StaR - My personal favorite Administrator despite our differences, he's hailed as the most reasonable Administrator. Whether that's true or not, I can't say, but I definitely have seen him do what he can to help, even deciding to debate with me on one or two of my more bull-headed and stubborn days.
DatPikachu - He's a funny, friendly guy.
WilloWizard - One of the few people that actually want to get to know me. One day you might regret it.. :p

my forum kings are probably pingzza, blitzcometITU (gotta love that guy) and myself.
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