• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

Bye Miksej!


Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Buh-bye MCSG.
Apparently it's a trend to make a huge goodbye post whenever you leave MCSG, so I guess I'll do mine.

Alright, so I highly doubt that a butt ton of you people will know who I am, but to everybody that DOES know who I am, I'm going to apologize. I was a general jerk on the MCSG servers, calling people scrubs and whatnot, but I honestly did not put any of my two ounces of brain juice into making those crude comments. So I apologize for my acting's, and for assuming that I was above the majority of you.

Now, onto WHY I'm leaving. So for anybody that talks to me from time to time, you would know that I have not been on in a while. I've been inactive for a couple months now, and for that reason is because of my computer being broken. To make a long story short, I tinkered around with some new computer parts, and they did not work. I ended up trying to use my old pc setup, but my motherboard failed on me, and so now I have to pay $200 to repair my computer.
So that sucks.
But even if I did have a reasonable computer (I could even play MCSG on this laptop if I wanted to), I don't really want to anymore. Aside from the game getting really dull, the players and clans have gotten really intense and just plain stupid. Everybody's too cocky and too caught up into this game. Really, this game that we have all spent a fifth of our life on, is a game made out of huge pixelated blocks. It's not really something that you should get worked up about. And when I get killed by a person that I have no idea who they are and they tell me "GG wrekt nub" or "get good" it doesn't really make me feel happy. And I feel like at this point I've caused more drama with people than I care to fix. Anyway.
Nowadays I'm just watching YouTube videos on my phone, baking cookies, or making amazing animations (rate/comment/subscribe/follow me on tumblr sdfzsdf) Will I be on MCSG in the future? Most likely. But expect to see me on once a millennium, because I wont be active.

Now, as requested I've been asked to write my MCSG story. Ask and you shall receive.
Alright, so it all started back in the summer of 2012. I was watching one of InTheLittleWood's videos, and I saw coverage on the brand new Survival Games servers.
I was so excited watching his videos about it that I wanted to join the servers and play it myself. When I got in, I was killed a lot, people were swinging at me left and right, but I managed to get weapons and kill other people. (I also ended up wasting plenty of my personal life during the process.) And nothing too exciting happened for the first couple of weeks. Until I started teaming with some people. My first ever teammate, a person some of you might know was OMGjustin, he was like a super PvP God back then (at least in my eyes) and when I asked to team and he said, "Sure, let's get you some points." my panties flew off because this guy was probably the coolest guy I have ever met.
For the first couple of days at least.
After the third or fourth day of us talking, he quickly became distant to me, and I was left all by myself again, but this time with some actual skill. More weeks went by and I met a couple of girls called Desdomena and BananaBea (There was a third guy but I can't remember his name, sorry. >_>) Anyway, we quickly became good friends and we were playing a bunch of MCSG games together, but it all fell just like it did with OMGjustin, they both became distant to me, and by the time this rolled around, I had to go to California for my family's vacation. The vacation was great, but when I got back, I had zero contact with the two girls.
It wasn't until a couple days after that I had found Desdomena in a game. I was VERY excited to talk to this person again, but I found that she wasn't willing to team with me. It was an SG2 match, and when I found her, she was teamed with four or five other people, EvilCyanSheep, willyrin, and some other people. I got super angry at Desdo for doing that, but I got over it eventually.
This is where the story gets interesting.
I was in a game one day (how surprising huh), and I ran into this guy who wanted to team with me. I asked him for his skype, and we started voice chatting and playing MCSG together a bunch. His name in question? The_Great_Tito. Me and him were great friends at the start, so much so that he decided to introduce me to his clan, The Cyanvolts. He added me to the CV skype chat, and there I was starstruck. When I saw who was in the chat, it took me a second to realize that Desdomena, EvilCyanSheep and willyrin were all in that skype group. The same people who killed me, and now I was in there clan (That's how it worked apparently) And yes, I am talking about the original CyanVolts, the one that were rivals with the original Blamphs.
The Cyanvolts was the best part of my MCSG career, I had so much fun. I met all sorts of new people that I still talk to today. During my CyanVolts history, I met a person named Chris_Bro1998. His story is a little special, because of the amount of luck it took for us to meet.
So one fine morning, me and anatolifisher were in the CyanVolts skype call, and we were playing MCSG (BIG SURPRISE) and one lobby, we got a question from a particular random. He asked us to team, anatoli asked me should we let him, and I said "Why not, let the noob join." We exchanged skype names, and I added him to the call. While the phone was ringing for him, anatoli asked "Is the noob in the call yet?" To answer the question, yes he was, and that was the first thing the noob has ever heard from us. The noob was of course, Chris_Bro1998.
It's a story that both of us still enjoy sharing to this day.
Fast forward a couple of months, and it was CyanVolts version three, willyrin and evilcyansheep were kicked out, and the clan was going downhill fast. I was fed up with all of the in clan drama, and around that time I got an invite from a kid called ZenoCrafter. He told me that he was also sick of the clan and that he wanted to make his own with his best friend Cataclysmic_Crow, and he would call it "The Rebels". Sound familiar? I declined his invitation because I wanted to hang out in CV for just a little while longer, and he went ahead and made the clan. Fast forward a couple of weeks and I ended up joining that clan and meeting a couple of people. For instance, OuchTheSchauzer (THE GUY WHO STOLE MY VIP), Cheedos, and some others (Sorry can't think of the others), and my friendship with some community members grew even more.
One part of my MCSG adventure I forget to mention is that I met a guy called loopsguy, we became good friends for a long while, but he doesn't serve that much of a purpose in this story.
Anyway, my knowledge of Rebels isn't that vast, so I'll move onto my next story.
After Rebels I took a little break from MCSG because my internet was being dumb and nobody could help me fix it. It wasn't until I had a chat with Soulv2 that it would change. He told me to follow this guide about changing my DNS settings, and it actually worked. My minecraft internet connection was fixed and I could play MCSG again like I used to. Soul said, "Well now that I fixed your internet, you should help me by joining my clan, The Forgotten." I gladly accepted, and I was in what I didn't know at the time to be one of the longest running successful clans ever. Same with Forgotten, I had little to no memories of the clan, but what I do remember is why I quit.
I quit because Soul wouldn't put me in Clan Wars.
No Clan Wars = Me not being in the clan.
It was a stupid reason, but I'm glad I made it, because a month or so later, I made the Organization with Chris_Bro1998 and Tyler773. Take note that this occurred in early summer of 2013, my most memorable year. When we made Organization, it was only me and Chris, my long time buddy. We made it, and it didn't get any attention. We asked one of our old friends, Tyler773 to join, and he accepted. He had many good ideas for the clan, so much so that we gave him leader. And I think that was a good decision, even though he didn't follow through with the clan ideas, he made the clan fun and welcoming. We got many members to join, and the Organization was a booming success. Until it closed because Chris had to go on vacation and I decided to shut it down because members kept on leaving one after the other. (Don't ask me why, I have no idea myself.) Later on, me and Chris made Organization V2, this was the most successful version of Organization, the leaders were me, Chris, and Korrenian. We had masterful PvPer's, and we've managed to win many clan battles. We've beaten Rebels twice and nearly beat Forgotten (Had one of our member's internet NOT shut down) and it was freaking awesome. After Organization V2 had disbanded, there's nothing really that else interesting that went on in my MCSG career, except for one thing. The remake of CyanVolts, by landowicked, The_Great_Tito, and ALL1DO1SW1N1329. I loved it, it was just like the CyanVolts except different people. I loved each and everyone of the people in the clan, I got to meet Cat_On_A_Poptart, landowicked, get to know ALL1DO1SW1N1329 better, as well as get back in touch with The_Great_Tito. It was amazing, however the clan had members sucked out of it by other clans, because we weren't necessarily the best clan out there, better clans were offering our members. Eventually me and Chris decided to remake Organization, which took out even more members, but the Organization was a catastrophe, which is why I'm not putting in any details about it. But that brings us to today, the thing that you are reading right now.

Some honorable mentions that I want to tell before I close off this thread.

The_Great_Tito : Had I not met you, this whole ride would have never kicked off. I'm glad I met you, despite our arguments, I still love you. <3
Chris|Bro : Your friendship means more to me than anybody's elses. Even though you can get on my nerves, I really enjoy us knowing eachother and I hope we can stay in contact long enough to meet eachother. :)
Cat_On_A_Poptart : Same with you, you and Chris are probably my closest friends on this planet, despite me not talking to you guys in the past month.
landowicked : I met you in real life, how could I leave you out? You're my terraria buddy and I'm glad we did stuff together. Without you I wouldn't have nearly 100 hours of terraria on my steam account. ;)
DatPikachu : We've made many fanfictions together and your personality is hilarious. Love ya dood
Loopsguy : I highly doubt you'll ever see this, but if you do, say hi to your newest girlfriend for me. :p I've really enjoyed our countless hours of MCSG together, and I especially enjoyed our Halloween maps we made, definitely in my heart for that. :D

Other honorable mentions:
qxerft asdffish Somers Jaxo123 coolmike2009 ALL1DO1SW1N Desdomena themastern00b Captain | Lqzer
If there's anybody else I left out, PLEASE let me know.

Well with that, I bid MCSG a farewell. I hope you enjoyed my story that took me an hour to type, and I wish you all goodluck in whatever new events that takes place in the MCSG timeline.

Note: I haven't revised any of this, so don't get mad at me for grammar mistakes.
Last edited:


May 20, 2012
Reaction score
Sad to see another community member go... best of luck in whatever you choose to do in the future!


Dec 2, 2013
Reaction score
You were one of my favorite people on MCSG. I'm glad we made up. Sad to see you go....... ); *slurps the monkey one last time* m00000000
Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
NO. WHY. ;-; David, I know we've had our arguments, and at times I've been a complete jerk towards you. I never really got the chance to apoligize for that, and I want to now. I'm really sorry. You were one of my best friends ever, and were one of the few people I enjoyed talking to. I'm gonna miss you <3 ;-;

btw you better keep in contact with me and everyone else


Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
NO. WHY. ;-; David, I know we've had our arguments, and at times I've been a complete jerk towards you. I never really got the chance to apoligize for that, and I want to now. I'm really sorry. You were one of my best friends ever, and were one of the few people I enjoyed talking to. I'm gonna miss you <3 ;-;

btw you better keep in contact with me and everyone else
I promise. ;)


Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
You're one of the few people who's been there since the beginning with me, Monkey. I know we haven't talked in a while, but we had some good times together, and I still consider you a friend. Sad to see you go.

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