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MCGamer US upgrades has begun!


Nov 29, 2013
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I bought Quantum but i didnt Understand whats the server box for, can someone explain me the Benefits?


Oct 16, 2012
Reaction score
I bought Quantum but i didnt Understand whats the server box for, can someone explain me the Benefits?
So you spent 200 dollars without knowing what you were getting...? Basically you get the perks of platinum with a light green name, a sign on one of the server boxes in the datacenter, and a signed shirt from Chad. You also get the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping to upgrade the network you like to play on.


Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
I bought Quantum but i didnt Understand whats the server box for, can someone explain me the Benefits?
I think Mooclan explained it best. Here was his post from the Quantum thread, with a small edit to include the name color (at that time the color was unknown). Chad will also send you a signed thank-you card with the shirt:

You donate $200 to MCSG, and in return you get a physical label on the server box. There are 32 server boxes, and 32 Quantum ranks. One label per box.

What the server box is: Basically, a powerful computer that hosts 25 servers.
What the label is: A physical label, like if I took a sheet of paper, wrote "Mooclan's Home" on it, and stuck it on my front door.

You also get a signed T-Shirt from Chad (IRL, it gets mailed to you.)
And lastly, a picture of the server box with the label on it.

Buying the Quantum rank also gives you an in-game rank with the same perks as Platinum, and a special light green colored name.


Apr 22, 2013
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Hello MCGamers! We have some exciting news to share adding on to the recent news of updates with our community. subv3rsion dv90 Ava Acathine and I are currently in Phoenix, Arizona working on upgrading the US network. What can you expect with all of this amazing hardware? More mini game servers, better connections, more capacity, better hub experience, and faster physical servers! Once we finish the setup, we will be swapping to the new servers hopefully by this weekend. We don't expect any long outages in US but will warn you all if there will be some downtime.

We thank you for your continued support and our next focus after the US upgrade will be AU and CA. We appreciate our premium members giving us the opportunity to budget upgrades like this one! Not a premium member? Help us out by upgrading your account as anything helps! http://shop.mcgamer.net (Our mid-summer sale also ends tonight for 25% off everything.)

Want to take your premium to the next level? Code named Quantum rank to help MCGamer upgrade to 10Gb is now accepting orders in Canada and Mexico! Order yours today: http://quantum.mcgamer.info (EU/UK/AU locations are still being worked out for shipping costs. Details will come later in the week). Get an exclusive light-green rank, a signed shirt from me, and a server dedicated to you!

More pictures:

Ohhh, could I have one of dose processors? Huh? No, okay.. c:


Jan 1, 2013
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Entirely depends on the server ordered. For some servers you need to put things together, others are ready right out of the box.

The servers are colocated in PhoenixNAP's data center (also called PNAP). Colocation means that you provide your own hardware and the data center provides electricity and an uplink to the Internet. It's typically cheaper than renting the hardware and it's beneficial because you OWN the servers, and thus you can sell them after you're done with them (whereas if you're renting you own nothing after you stop paying).

However, don't get any bright ideas if you live near Phoenix. The facility is patrolled around the clock by armed guards and identification is required every time you enter the building. PNAP houses sensitive information for many different companies, so they don't take their jobs lightly. If I recall correctly, the last time Bill and Justin were in Phoenix there was a few guys from Buycraft in the same building.
I can testify to these security measures, as I've had to go through them several times now going in and out of the datacenter. :p
To get into the building, you have to check in with security and present identification that proves that yes, you are indeed allowed to access the datacenter. To actually get onto the server floor where all of the servers are, you have to enter a mantrap (a small room which traps you inside until security comes if you fail authentication) which requires you use three forms of identification: your access badge, a six-digit PIN, and an iris scan (yay biometric authentication!).

So yes, it's a lot of security.


Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
Can you please make it that Aussies can buy he quantum I've wanted to buy it since it got released to the public just please make it available to au soon. Or maybe you could say if your from uk/eu/au you can buy the deal and postage will be later figured out. ChadTheDJ

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