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People who believe I'm a hacker - read please.

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Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
I think this deserves a thread, since enough people are making a big deal about it. I also do not know how else to tell them really, especially since I didn't catch a username. I'd also like staff to know of this issue.

Just last game, the game was about to start. Someone screams in chat that I'm a hacker, and then chat breaks into discussion about what hacks I use, etc...no big deal, I don't mind much.
I do my normal routine, taking my route, etc...and what do I see after only a few minutes into the game? 3 people rushing at me from the front. I run of course, standing no chance against them. I turn around, on my left I see 2 people rushing towards me, at the end of that road, I see two more pop out of the trees, and then one of them screams "Run hacker, run!" and next thing I know, I'm being tailed by 7 people who are all targeting me, on the same team, when only a single one of them alone could kill me easy.

I run for a while, eventually they kill me, and I talk in spectator chat to those of them who are dead. (Dunno how they died, I didn't kill any of them. Some of them were donators.) They admitted to specifically targeting me, because I "hack" and wanted to kill me. I tell them to get proof and provide it to a staff member instead of targeting me, and they said they did and are reporting me now. Good for them...

Anyone who read my post on an earlier thread knows that these are likely the guys who were talking about me being a hacker on teamspeak, especially since they said nothing in chat about teaming against me...Why didn't they poke a mod on teamspeak and have him watch me instead of targeting me one game just to kill me? Seriously - I'm not upset that you guys are "reporting" me, I'm upset that you are targeting me like this just to get me to use them or whatever. This is really unneeded... It's not fun playing when you guys are going to such measures just to kill me and record me. Bringing in a staff member however leaves me completely uneffected unless I actually did something wrong, in which case I'd willingly admit I did.

I'm asking that you guys treat me like a normal player, and I'm also going to outright say that I'm completely fine with the staff watching me every game they see me just because of this. I'm also completely fine if everyone who reads this thread takes the precaution to record every single fight with me. Just me telling you this is enough for me to not be able to use them in almost any game I play. If you seriously think I'm hacking, I'll let you guys know here that I never did, and after this thread is posted, never can again anyway. I want you guys to not make a big deal out of it like you just did. I know I am making a big deal out of it now myself, but that's because I feel like I'm being harassed just because of your assumption.


Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
I hate things like that. Each time you kill someone, they scream " YOUR A HACKER IM GOING TO REPORT YOU NOW". It makes me P.O sooo bad...


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
I hate things like that. Each time you kill someone, they scream " YOUR A HACKER IM GOING TO REPORT YOU NOW". It makes me P.O sooo bad...
This was different though...they actually targeted me, just to kill me. The worst part was that there was a far better solution for them to take, like poking a mod on teamspeak. They weren't mad, they legitimately thought I was hacking and took measures that I felt were unnecessary. Couldn't they have just recorded when they found me in a game instead of targeting me when they don't even know for sure that I was hacking? I feel cheated out of a win/points, and dislike that people would go to such measures. (Not saying I'd win that game, but I sure feel cheated out of having a chance.)


Jun 19, 2012
Reaction score
Wow, this is terrible. i mean, i have followed a player or two when someone has claimed them to be a hacker, and recorded just so i could revue it later...but forming a damned lynching squad under just an assumption is despicable. I mean....it doesn't prove a single damned thing. For all purposes if you had been hacking at any point you could have just not used them at that instance....the lack of any thought at all in this makes one very, very sad panda.


Oct 9, 2012
Reaction score
The problem with these servers is if someone dies, 80% of the time, they instantly call their killer a hacker. But what makes this happen is the HUGE amount of hackers on the actual servers. You really need a plug-in that SPECIFICALLY targets the features of Nodus and makes them not work and unable to hit. I saw this one server where if you used critical hits, attack force field, it would make you have no damage. You need something like that.
Good day to you all.



Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
The problem with these servers is if someone dies, 80% of the time, they instantly call their killer a hacker. But what makes this happen is the HUGE amount of hackers on the actual servers. You really need a plug-in that SPECIFICALLY targets the features of Nodus and makes them not work and unable to hit. I saw this one server where if you used critical hits, attack force field, it would make you have no damage. You need something like that.
Good day to you all.

That no-hit thing is already in place, though it happens to non-hackers :/


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
That no-hit thing is already in place, though it happens to non-hackers :/
Yeah. It's happened to me a few times before, although rarely. Good thing is though that almost every actual aimbot user I've seen since it was added has not been able to use their aimbot - it hinders them more than it helps them now. I always find it hilarious when they stick around to try to fight when they can't hit you anyway. I'll take the kill, gladly. :p


Sep 7, 2012
Reaction score
Everyone calling you a hacker? Sounds like bads being bad. Everyone targeting you because they deem you a threat? Not so much.
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