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Invictus Build Team


District 13
Sep 1, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Alex
In game name: SpazDog1
Specialty: (Building, Terraforming, Redstone, etc): Building
Examples of previous work: (Screenshots, Not server IPs) https://imgur.com/a/XFIRA
Are you experienced with World Edit and Voxel Sniper? If yes, to what level?: okish
Previous team experience: No team but am working on http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/survival-casino-in-progress.121103/ as a solo map
Why would you like to join the team?: This team has potential and i would like to take part in its future maps :)
Sorry but at this point you have been Declined as we do not believe your work is up to the standard required. Feel free to re-apply!

Name: Tom :p
In game name: Xx_LACHIE_xX
Age: 15
Specialty: (Building, Terraforming, Redstone, etc): Building
Examples of previous work: (Screenshots, Not server IPs): I cant supply any screenshots at this current time because i am on my laptop, but can supply them later.
Are you experienced with World Edit and Voxel Sniper? If yes, to what level?: Not really, but im always open to learn
Previous team experience: Im a member of Team Elite and Fyre UK and have helped out in Team elite build team.
Why would you like to join the team?: I really enjoy build teams and like building, although i am not very good i can always help out here and there and like to put in my opinion.
As I am aware of your past work, you are accepted for trial!

Name: Pieter
In game name: sheldor_da_great
Age: 15
Specialty: (Building, Terraforming, Redstone, etc) Redstone mainly :p
Examples of previous work: (Screenshots, Not server IPs) I did some traps for Kithex, but tomorrow I'll go into single player and send you some screenies via Slack?
Are you experienced with World Edit and Voxel Sniper? If yes, to what level?: I have had experience with World Edit, but not Voxel
Previous team experience: I was part of Kithex c:
Why would you like to join the team?: I feel as if this would be a good opportunity to meet some new people and maybe even improve my terrible building skills. Also, I have some cool ideas for traps that I would love to see in some maps hopefully. Also I saw you seem to be lacking redstoners xD

EDIT: I am also fairly good with taking shaders screenshots for maps, etc or making video showcases/cinematically with shaders or without c:
Pending slack screenshots

Name: Owen
In game name: bilzybob
Age: 15
Specialty: (Building, Terraforming, Redstone, etc) Terraforming
Examples of previous work: (Screenshots, Not server IPs) http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/mayday.118845/ (I did all of the terraforming)
Are you experienced with World Edit and Voxel Sniper? If yes, to what level?: I am very experienced with both World Edit and Voxel Sniper, I have been using both for about 2 years now, and would say I am a great terraformer.
Previous team experience: Red Forest.
Why would you like to join the team?: I would like to join the team because it looks like great fun with great people, and I'd love to be apart of it.
You have been Accepted as a trial member. Please look out for a slack message shortly.

Name: Mossi
In game name: Mooshman96
Age: 18
Specialty: (Building, Terraforming, Redstone, etc): Building.
Examples of previous work: (Screenshots, Not server IPs):
Asian Gardens: http://imgur.com/vpEbGAU,itO0576,dyGI9k4,varXM8X#3
Viking Castle: http://imgur.com/iAtCjpS,6fI5xmM#0
Are you experienced with World Edit and Voxel Sniper? If yes, to what level?: Yes, I'm better with World Edit than I am with Voxel Sniper. 8/10 WE -- 6/10 VS.
Previous team experience: Team Xonia
Why would you like to join the team?: I would love to take part in helping the community out by building things that contribute to the server. It would be awesome to get the opportunity to give something back to the server! I would also like to make new friends and get more involved with different aspects of the McGamer community, I enjoy building and it's one of my strong points in minecraft. I may be a bit rusty but I'll get my groove back, I don't really know any of the newer patch techniques because I haven't built in a fairly long time. So this chance will help me regain my skills! :)
Edit: I have Le screen shots now.
You have been Accepted as a trial member. I'll add you to the invictus chat shortly.

Name: Leon
In game name: ThatOneKat
Age: 14
Specialty: (Building, Terraforming, Redstone, etc) Terraformer
Examples of previous work: (Screenshots, Not server IPs) http://i.imgur.com/j6h8Dli.png http://i.imgur.com/YZnSLRC.png http://i.imgur.com/QHDH0u0.png http://i.imgur.com/kVY74eP.png http://i.imgur.com/RU2wb4e.png http://i.imgur.com/lRMUDZ9.png http://i.imgur.com/y5g81Wx.png
Are you experienced with World Edit and Voxel Sniper? If yes, to what level?: Both to a knowledgeable slandered
Previous team experience: Team Elite Veteran, Red forest Terraformer Uprising Talents Owner Kithex Administrator
Why would you like to join the team?: I feel it would be a great experience and i would love to get to know some members.
You have been Accepted as a trial member. I'll message you on slack shortly!

Name: Neal
In game name: mfunGamer
Age: 16
Specialty: (Building, Terraforming, Redstone, etc): Redstone
Examples of previous work: (Screenshots, Not server IPs): http://imgur.com/a/T0PkF
Are you experienced with World Edit and Voxel Sniper? If yes, to what level?: World Edit (medium) Voxel Sniper (not at all)
Previous team experience: Team Cloud, RF
Why would you like to join the team?: Because i would like to do something. I don't want to sit around. I want to help to build something amazing.
You have been Accepted as a trial member. I'll send you a message shortly.

Name: Rodrigo Nogueira
In game name: _Lactios
Age: 16
Specialty: (Building, Terraforming, Redstone, etc) Building
Examples of previous work: (Screenshots, Not server IPs) http://i.imgur.com/arry3S7.jpg http://i.imgur.com/bVbmjVi.jpg http://i.imgur.com/FGHJgpF.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ysS1QQn.jpg (I made it with my friend, and another person)
Are you experienced with World Edit and Voxel Sniper? If yes, to what level?: I know how to work with world edit, but not with voxel sniper.
Previous team experience: I haven't been on a build team yet
Why would you like to join the team?: I think I'm not that bad on constructions and I would like to experiment being on a building team. :)
You have been Accepted as a trial member. I'll send you a message shortly.

Name: Daniel
In game name: badger_pig123
Age: 17
Specialty: (Building, Terraforming, Redstone, etc) Building and I'm okay at redstone.
Examples of previous work: (Screenshots, Not server IPs) I have built and helped with a few on the buildings on the map Dracarys
Are you experienced with World Edit and Voxel Sniper? If yes, to what level?: I am experienced with W.E but I'm not familiar Voxel Sniper. Although I am a quick learner.
Previous team experience: Currently in Team elite.
Why would you like to join the team?: I would like to join the team because I am friendly with most of the members already in this build team and I feel like I would fit in and bring a good contribution to the team. I think I would fit in well with everyone and at the same time bring some unique and cool building styles.
You have been Accepted as a trial member. I'll send you a message shortly.

Name: Tony
In game name: TotalDramaTony
Age: 17
Specialty: (Building, Terraforming, Redstone, etc ) I am decent at building, but I would say that my favorite thing to do/specialty is interior decorating and I'm awesome at coming up with spacers and/or creating things that can fill the emptiness on builds/maps.
Examples of previous work: (Screenshots, Not server IPs) http://i.imgur.com/2kJT6PK.png http://i.imgur.com/R5LFVKl.png http://i.imgur.com/Bae8agR.png http://i.imgur.com/5n6WYNG.png http://i.imgur.com/k2kdTq1.png
Are you experienced with World Edit and Voxel Sniper? If yes, to what level?: Yes I am experienced with both World Edit and Voxel Sniper. I am well experienced with World Edit, I have learned how to use it properly and how to use it very well. I use it frequently as I use it all the time on MKFarrell's Big Brother Server as it's necessary for building challenges/competitions. I also use it on private servers for building purposes as well. I am also able to use the voxel sniper and I know how it functions, however, I tend to not use it as much as World Edit.
Previous team experience: I am a member of Team Elite, however, I did not do anything noticeable for the Team. I am a part of a mini Build team at the moment, but the majority of the team are amateurs so we are not as strong as some of the other, more professional, build teams.
Why would you like to join the team?: I would like to join the team because I feel as though it would give an excellent opportunity to hone my ability of dedication, and hopefully this opportunity can help show how much I truly know of the building world and give me a real chance to work on something, and feel like I was an actual part of a project and not a mere helper. I would like that chance to try my best, and I feel that with this smaller build team, I can actually get the chance to do and show my very best.
You have been Accepted as a trial member. I'll send you a message shortly.

Name: Dane
In game name: SilaSilas
Age: I am 15 years of age.
Specialty: (Building, Terraforming, Redstone, etc) In all honesty I can do everything nearly equally. I'm best at building but I know my way around Redstone and Terraforming very well.
Examples of previous work: (Screenshots, Not server IPs) Currently i'm on mobile, Slack me if it's needed and I can get it when i'm on my computer.
Are you experienced with World Edit and Voxel Sniper? If yes, to what level?: I know World Edit very well, I mean of course you will know more than me but generally I know most commands. I only know one voxel command which is the no-physics.
Previous team experience: Team Elite and Uprising.
Why would you like to join the team?: When I was in Team Elite the only person, most of the time, that reached out and led the way for me was Shelby. I'd love to build next to you and the others in this build team considering you were one of the few that would lead projects very actively. Also you're just a friendly person and I'd like to get to know more people that I haven't already met in this build team :)
You have been Accepted as a trial member. I'll send you a message shortly.

Name: Anna
In game name:salt_and_pepper1
Age: 15
Specialty: (Building, Terraforming, Redstone, etc) Building and basic Terraforming
Examples of previous work: (Screenshots, Not server IPs) I dont have any pictures
Are you experienced with World Edit and Voxel Sniper? If yes, to what level?: Yes
Previous team experience: Kithex
Why would you like to join the team?: Minecraft is getting boring with all the kit pvp so I'd like to actually work on something c:
You have been declined.

Name: Nick
In game name: Darkrai202
Age: 14
Specialty: (Building, Terraforming, Redstone, etc) I specialise in basically everything, I was RF's #2 all-rounder. :)
Examples of previous work: (Screenshots, Not server IPs) Don't have any because I'm applying on my laptop at the moment.
Are you experienced with World Edit and Voxel Sniper? If yes, to what level?: I am highly experienced with World Edit knowing every command with it.
Previous team experience: Red Forest & Phoenix Build Team
Why would you like to join the team?: I'm looking for a new start with new people
You have been declined as we don't feel you're suitable for the interests of the team.

Name: James
In game name: ErinEquinox
Age: 16
Specialty: (Building, Terraforming, Redstone, etc) Terraforming & Building
Examples of previous work: (Screenshots, Not server IPs) http://prntscr.com/44v5i2 http://prntscr.com/44v5mt http://prntscr.com/44v5to http://prntscr.com/44v7as
Are you experienced with World Edit and Voxel Sniper? If yes, to what level?: World Edit- 7/10 Voxel Sniper 7/10
Previous team experience: Red Forest Ranked 3/12 Builder & beloved Team Elite when they need me! :D
Why would you like to join the team?: I want to join a brand new build team with different but familiar people to work with. I have amazing creative ideas to do with terraforming. I would like to demonstrate my ideas in a trail build.
You have been Accepted as a trial member. I'll send you a message shortly.

Name: Thomas

In game name: ChargedPVP

Age: 14

Specialty: (Building, Terraforming, Redstone, etc) Building and I can terraform

Examples of previous work: (Screenshots, Not server IPs) http://imgur.com/a/6fKGC

Are you experienced with World Edit and Voxel Sniper? If yes, to what level?: I can use both well

Previous team experience: Red Forest Builder, helped make mortal skies and memory of earth

Why would you like to join the team?: I want to get back into building and make maps
You have been Accepted as a trial member. I'll send you a message shortly.


Name: Peri
In game name: PeriLH_
Age: 14
Specialty: (Building, Terraforming, Redstone, etc) : I'd say I'm best at building. When it comes to building, I know what I want and can picture it in my head.
Examples of previous work: (Screenshots, Not server IPs) : http://imgur.com/rI89Mlv http://imgur.com/qMErhiE http://imgur.com/eLiuW6B http://imgur.com/nLHS7B2 http://imgur.com/8nTziEs
Are you experienced with World Edit and Voxel Sniper? If yes, to what level?: I can use World Edit, very basic commands. I'm not very experienced with it, but I use some of the commands to make my builds a lot faster.
Previous team experience: I'm in Team Elite, but I haven't really contributed much. Other than that, I build for fun on my own single player minecraft world!
Why would you like to join the team?: I would like to join the team because I want to continue to do what I love, with people I know. I feel as if my skill are getting better each time I build! The biggest reason I want to join is to just work with some builders and maybe learn a few things.


District 13
Sep 1, 2013
Reaction score
Applications are now closed for the moment.


Jan 20, 2013
Reaction score
That empty redstoning roster is calling my name... When will apps be open?


Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Name: Haydn
In game name: echo_555
Age: 16
Specialty: (Building, Terraforming, Redstone, etc) Building
Examples of previous work: (Screenshots, Not server IPs) Solar frost, Salad frost, 1066 , Bits on dracary's , Bits on The Hub, Bits on the lobby, and Lots of beautiful Dino's for a new map :D
Are you experienced with World Edit and Voxel Sniper? If yes, to what level?: with world edit, i know everything, voxelsniper, nah
Previous team experience: TE , my own team
Why would you like to join the team?: cuz its fabulosioous


Wow. LadyOfLove this is quite impressive. I can't believe how many people applied and how much positive feedback you have gotten.! :)


District 13
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
Your team looks very promising, LadyOfLove, will consider applying!

Good luck with everything.


Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Neven. I am Croatian, so I have a wierd name ;P
In game name: TomahawkGoesChop.
Age: I am 13.
Specialty: (Building, Terraforming, Redstone, etc) I mainly do building, but I can help with terraforming.
Examples of previous work: (Screenshots, Not server IPs) http://imgur.com/a/hEtel
Are you experienced with World Edit and Voxel Sniper? If yes, to what level?: I am really expirienced with world edit. I know how to use atleast 2/3 of the commands. Im not really good with voxel sniper, but I can always learn.
Previous team experience: I have never been in a MCSG build team, however, I've been in some build on the servers I used to play on, but I cant remember their names. The teams ofcourse didnt make SG maps.
Why would you like to join the team?: Since I've never been in a mcsg build team, I want to join one. Mainly because I know im not the best at building, but from some of the builders here, I think I can learn alot more.
Last edited:


Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
Name: Chris
In game name: Pixelatorx2
Age: I am 13 years old.
Specialty: (Building, Terraforming, Redstone, etc) Personally I love redstoning, but my terraforming/bulding skills arent half bad.
Examples of previous work: (Screenshots, Not server IPs)
Video is uploading, will be live at
once finished.

An album of screenshots can be seen here.
Are you experienced with World Edit and Voxel Sniper? If yes, to what level?: World Edit is my favourite, I use it often. I would say 8/10. VS Is a bit new to me, only being introduced to it within the last 6 months. I would say a 6/10.
Previous team experience: I am a Team Elite "Elite", aswell as Team Xonia (now disbanded) Head Redstoner, taking after Cubes who resigned.
Why would you like to join the team?: I feel that map making is something that I enjoy, and that I am quite good at certain aspects of it. I feel that I can impact the map making community somehow, even if it isnt large. I also think I can help this new build team grow and expand. When 1.8 rolls around, I think I will be a key player. I know the Slimeblock mechanics quite well, having fooled around a bit with them (If MCGamer allows them, they will be a great new aspect of Map Making :D)


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
Name: Andreas
In game name: Giggity69Goo
Age: 15
Specialty: (Building, Terraforming, Redstone, etc): Building. I can do both interior and exterior building, but I am a lot better at interior building! I can also do a bit of redstone!
Examples of previous work: (Screenshots, Not server IPs)

http://imgur.com/50vq285 - Blue
http://imgur.com/Ntf9kTX - Blue
http://imgur.com/nPvDGSk - Bus
http://imgur.com/EVnIhmq - Bus
http://imgur.com/xHLAlLM - Bus

http://imgur.com/4w6rYN3 - Green
http://imgur.com/qqF47QF - A little thing Azorces and I made. I did most of the exterior
http://imgur.com/mW24A0L - A little thing Azorces and I made. I did most of the exterior
http://imgur.com/HOIuPom - Orange
http://imgur.com/6ZCJyJE - Orange

http://imgur.com/qiL0X7k - Red
http://imgur.com/1V0fbge - A little exterior Jersey shop
http://imgur.com/gZI4jyn - Another little shop

http://imgur.com/pKDE8CG - A little Metro Train Station
http://imgur.com/E8yIb9M - Green
http://imgur.com/Lb2ETa7 - Green
http://imgur.com/8c0XEDP - War planning room
http://imgur.com/ItTTND1 - Stairway to Nuclear Room

http://imgur.com/EpNDonh - Underwater Nuclear Core Storage
http://imgur.com/GlTh6Mp - Flickering Lights in the Hallway

http://imgur.com/kBJxOC0 - Orange
http://imgur.com/GlTh6Mp - Flickering Lights
http://imgur.com/AkccKkt - Rube Golberg Machine
I cannot take video with a glitched up recording system.
Are you experienced with World Edit and Voxel Sniper? If yes, to what level?:
I am very experienced with World Edit, knowing a lot of the commands. With Voxel, all I know is how to "No-Physics"
Previous team Experience:
Right now I am in Team Elite. I am also in Team Uprising, lead by ThatOneKat, and we are building the map you saw with the soccer field.
Why would you like to join the team?:
I would love to join the team to increase my building skills with both interior and exterior. Also, it is so I can increase my skill with redstone, as that is something I really want to improve on! Furthermore, I would love another group to start building maps for MCGamer and other networks as it is lot's of fun and great practice for building.

Side Note
Blue: Builds for the map Train Yard: http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/train-yard.113926/
Red: Builds for a map being built with ThatOneKat, africannswallow and others.
Orange: Team Elite Builds on the creative Team Elite server.

Green: Builds for an upcoming map.


Dec 26, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Christian
In game name: Tazmantwister
Age: 13
Specialty: (Building, Terraforming, Redstone, etc) Building and terraforming
Examples of previous work: (Screenshots, Not server IPs) http://gyazo.com/897eba288a01767f41e8d261f21dfca3 http://gyazo.com/13c9d962b81117cebe70b27639fae8d8
Are you experienced with World Edit and Voxel Sniper? If yes, to what level?: yes, both id rate myself 10 on each
Previous team experience: Red Forest, team uprising,
Why would you like to join the team?: I want a team where we love each other and are more of a family. Where we would all be happy and peaceful together not dramatic and rude. And i would love to be apart of something amazing.


Dec 8, 2013
Reaction score
In game name:
Age: 16
Specialty: (Building, Terraforming, Redstone, etc):
Building, Basic Terraforming and Basic Redstone. I still need a little bit of guidance through terraforming as I tend to struggle with parts of it.
Examples of previous work: (Screenshots, Not server IPs):
I am currently co-owner of a server where I mostly build I have multiple builds on here including the hub and a few "one verses one" maps. It was a first time using this style.
I made a hide and seek map in 2013 sometime in the 2013 mid year when I was addicted to a certain game type.
I made "medieval" house thing on a SMP server last year it was probably one of my prouder builds and it was my first trying out a new style.
I built a SG Map in February and it wasn't one of my prouder builds but it was my first "big build" I really liked how it all came together even though it never got accepted still I will always look back at it for inspiration.

Are you experienced with World Edit and Voxel Sniper? If yes, to what level?:
Yes I know all the commands of world edit and how to use them efficiently. Voxel Sniper I know the basic brush sizes and voxel types, I still need a few areas to study with this type of plugin.
Previous team experience:
I was in a team called Team Creo in late 2013 I left due to inactivity. I joined Kithex in September. I also had a build trial with Red Forest but it was never done due to me never getting around to doing it.
Why would you like to join the team?:
I saw a friend join and the team seems like it has some potential. I'm not in for any prize I just want to build in a group again as I miss the old times so much.

Thank you for reading this

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