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Introvert or Extrovert?

Which best suites you?

  • Introvert

    Votes: 18 50.0%
  • Extrovert

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • Ambivert (Qualities of both)

    Votes: 16 44.4%

  • Total voters


Jul 11, 2013
Reaction score
Introvert or Extrovert?

Well... I am kinda coping my whole Geek or Nerd sorta thing here, but this is something I really am curious to see. I have often thought that MCSG attracted introverts to it because it was a safe environment where you can express yourself and feel like a part of something. So I want to see the fraction of community members that are introverts and the fraction that are extroverts.

Let's get started.

What is an introvert?
Well the official definition of an introvert is a shy, reticent, and typically self-centered person. Which I find accurate, but I don't think it completely defines what an introvert truly is. I, myself, am an introvert so the things I say may be a little biased towards team introvert. From my own experience, being an introvert is just enjoying be by yourself rather than doing things with others. I do have some friends, and even a girlfriend, that I enjoy but I am very picky when it comes to who I hang out with. Something I have noticed is that introverts like befriending extroverts. My close friends and even my girlfriend are all extroverts. It's hard for me to draw the line of introvert and extrovert with my own personal experience, because I suffer from social anxiety. I often find myself having to mentally prepare myself for days before going to parties and doing things with new people. So let's look at some traits of introverts.

Traits of an Introvert.
These are some traits I have noticed that introverts have, and also some traits I found on the interwebs.
  • Introverts dislike small talk, and find it very tiresome and pointless.
  • Introverts are easily distracted.
  • Downtime doesn't feel unproductive to you.
  • You start to shut down after you’ve been active for too long.
  • You'd rather be an expert at one thing then try to do everything.
  • You notice details that others don't.
  • You are more mature for your age.
  • You look at the big picture.
  • You've been told to “come out of your shell.”
  • You alternate between phases of work and solitude, and periods of social activity.
  • People say you are a good listener.
  • You often express yourself through writing.
  • When someone addresses you, you can't stop thinking about it.
  • You prefer to work alone and without interruptions.
I am guilty and can relate to everything on that list, and maybe you can too! This wouldn't be a fair compare and contrast list if I didn't include facts and information from the other side too, so here we go again...

What is an Extrovert?
Well, this will be a little difficult for me, because I am no extrovert but many of my friends and family members are so I will try my best to properly describe this to you. The definition of an extrovert is an outgoing, overtly expressive person. So, from what I have noticed extroverts don't have as much anxiety when it comes to interacting with other people. It comes natural to them. Extroverts enjoy going to parties, being on teams, and being very social. Sometimes extrovert's emotions and feelings are controlled by those of which are around them. They enjoy being around other people, and are often described as loud and outgoing. Extroverts usually are describes as "born leaders" and are good with people.

Traits of an Extrovert.
  • You do not justify your social impediments as charming quirks indicative of a secretly brilliant personality.
  • You communicate emotions, fears, and desires to relevant parties in a clear way.
  • You are drawn to crowds.
  • You just enjoy being around people and having people to talk to.
  • You have been called "talkative".
  • You don't understand people wanting to have alone time.
  • Extroverts are usually defined as "approachable" or easy to approach.
  • Extroverts are typically social and outgoing.
I apologize for the lack of traits about extroverts, it's hard for me to think of them, because I am not a extrovert. If any extroverts reading this want to share something they think makes them an extrovert please feel free to share and I might add it to the list!

So Which are You?
Thank you for reading this, I put a decent amount of effort into writing all of this and what not. So which do you think you are? A introvert or an extrovert? Please answer the poll and feel free to join the discussion in the comments! Thanks!​


District 13
Jun 28, 2012
Reaction score
This kinda relates to something I studied in Psychology last semester - not going to bore you with the details, but basically the theory is that everyone fits into 1 of 16 personalities generally, based on traits such as introvertness and extrovertness.


That's the website you can use, it gives descriptions of it and such... when my class and I took it, we were all mindblown that our personalities pretty much exactly matched that of what was written on the screen. I'm an INTJ, which besides being the rarest type for women pretty much means I'm an arrogant emotionally weird introvert :p

I thought you guys might find it interesting, as it relates to this topic.


Jul 2, 2014
Reaction score
I read a 500 page novel on Introversion since I was interested in the subject. I can legitimately say that, after reading it, I am an introvert. I didn't really read much of the thread since I already knew the answer ;)

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