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How do YOU see me?


Jan 6, 2014
Reaction score
So I created this thread just because I want to know what the community thinks of me! Whether you personally know me, or you've only occasionally seen me on the forums, I just want to know honestly what you guys think of me, and what kind of person I am, and what comes to your mind when you see one of my posts. Thanks! :p
Last edited:


Apr 8, 2013
Reaction score
The only thing i know about you is that you build maps


Jan 6, 2014
Reaction score
young kid who still has a lot to learn. needs to have some counseling/therapy for when his emotions get out of hand. probably overthinks things too much. could use some real friends. needs to get outside and play with a stick once in a while.
"Needs to get outside" "could use some real friends"
Haha! Nice one dude ;)

Wait.... srs?
Ok, let me tell you something. I have enough friends IRL to make me happy, and that's all that you need to know about. Also, from your post it seems as though you think I'm a fat kid who sits and plays games all day. Nah. You wanna know my daily schedule?
1. Get up at 6 AM for swim practice, hour and a half. No, it's not some frikin swimming clinic where you just swiiimmm back and forth and get no exercise, you WORK. By the time you finish you'd better be aching, or you didn't do the exercises right.
2. Immediately after, get on my bike and ride 5-6 miles to whatever camp I'm going to that week for 6 hours. For the past few weeks I've been going to goalie training, which means diving drills, sprinting drills, and scrims in the afternoon. It's fun, but it's not a walk in the park.
3. Bike home again 5-6 miles. (All this is in 90+ degree weather, which where I live is not the norm, this year was especially hot.)
4. Get home. I have about 1-2 very rarely 3 hours of free time, which I usually spend online or doing some programming.
5. Now I either go running with my father, or go rock climbing for at least an hour. Get home, eat dinner. Sleep. Repeat.

I didn't expect everyone on this thread to say I was an extremely nice person or anything, but I expected the people who didn't like me to actually have some reasoning. Please re-consider before you go hating on someone without knowing a thing about them.

Blazerboy | Noah

District 13
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
"Needs to get outside" "could use some real friends"
Haha! Nice one dude ;)

Wait.... srs?
Ok, let me tell you something. I have enough friends IRL to make me happy, and that's all that you need to know about. Also, from your post it seems as though you think I'm a fat kid who sits and plays games all day. Nah. You wanna know my daily schedule?
1. Get up at 6 AM for swim practice, hour and a half. No, it's not some frikin swimming clinic where you just swiiimmm back and forth and get no exercise, you WORK. By the time you finish you'd better be aching, or you didn't do the exercises right.
2. Immediately after, get on my bike and ride 5-6 miles to whatever camp I'm going to that week for 6 hours. For the past few weeks I've been going to goalie training, which means diving drills, sprinting drills, and scrims in the afternoon. It's fun, but it's not a walk in the park.
3. Bike home again 5-6 miles. (All this is in 90+ degree weather, which where I live is not the norm, this year was especially hot.)
4. Get home. I have about 1-2 very rarely 3 hours of free time, which I usually spend online or doing some programming.
5. Now I either go running with my father, or go rock climbing for at least an hour. Get home, eat dinner. Sleep. Repeat.

I didn't expect everyone on this thread to say I was an extremely nice person or anything, but I expected the people who didn't like me to actually have some reasoning. Please re-consider before you go hating on someone without knowing a thing about them.
i never called you fat or anything like that. from your past threads about your depression and whatnot, i figured you actually had some problems. its good that you have friends. i'm proud of you. maybe that girl you like will reconsider. maybe you should change your act.

also - are you so insecure that you needed to make a thread asking internet folk how they feel about you? does it really matter what i or anyone else says? your real life friends are the ones that matter, you said it yourself. i and many others don't really care what people on the internet think of us.


Jan 6, 2014
Reaction score
i never called you fat or anything like that. from your past threads about your depression and whatnot, i figured you actually had some problems. its good that you have friends. i'm proud of you. maybe that girl you like will reconsider. maybe you should change your act.
You said I needed to get outside and be more active, basically saying I'm lazy/fat/don't exercise. And "past threads?" I made one, a while back, which lots of people have done.
also - are you so insecure that you needed to make a thread asking internet folk how they feel about you? does it really matter what i or anyone else says? your real life friends are the ones that matter, you said it yourself. i and many others don't really care what people on the internet think of us.
I am not insecure. This type of thread has been done before by others. I just wanted to know what people thought about me in this community, not as a real person. Reason for that being that this community is a part of my life, and I wanted to see what came to people's mind when they say my post, what style my posts were.


Moderator | Mapping Team
Apr 10, 2014
Reaction score
Hey, gonna be totally honest with you.
Firstly, you seem like a great guy. I always seem you helping out and on the forums. I haven't ever spoken to you on TS, I don't think, but from what I know you see really nice.

But, I'm gonna say the things which stand out to me.
- You seem young, but mature for your age. I would guess you were 12 maybe 13, but you act mature.
- You like to have attention or popularity in communities.
- You take things more seriously than you should.
- You think too much about what people think of you.

My advice to you;
- Don't worry about peoples opinions of you.
- Don't take things like the forums and the games as seriously.

Please don't give hate on the comment, I was trying to be as honest as I could. If you weren't expecting comments like this, I wouldn't have made this thread.
Sorry, if this seems rude, just my honest opinion.
Also please note this what I have seen you do on the forums and the forums only.


Jan 6, 2014
Reaction score
Hey, gonna be totally honest with you.
Firstly, you seem like a great guy. I always seem you helping out and on the forums. I haven't ever spoken to you on TS, I don't think, but from what I know you see really nice.

But, I'm gonna say the things which stand out to me.
- You seem young, but mature for your age. I would guess you were 12 maybe 13, but you act mature.
- You like to have attention or popularity in communities.
- You take things more seriously than you should.
- You think too much about what people think of you.

My advice to you;
- Don't worry about peoples opinions of you.
- Don't take things like the forums and the games as seriously.

Please don't give hate on the comment, I was trying to be as honest as I could. If you weren't expecting comments like this, I wouldn't have made this thread.
Sorry, if this seems rude, just my honest opinion.
Also please note this what I have seen you do on the forums and the forums only.
Okay, I'll try to be better about that :)

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