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Ʀoyals ⎛US Division⎠

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Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score

Age: I am currently 13 years of age, turning 14 this August 25th!
IGN:Kipzy or IxLegendz with Proficientz
Name: Kellen but I prefer Kip!
Wins: 270 + 35 + 20 + 155 = 480
Games Played: Just around 3000 total, but that is because I played many many games as an inexperienced player! I hope this infracture does not conclude my chances of being able to join the clan!
Skype Name: IxLegendz
Donor: Iron donor
Maturity level (0/10): 8.5
Activity level (0/10): 9.9
Past clans: Prodigious, Sovereign, Poptarts, Element, Element2.0 etc
Why would you want to join this clan? I had a downfall with my last clan always disagreeing with their opinions and such I feel as if I don't want to be apart of them and realized that this clan is a stronger suit for me and will help me prove to the world that I can be who I am! I know this clan from when it used to exist, I used to be rivals with this clan and I feel that I now need to come together with this clan because it honestly just feels like a better home then where I was at just a little while ago its not as fun knowing that the next morning your leader/owner could be banned for DD'oS threatenings! I mean lets be real here! We all want to be founded upon our establishment with good founders and this clan has that! I really hope my past does not interfere with the present it't something I would go back and change but it's out of my ability thanks!"-Its better to be hated for good reasons, than to be loved for reasons that don't exist" -Kipper


District 13
Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score

Age: I am currently 13 years of age, turning 14 this August 25th!
IGN:Kipzy or IxLegendz with Proficientz
Name: Kellen but I prefer Kip!
Wins: 270 + 35 + 20 + 155 = 480
Games Played: Just around 3000 total, but that is because I played many many games as an inexperienced player! I hope this infracture does not conclude my chances of being able to join the clan!
Skype Name: IxLegendz
Donor: Iron donor
Maturity level (0/10): 8.5
Activity level (0/10): 9.9
Past clans: Prodigious, Sovereign, Poptarts, Element, Element2.0 etc
Why would you want to join this clan? I had a downfall with my last clan always disagreeing with their opinions and such I feel as if I don't want to be apart of them and realized that this clan is a stronger suit for me and will help me prove to the world that I can be who I am! I know this clan from when it used to exist, I used to be rivals with this clan and I feel that I now need to come together with this clan because it honestly just feels like a better home then where I was at just a little while ago its not as fun knowing that the next morning your leader/owner could be banned for DD'oS threatenings! I mean lets be real here! We all want to be founded upon our establishment with good founders and this clan has that! I really hope my past does not interfere with the present it't something I would go back and change but it's out of my ability thanks!"-Its better to be hated for good reasons, than to be loved for reasons that don't exist" -Kipper
Not recommended.


Mar 17, 2013
Reaction score

Age: I am currently 13 years of age, turning 14 this August 25th!
IGN:Kipzy or IxLegendz with Proficientz
Name: Kellen but I prefer Kip!
Wins: 270 + 35 + 20 + 155 = 480
Games Played: Just around 3000 total, but that is because I played many many games as an inexperienced player! I hope this infracture does not conclude my chances of being able to join the clan!
Skype Name: IxLegendz
Donor: Iron donor
Maturity level (0/10): 8.5
Activity level (0/10): 9.9
Past clans: Prodigious, Sovereign, Poptarts, Element, Element2.0 etc
Why would you want to join this clan? I had a downfall with my last clan always disagreeing with their opinions and such I feel as if I don't want to be apart of them and realized that this clan is a stronger suit for me and will help me prove to the world that I can be who I am! I know this clan from when it used to exist, I used to be rivals with this clan and I feel that I now need to come together with this clan because it honestly just feels like a better home then where I was at just a little while ago its not as fun knowing that the next morning your leader/owner could be banned for DD'oS threatenings! I mean lets be real here! We all want to be founded upon our establishment with good founders and this clan has that! I really hope my past does not interfere with the present it't something I would go back and change but it's out of my ability thanks!"-Its better to be hated for good reasons, than to be loved for reasons that don't exist" -Kipper
Accepted as trial
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