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Luke's Guide to becoming a top PVP'er


May 19, 2014
Reaction score
FIRST STEP: Be in control!
  • Comfort: Make sure that you are in a comfortable position in your chair that enables you to easily move your hands and arms around.
  • Mouse Sensitivity: Make sure that your mouse is at the perfect sensitivity so that you have the ability to turn quickly if your opponent is strafing. You also want it so that you can be accurate with the bow.
  • Organising your inventory: Make sure that you use the hot keys 1,2,3 and 4 to your advantage. These keys are the easiest to reach, and therefore, you should put things like swords, fishing rods, bows and flint and steel in these slots. Also make sure that you empty your inventory of unnecessary junk every now and then
SECOND STEP: Know how much damage you're doing and taking
  • In full iron, a critical hit with an iron sword takes away two hearts - two and a half hearts.
  • With no armour, a stone sword does around 4 hearts of damage, with a critical hit!
  • Bow Damage: A fully drawn back bow will do around 2 hearts of damage to an enemy in full iron. A half drawn back bow will do around half of a full shot. A single drawn back bow (A spam shot) will only do half a heart, Don't overestimate the power of a half drawn back bow, however don't underestimate it.
  • Flint and Steel: If a person runs into a flint and steel, they will experience 8 'ticks' of damage. Each tick does around 1/2 a heart, depending on armour.
  • Blocking: Blocking is extremely important for teaming, and defending. Blocking absorbs half the damage you would normally take from a hit.
  • Spawn: GO TO SPAWN CHESTS. Every single spawn chest is a tier 2 chest, and you will get the most valuable loot out of these chests. If you get a weapon out of one of these chests, feel free to spawn kill people, because they will also have looted the tier 2 chests.
  • Routes: Establish good chest routes on all maps. A way to do this is by firstly playing the map a few times. If you find a tier 2 chest try and remember the exact location of it. Then search the area for more chests. Chest routes should either have a few tier 2 chests or a large number of tier 1 chests (make sure there are tier 2's.) You can also download some maps off the forums to help you find chests.
  • What to take: Too often I see people leaving valuable items behind in chests such as sticks, flint and feathers. All of these materials can be used to make things such as arrows, flint and steel, and weapons, so TAKE THEM. I also recommend taking weapons that deal the same amount of damage as the weapon you possess, same goes for armour. Make sure you burn stuff that isn't useful for you, but might be useful for another player.
  • Sword Strategies: The most important fighting and sword strategies follow: Strafing, critical hits and block hitting. All these strats will help your chances of winning battles. I strongly recommend block hitting when fighting in a massive ruck.
  • Fishing Rod: Use the fishing rod to get good combos on another player. When approaching someone release your rod so it knocks them back. This disorientates them, and allows you to get more hits than they can. Fishing rods can also be used to boost a teammate, to boost yourself, to stuff up someone's running, and to fend someone off.
  • Bow: Make sure you have a crosshair that enhances your bow shooting. I prefer the defscape crosshair. When in bow combat make sure you fully pull back your bow, and strafe to the left or right everytime you shoot, so your enemy has a harder time hitting you. If you know you are about to take an arrow to the face, quickly block your sword, so it only does half the damage. If you feel like you aren't getting enough hits with the bow, run away for a bit, then try again.
  • Flint and Steel: Make sure you don't show off your flint and steel too much before you use it, as the player will know you are about to use it, and won't be fooled when you place it on the ground. Have it in the fourth, 3rd or second slot for easy access. Remember if someone is one fire, they will also run slower. Use flint and steel as a defensive mechanism. DONT use it as attack, you will end up placing down in front of you and running through it. If you are low and you light someone on fire, don't rush in, they still have more health than you, instead use their slowness to retreat, or fire arrows at them.
  • Water fights: Don't just jump into the water when you see someone on the other side of the shore. They might have a bow, which they could easily use to kill you. Instead, wait for them. In water melee fights, travel underneath your opponent, as their hit-box is low on their body.
Thank you for reading my Survival Games Tips and Tricks. To improve with these skills simply play Survival Games, or battle grounds. GOOD LUCK!


Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
These are very good tips but I alredy know evry single one.


District 13
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
Woah! Well put together guide with grammar and all! Sweet, I enjoy reading these kinds.


Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
Nice guide! I like how you mention other important factors like having a good chest route, organizing your inventory, being in control of the situation... Good job. :D


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
This is actually a very different approach than normal guides. It presents not only directly game-changing elements, but also quality of life variables such as your seating position?!? That's just wow :p
It's not super long, but it doesn't need to be. This is actually really helpful +1

Something that people very often both overrate and underrate is mouse sensitivity. Some people claim that getting used to hyperspeed will let you strafe better, while others say lower is more useful for accuracy with bows. What do you play on?
Also, just a little addition, but mouse sensitivity is not only affected by in-game settings, but also your computer pointer settings and if you have something such as a Razer mouse, it can be changed by your mouse settings as well, meaning that something such as 100 on your MC Settings for sensitivity might be faster or slower than someone else's.


Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score
A few things that i noticed were
1: armor has no effect on flint and steel damage,it will do 3 1/2 hearts unless you jump in water.
2: all the chests are tier two on most maps, but on some (such as breeze island) only some of the spawn chests are tier 2

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