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The Rivals [US Clan]

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Justin / Bullet

Feb 19, 2014
Reaction score
Name: My name in real life is Justin, but no one calls me that. I normally go by Bullet.
Minecraft IGN: My in-game name is BulletJC, although I do have an alt account that I use for scrims if that's okay.
Age: I am 14 years old.
Skype name: My Skype username is justinqcai: add me!
Teamspeak: I do have TeamSpeak.
Donor: I have diamond donor on both BulletJC and my scrim account.
Wins: I currently have 306 wins on my main account.
Games Played: I currently have played 1265 games on my main account, which is roughly 24.3% won out of my games played!
How active are you 1/10: I have been on the TS a lot recently, but on such bad timing because whenever I'm on, you guys are normally scrimming, which I guess is a good thing :3 I've been talking with friends/VIPs on the TS. However, I was there for Open Mic Night ;) So, in current status maybe a 6-7, but if I get accepted, probably a 7-8.
How mature are you 1/10: It depends on the situation. If it is during a scrim or any sort of battle, I will be completely mature. If we are just chilling and goofing around, obviously my maturity level will decrease as I'm trying to have fun rather than concentrate on a scrim or something. So, during scrims/battles: 9, and during normal times: 7-8
Past clans: Past clans I have been in are: 1. Eternity, led by NativeTalent. Definitely the most fun, active, and best clan I have been in. I was in it until the day it disbanded.
2. Invition, led by Frigidus and Sim_Man. Also a fun clan, but I didn't feel like I fit in so I left a week or 2 after I joined.
3. Salvation/React, led by Marchello and Trudaory. This was by far one of the best clans I was in. However, the reason I left was because I never got moved up, and even after repeatedly asking they still didn't move me up so I could play with them. This, in my eyes, was excluding me out of clan events, and although they were a very good clan I didn't want to deal with that.
4. Last but not least, I was in Excel, led by bbLLER. Now, what to say. This clan DEFINITELY had some of the most chill people on MCSG. They were like family to me. Now, the question is, why would I leave that? The answer is because of their inactivity. Although they treated me very well and I enjoyed their company, that's not all a clan has to have. They also need to be active.
Why do you want to join The Rival: I would like to join The Rivals because this clan is definitely one of the best when it comes to teamwork, sportsmanship, and overall kindness. (Although, there was one 'composition' in the Open Mic Night by Nick that I didn't understand... XD) This clan seems to be active, it'll include all members (That's obvious from all the people I see in the Scrim Room on TS) and will act like a family.
Are you willing to wear The Rival headband: In fact, I sorta want The Rivals headband xD
How would you help this clan: I would help this clan by enlightening the mood whenever someone's down, or is pissed off. I would also help by showing new routes and choke points on certain maps. Maybe even in PvP, although everyone in here is so good I might not be sure of that.
Tell us more about yourself: My name is Justin, currently 14, and I live on the East Coast (EST) I'm roughly 30 minutes away from Washington, D.C. I attend the 4th best High School in the nation, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology.
Do you know any leaders of this clan: I wouldn't say personally know them, but I have seen quite a lot of the members on YT (DarkraiDood, Sportsfan's Top 5 submission, Concon, etc.) I also somewhat know darklum3n and efrecenswellow from the times I was on React's TeamSpeak.

One last thing: To anyone who may be reading or reviewing over my application, I confidently feel I am better than my statistics. My ratio may only be 24.3% right now, but if you checked my stat page you'll see I have won 23 out of my last 50 games played, which is significantly higher than what my actual ratio is and I believe my current skill surpasses what you may think my skill is. Well, finally, that's about it. I hope you take into consideration my application and everything I have written.

Yours Truly,
Wow I remember this xD
I tried so hard c: It's been over a month since I applied yoo


Nov 6, 2013
Reaction score
I love replying to threads on tablets. It usually duplicates my posts :D


Feb 5, 2014
Reaction score
I was Invited By iBearHD

Name: Kevin
Minecraft IGN:StarTheKnight
Age:14 {When I was Born, my voice didnt sound right, ;(
Skype name:StarTheKnight
Teamspeak: Yes
Donor:Nope, getting one soon
Wins:113 {I'm a trackpad player and i think im pretty good with a trackpad and im getting a Mouse in summer, so i would do better when i have a mouse}
Games Played:1926
How active are you 1/10: 9
How mature are you 1/10:9.5
Past clans: Infected, Established and ArtOfPvp
Why do you want to join The Rival: Because this is the clan that i was born for, this is my home and i want to hangout with my friends!
Are you willing to wear The Rival headband: Yes Sir!
How would you help this clan: First I would make a Clan Resource Pack {Already Made} and also i would help in CW and CB
Tell us more about yourself: i am a fanboi of iBearHD
Do you know any leaders of this clan: ik Jacob | Zlim95



Oct 1, 2013
Reaction score
I was Invited By iBearHD

Name: Kevin
Minecraft IGN:StarTheKnight
Age:14 {When I was Born, my voice didnt sound right, ;(
Skype name:StarTheKnight
Teamspeak: Yes
Donor:Nope, getting one soon
Wins:113 {I'm a trackpad player and i think im pretty good with a trackpad and im getting a Mouse in summer, so i would do better when i have a mouse}
Games Played:1926
How active are you 1/10: 9
How mature are you 1/10:9.5
Past clans: Infected, Established and ArtOfPvp
Why do you want to join The Rival: Because this is the clan that i was born for, this is my home and i want to hangout with my friends!
Are you willing to wear The Rival headband: Yes Sir!
How would you help this clan: First I would make a Clan Resource Pack {Already Made} and also i would help in CW and CB
Tell us more about yourself: i am a fanboi of iBearHD
Do you know any leaders of this clan: ik Jacob | Zlim95

Declined IBear said he never invited you...
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