Just a couple of things to comment on:
1. You definitely don't need a Intel Xeon processor for Minecraft. Those are commonly used as workstation processors, and are configured with dual CPU motherboards. Overall, the best CPUs in my opinion for gaming are Intel i5 series processors. Specifically, the 4000 series. I like the 4670K, as it's unlocked good for overclocking.
2. I would recommend an Nvidia graphics card, preferably something along the GTX line. I'm building a computer with a Geforce GTX 770 4GB. I think your money might be better spent on a different card.
3. The RAM may be a little much if you plan to play Minecraft. It's generally not a very intense game on your graphics card, and more so on your CPU. 8GB should serve more than enough.
4. Not too much of a cause for concern, but the power supply seems a little less than reputable. I would recommend power supplies with 80+ Gold or higher.
5. Not a whole lot for concern, but only one fan? I guess it just makes a bit of sense to me to get more fans if you plan on using your stock cooler for your build.
Threw this together. I'll leave the OS choice up to you
I estimate you'll be pulling a good 150 to 200 easily when crowded. Hopefully more. Hard to say exactly.
I tried to maintain two things. Firstly, the price. I tried to stay below 1.9 grand. Likewise, I geared the build towards a red color theme.