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Top US MCSG Clans.

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michael harmon

Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
I love how the day befor today rivals are below top 3 or 5 then after today they are ranked 2.
Just after one fight


May 5, 2013
Reaction score
I love how the day befor today rivals are below top 3 or 5 then after today they are ranked 2.
Just after one fight
I just love how before the fight I thought they were number two, I just never commented on any lists.


District 13
Apr 3, 2013
Reaction score
Might as well make a list. xP If you have a problem with any of my choices feel free to state your opinion in a non-flame way. This is just my opinion on the Best Clans of MCSG. You are all entitled to yours, but here's mine c:

1. Forgotten~ Even though Forgotten is not as good as they used to be, in my opinion, I still consider Forgotten to be one of the best clans. They have extremely skilled players as well as outstanding teamwork. Forgotten has held their number one spot for a while, and I believe they will continue to hold it for a while longer.

2. Rebels~ Some people believe that Rebels are not as good as they used to be because they have lost a lot of their original players and the players that people thought were players that made them skilled. But when they left they did not necessarily make Rebels worse, but started a new era of Rebels. Rebels are still the skilled players they used to be, but just in a different way. Even though the Rebels may change or gone through tough times, they have stayed strong through all of it, and I believe they will only get stronger and more skilled.

3. Trivium~ Even though Trivium has not been up for that long in comparison to other clans nor have they clan battled yet. I have personally witnessed Trivium's skill. You may classify this as "biased", but it is not. As with Rebels, I was able to evaluate them better because I had been apart of them, and that's the same thing I am doing with Trivium, and this is my opinion. Trivium has very good teamwork as well as exceptional skill. As Trivium gets older and more experienced they will only get better.

From this point on I am not sure about these clans, so these are not necessarily in order because I don't know an excessive amount of these clans, but I will do my best.

4. Rivals~ I don't know extreme amount about this clan, but I know enough to know that they are a skilled clan. They are a cool a group of people who are also decently skilled at PvP. I have scrimmed them a few times, and even thought scrims do not give you a full view of a clan, they can give you a basic view, and in scrims they do consistently well, and they deserve there position in the top clans.

5. Vanguard~ Vanguard has relatively good PvPers and has been up for a decent amount of time, so they definitely have the experience and know what they are doing. I don't know an insane amount of this clan, but from what I know they are doing good and deserve to be on the top clans list.

6. Titans~ Titans have just recently been brought back and that is one of the reasons that I have not placed them higher. Titans have some outstanding PvPers in their clan, but they are currently not active enough and too new to be ranked higher. I do believe that as time goes on they will climb to clan leaderboards.

7. Eternity~ Eternity has just recently been brought back, but they are already off to a great start. I can't really evaluate them that much because I do not know much about them, but I can say that they will continue to get better.

Please do not flame on my opinion as this is my opinion, and I am as entitled to have my own opinion as much as you are. Comments are fine just at long as they aren't flame inducing. ^.^


Dec 23, 2012
Reaction score
I love how if Trivium or Titans beat Forgotten or came really close they would move up the list really fast,
That's exactly how it happened in Titansv1. Titans were the first and only clan to consistently beat Forgotten, whether scrims or not, while in their prime. Forgotten is the turning point for all clans. If you beat them or come close, you climb the clan leaderboards, fast.


Mar 30, 2014
Reaction score
Titans were the first and only clan to consistently beat Forgotten, whether scrims or not, while in their prime.
At one point Rebels would win more scrims and for a long time we'd be balanced in scrims.
just realized I'm logged on to the wrong account -Krafty
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